Uk stomas now classsed as "legally disabled"

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mum with a dogdy tum
Oct 10, 2007
uk stomas now classsed as "legally disabled"

i get a free magazine every 3 months called charter, their phone no. is 0800 132 787.
there is a article in there and an interesting read it is. i enclosed the phone no. so you can get you own copy, this article is in issuse 32.

"THE DISABLITY discrimation act defines disabilty as "phyisical or mental impairment which which has a long term adverse affect on normal day to day activities"
the normal day to day activities are... physical co-ordanation, CONTINENCE.......

Because our stomas are incontinent, and we have them long term, were classed as legally diasbled.
and as such we have the right to have to have longer toilet breaks at work.
you can get a grant to put a second loo in your home. and all of the water companies reduce their costs for ostomy customers is you are water metered.

they is loads more info is this magazine, the mag isnt available online yet.
sharon xx
That's interesting Sharon.

I like the water meter bit, water metering isn't in here yet, but they're talking about it.
i had my water company reduce their costs, according to their computer i am a "vunerable customer" god that makes me feel old. sharon xx
Interesting on the water meter situation. I will check that out here in Massachusetts and see if I can get a bit of a break for all of the flushing that goes on around my house :)

thanks for bringing that to our attention, Sharon. interesting indeed. i wonder if this classification also affects stoma patients' rights to Disability Living Allowance and Mobility vehicles etc.. worth looking into for anyone who has a stoma, or lives with someone who has.