Hello, I am new to the Forum but have read on here for the last several years. I am currently undiagnosed and miserable. I have been to 3 GI doctors and my current doctor tells me I just need to learn how to live my life, that it's just IBS although I have tried all of the IBS medicine and they do nothing to help!!. I am going to list my symptoms and meds we have tried and any opinions would be greatly appreciated!! Everything began in 2008 after I had my gallbladder out. I am positive I have Crohn's disease but since thee biopsies are always negative, they will not give me a formal diagnosis. I have chronic abdominal pain within 10 minutes of getting out of bed, usually the LRQ or to the left of my navel. I run a slight fever all the time. I cramp to the point of being doubled over in pain. I wake up 4-6 times every night to go to the bathroom. I have diarrhea 10-20+ daily containing mucous, undigested food and has been bloody for the last 8 months. Sometimes my stomach bloats and distends to where I look Pregnant. As soon as I begin a meal, I have to run to the bathroom. Every meal makes me nauseas and I sweat and feel like I am going to pass out, sometimes I get the same feeling right before a bowel movement. I vomit on occasion from the pain. Certain foods will not pass through me, like mushrooms, nuts, celery, meats and fibrous foods. I have had multiple scopes upper and lower, SBFT, Pill Cam. Gastritis and ulcers in stomach and duodenum show on every scope. I have developed arthritis in my back and hips. My joints hurt all the time. I have developed kidney stones since 2012 with no family history. Had to have surgery to remove one in 2013. I am exhausted all the time no matter how long I have slept. I have mouth ulcers in my mouth and on the corners of my mouth. I have also developed Anal Fissures with skin tags. I have tried the NTG suppositories and they will not heal, so I am waiting on a surgical consult for that. I had a cat scan in 2013 that showed Enteritis and Ileitis, small bowel diffusely distended and fluid filled. Elevated CRP, ESR and WBC for the last three lab tests. Vitamin levels are very low such as Vitamin D, B12, Potassium and Iron. My body for the last two months is involuntarily pushing with a bowel movement with nothing coming out except bloody mucous. I am seeing a new doctor next week and hope that he can help me! My brother was diagnosed with Crohn's last year and my mother has had obstructions and a resection last year but she tested negative for IBD. I am just at my wits end and am sick of being sick and tired with no help. I did try Entocort, 9mg daily for 5 months but it did nothing. I take Phenergan when I eat to help with the nausea. I am sorry this is so long but I really hope someone on here can help me! Thank you for listening!
Melissa :ymad:
Melissa :ymad:
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