Hi, I have a two year old little boy who has always had diarrhea, he has never had a solid or semi solid stool in his life. He also could go up to 10-12 times daily, like we change him a few times a day because of the mess, we have ro regularly change his bedding and shower him in the night it is never ending. I questioned this alot at phn appointments and even durring hospital admissions for other things and was always bluffed off that it was because he was breastfeeding, we stopped breastfeeding at 19 months and no change. He has swollen lymphnodes on his neck for over a year and when we finally got seen by a paed for them I addressed the diarrhea and was told it was toddlers diarrhea. I asked for them to do more as there's a family history of ibd, his father had uc and last year had his bowel removed. So they ran bloods and hes anemic, sent him on his way advising me to start him on iron. We were back up 4 months later and I told them to refer him private as his paediatric kept telling me to relax it was just toddlers diarrhea. While waiting on his private appointment he had a hospital admission for stomach issues, his stomach was very distended and he was having temps so gp sent us up. They ran bloods he's still anemic but it's the only thing that ever flags, and they done a stool sample for calprotectin and an xray which showed dilated bowel loops but nobody seemed concerned. Ff a few weeks and I had to ring up to see about his calprotectin and I was told it came back at over 6000 and let the specialist know when we see him. The specialist couldn't care less about any of that information and just say across from me and said its toddlers diarrhea because he looks well!!! He eventually agreed to a scope (that he said the waiting list was huge for a won't be for a longggg time) but then changed to a rectal biopsy and a throat scope? I don't know why I was too annoyed to ask but when I receive the appointment i will be ringing up and asking! Has anyone any advice on this, I have some drs and nurses in shock that no one has taken this seriously given the strong family history, and then the top drs give is a 5 minute appointment look at him say he's fine pay me 300euro and be on your way. Just looking for advice on anyone ever been in the same situation as us