Trying to gain weight

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Jan 15, 2013
Hi :p
I was just wondering what everyone does when they need to gain weight. Everyone tells me, just eat! I have been eating but I don't have a large appetite. I'm going to start drinking Ensure soon but I was wondering if anyone else has any tips? I'm getting lectured by my GI and mother on my weight loss. Any tips I'll appreciate. Thanks everyone!!!! :strawberry:
Try eating easy high calorie foods.

An easy way for myself.......even though I have a hard time too........I use a lot of healthy fats/oils. Walnut oil, mac nut oil, almond oil.......etc.
I pour it over my food to add HEALTHY fats to my diet.

Just note, start small. Adding 2 TBSP to something right away might have you running to the bathroom.......if you aren't already. lol
I wish I knew. I used to have to struggle to get my weight up, but I would manage it when I put my mind to really eating more. Now I'm still doing all the same things with getting in high calorie foods, but the weight just won't go on and I'm beginning to get desperate.

Before my problem was always just lack of appetite. I'm beginning to wonder whether this time I'm actually not digesting food properly either.

Sorry I can't help!
My 15 year old daughter wasn't putting on much weight .....i recently started adding boost to her milkshakes and she has put on 2kg.

Good luck
We move to high calorie foods. Drink whole milk, add butter and cream cheese to mash potatoes, if you make a sandwich add butter. Just find ways to get extra calories in.

My son drinks a boost in the morning with a hard boiled egg for breakfast. And then drinks a boost at night before he goes to bed. Lots of extra calories all day long. Get the high calorie ensure or boost or you can do carnation instant breakfast with whole milk.

Maybe talk to your Dr. about your lack of appetite that usually means things are not under control. My son's GI said Pentasa was like taking aspirin for a brain tumor. It is usually only used for crohn's if it is in conjunction with another medication. My guess is you might have some mild inflammation simmering away.

Hope you are gaining weight soon! ((((((Hugs)))))))))
What helped me to gain around 30 to 40lbs of weight (I can still bounce around on my weight.) was avoiding grains, plus taking a few supplements such as vitamin D3 reaching a testing level above 50ng/ml, fish oil, kelp tablets, curcumin, along with eating more frequently low fiber meals. I also took up exercising with a trainer as I had more energy to do so. Figure with the change in diet I'm now absorbing foods better.
Lots and lots of milk

4 pints of semi-skimmed is like £1-£1.40, so it's kinda cheap too. I could easily go through more but I'm still gaining weight at the calories I'm at now so there's no need for me. Just don't sub the milk for food and it's all good.

Best to drink it after food as well since you might end up feeling full
I guess one of the first things we need to know is if you are avoiding any foods because of diet choice or intolerance/allergy?

Gaining weight is difficult. Don't feel bad when those who don't "get it" act like it is easy.
Thanks for all the advice, everyone!
I will try adding extra calories to my food .
I just wish I had more of an appetite, and energy too.
Sometimes gaining better nutrition will add to having a better apetite. The ensure drinks might be a solution here. Easy form of nutrition into your body. Once its helps you will notice you want to eat again. Also good just to add calories to everything like the advice you have allready been given. Good luck. I am also trying to gain weight. ;)
And no, I'm currently not avoiding any foods except spicy things when I can! I'm actually not a picky eater,its just hard to eat when you have no appetite and nauseous. Just feel way too skinny and people always comment on my weight and act like I'm purposely not gaining it.
If you aren't on a special diet or avoiding any certain foods then definitely try boost, ensure, or something similar. Try to purchase small amounts of different brands and flavors to see which ones you prefer. You can also add the powdered type (or another powdered calorie booster) to smoothies which will be easier to get down. Drinking calories is much easier than chewing them. Good luck and keep us posted :)
A lot of people with Crohn's have various food sensitivities/allergies which can either cause negative reactions, and/or find their body just won't digest certain types of food or absorb the calories.

If you are lactose intolerant, milk may not be a good choice, however you should be able to eat yogurt and drink kefir instead as they are both 99% lactose free--or switch to a lactaid product.

Some find it helpful to add calories by adding oil to your beverages, or a protein powder made for bodybuilders.

Unfirtunately, Ohio is not one of the states that has legalized medical marijuana, but I understand it is currently being considered. Medical marijuana is known to decrease nausea and increase appetite.

best of luck!
Thanks, Charleigh!! That's all very helpful!! I'm going to start trying all these things and keep everyone updated. As of right now, I'm 90 pounds and 5 foot 3. I look 12, an unhealthy 12 at that lol

Ya Noy, it's funny you mentioned medical marijuana. I was just wondering if they prescribe it to Crohn's patients in states that it's medically legal. Thanks!
Ya Noy, it's funny you mentioned medical marijuana. I was just wondering if they prescribe it to Crohn's patients in states that it's medically legal. Thanks!

In states where it's legal, prescribing physicians are usually given fairly broad discretion. Crohn's may not be one of the specific ailments listed, but instead, it can be prescribed for chronic nausea, pain, depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia, etc. Most people with Crohn's who would benefit from MM can probably fit in there somewhere.

There is currently a compassionate marijuana bill pending in my state of Illinois and I know several people here who could truly benefit from it passing, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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