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Jan 11, 2012
I am starting a new job (was supposed to be today) in a daycare. I had to have a bunch of papers signed from my dr (vax etc) and a TB test. I had the TB test 2.5 years ago because I was volunteering in a seniors home. It was negative. This time it was positive and OMG it was huge! When I went back to my dr 48 hrs later for him to check I just knew something was wrong. It measures 15x15mm. I had to go have a chest xray right away and once we get the results (tomorrow) they will either clear me for work, or not :( Ugh.. I go back on Sat where I will start on a 9 mos course of meds and I have to see a lung specialist.
Devynn had a routine ped appt yesterday and when she saw my arm (I showed her because I am worried about my kids being exposed, my dr said not to worry unless xrays show I am active) she flipped out. She wanted to test Devynn right away, which was great. I want to make sure they are ok. She said anyone with Cancer, HIV and IBD are at the highest risks of developing TB if they are exposed. So far Devynn's injection site is completely normal (PLEASE pray it stays that way). Which I am very hopeful about because by now, mine was massive.
Has anyone had any experience? I am SO worried that my kids may have been exposed because #1 we have NO clue how, when or where I was exposed. From what the dr's told us exposure is usually from being or knowing someone in a homeless shelter, womens shelter, hospital or nursing home, or jail. I only volunteered in the nursing home for a few mos because my Mom got sick and passed away and I just couldn't return. I don't know anyone in any type of shelter, or jail. Devynn also volunteered in the nursing home, but wasn't required to do the TB test (not sure why) and 99.9% of any hospital stuff was for her. My oldest daughter also volunteered in the nursing home and DID have to do the TB test, which was also negative. We drink out of each others cups etc. The dr said not to worry about that because its contracted when an infected person coughs and the bacteria (I think, or whatever they call the active disease) comes up from the lungs and into the air. It is then airbourne... scary as hell.
I am a bit of a basket case because I don't know much about this, other than the horror stories I remember hearing as a kid.
Also, please keep Devynn and the rest of my kids in your prayers, good thoughts etc that they have not been exposed. I have been either in tears or close to them since Sunday really. I KNEW something was very wrong :(
~~UPDATE~~ The xrays are clear and Devynn's test is negative. I will find out Saturday if I need the 9 mos of meds. Thank you all for the well wishes and kind thoughts. xo
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Uggh, so sorry you have this to worry about. Seems like there's always something to worry about! :(

I know very little about TB as well so no info for you.

I hope all is clear with Devynn and everyone else at home! :ghug:
Thank you Tess. I am very hopeful about her test. Its been about 18 hours and mine was so big within a few hours.
Here is some info on why it is possible to have a false positive...(hoping that is what you have!!!)

Infection with Nontuberculous Mycobacteria

Although there are other, less common species within the same genus that can also cause TB, there are many other species of Mycobacterium that do not cause tuberculosis at all. A person who has been infected with another member of this genus may falsely test positive, since the PDD antigen used in the TB injection is common to other nontuberculous Mycobacteria.

BCG Vaccination

Although not yet used in the US due to questionable effectiveness, BCG (Bacille Calmette Guerin) vaccination is a TB immunization. Past inoculation with this vaccine can result in a positive TB test.

Booster Phenomenon

The TB "booster phenomenon" occurs because the immune system of someone previously infected with TB may lose its ability to react to tuberculin over time. Years later, when that person is skin tested again, the new test will come up negative, but the act of testing reminds the immune system about the previous infection.

If TST tested again, within a year, that person may have a positive reaction, because the first skin test essentially jogged the memory or the immune system, in effect, boosting its ability to react to tuburculin. This phenomenon is mainly seen in previously TB infected older adults.

Bottom line, a positive tuberculin skin test is not sufficient to distinguish among those:

•with a previous or current Mycobacterial infection other than M. tuberculosis
•who have been immunized with BCG
•previously infected but with no current infection
•with a latent TB infection
•with an active TB infection

Hoping the follow up testing is all negative for you!
Thank you! It was just over 2.5 years ago when I had the last test. I have never been vaccinated. BUT the dr said even if I have been exposed, with the 9 mos of meds I will be fine. I hope everything is neg. I am so worried. They did the chest xray yesterday morning as soon as he read my test (swelling). I'm not sure if the lung specialist will do another one, but the family dr won't.
What a scare you must have had! Take comfort in the fact that you are doing everything you can right now. Your Dr.'s seem wonderful and seem to be on top of all potential issues.

But I will certainly say a prayer that Devynns test remains negative. I am so glad you were able to find this out so you can take precautions and get some early treatment. Hopefully, you have just gotten a false positive. (((((Hugs)))))
I had an allergic reaction to the preservative in my TB test. My arm became very red and swollen and itched immensely. It was the most intense itching I'd ever experienced. When I went back to have it read I was just sure it was positive (I'd had a TB test before and did not react). I was surprised to learn it was an allergic reaction and they told me it does happen, just rarely. They took pictures of my arm to post in the office as a reference. Could your reaction be allergic in nature and not truly a positive reading? Either way, praying for you!
Johnnysmom, thank you. I hope its a false positive too. But according to my dr, its pretty rare. BUT I am hoping!

DanceMom, hmm my doctor didn't mention it, neither did Devynn's. They both said a false positive is rare. I wish I would have taken a pic now. My dr didn't seem as concerned as Devynn's doctor. SHE was completely freaked out. She said she had never seen a positive as big as mine. I have to go back in Sat, so I will ask about allergic reactions. A neighbour had told me she had an allergic reaction a few hours after I had my test. Mine was already red and swelling. She looked and said "Oh thats nothing, you should have seen mine" But I know, two different allergic reactions could look totally different. I am still hoping it was a false pos. Either way, we will have the xray results tomorrow some time.
How scary. Hope it is a false positive. Sending loads of support and prayers to you, Devynn and the rest of the family.
Thank you mylittlesunshine, so far so good with Devynn. NO reaction at all :D

Thank you upsetmom, Devynn has had no reaction. I will be ok, I will just have to take the meds for 9 mos *grumble grumble* I am so bad at taking pills. I am on top of her, but I am SO bad at taking meds myself.
So sorry you are having to worry about this. FWIW A girl in my daughter's youth group returned from their trip and had her routine physical for high school sports about 3 months later. Don't ask me why but for some reason the TB test was part of the physical. She turned up positive. Chest xray positive. She did the round of meds and was fine. She has three sisters and a mom who is a nurse and during the mission trip shared plenty of cups, food and dare I say spit (with a certain cute boy). No one else got sick.

The docs did summize she got it while working in the nursing home on the mission trip.

Fast forward to O going on trip. I asked the GI if I should restrict O's assignments and ask for her not to be assigned to nursing home. He asked why and I told him. He fluffed it off as no problem or concern at all. Then he said, if we were to restrict that we mine as well restrict her from working at a kids camp because plenty of them travel abroad and could be bringing it back...then how about school....turns out our district has the highest rate of TB because we have a lot of students who travel to countries where there is TB, then don't walk into any ER's or hospitals...etc.

He said, basically just to be sure not to travel to countries where there is active infection or stay away from people who show active infection.

My logical self would think if you got those TB germs a while ago and D hasn't shown any signs she is probably mommy self would be trying to shove logical self out of the way.

Saying prayers here that all is well with everyone.
Thank you crohnsinct, I'm trying not to freak out. Devynn's test spot is completely flat and not the least bit red. So that makes me feel a lot better. I will feel MUCH better once we get my xray results and Devynn has the all clear. THEN I will be happy! lol
I pray all turns out well for you. Didn't think TB was that common anymore, but then again my niece had scarlet fever a couple yrs ago, and I didn't think that was around anymore either. I don't think it's anything like it used to be as far as it's severity. Treatments have come along way. Hopefully your's is a false positive case.
Thank you CrohnsKidMom :) I hope its a false positive too. But you are right, treatments have come a long way. From what I am reading, as long as you take the meds properly, it will get rid of it. Funny enough, I had scarlet fever (and strep throat at the same time) when I was 6 years old. You don't really hear about scarlet fever anymore. My kids had no clue what it was.
Glad Devynn seems okay so far, hope the x-ray is clear so you can relax. Hope your treatment works quickly. I think things like TB and scarlet fever are starting to get about again where ever you are. With all the air travel from countries all over the world, I'm sure bugs are able to travel easier.
We had an outbreak of scarlet fever a couple years ago - they do not isolate kids with it anymore - they are just left to be cared for by their parents at home - so it did spread a little bit (thankfully nothing since then).
Did they do the Quantiferon Gold blood test after the positive PPD? I understand it is quite common to have a positive PPD yet is NOT be caused by TB. My older son had a positive PPD and then tested negative for TB with Quantiferon gold. He did not need the months of meds.
Sascot, the xrays are CLEAR!!! I will prob still have to take the meds because I had a neg test 2 years ago. BUT its clear. Devynn's is negative, no reaction at all.
dannysmom, no the blood test I had done was just to see if I needed more vax before starting in the daycare. I will mention this for sure, thank you. Devynn has had no reaction at all, so hers is negative. My xrays are clear!
Hi Devynsmom, I'm really glad your X-ray was negative an all is well with Devynn! I also had to have a tb test while working at a hospital. I tested positive every time (before I knew that once you test positive you are not supposed to be tested again!). They sent me for chest X-rays each time and all seemed clear. I do remember that at one point they wanted me to take meds but I didn't. For the next 15 years they had to X-ray me for work each year and all was well. The meds should eliminate the of luck.
Thank you awmom, yeah someone else told me that once you test positive once you are not supposed to test again. I guess I will know more Saturday.
I tested positive (11 mm) once and then had chest xrays after for several years. I never became symptomatic. Then when I moved to Alaska, I decided to see what happened, and I never had a positive test again (have had 4 or 5 since moving here). I tend to react to all meds in an ultra-sensitive way, and I get a red lump at first when I do the test, but it is usually gone by the time it needs to be red...

I hope your doc can sort it all out quickly so you can have peace of mind no matter what happens.
Thank you Carol, I hope so too. He's a good doctor, so I am sure I will have some good solid answers after seeing him Saturday. I've never really reacted to any meds, but there is always a first time for everything. Its still very swollen. Not nearly as big as Monday, but its big enough that everyone is asking what bit me! lol
Oh my goodness! What a week you have had Samantha! :ghug::ghug::ghug:

What a relief to read that you are both okay and all is clear! :):):)

Good luck with the appointment and I hope you are able to find answers and reassurance. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Thank you Dusty, it has been quite a rough week. But I am just SO thankful that Devynn is ok and that my xray was negative. I will update after my appt tomorrow.

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