Izzie, they must use different units of measurement over there for iron. I know that when mine was at its lowest, it was at 30 ug/dL. My GI said that 50 is the bare minimum that it should be at, and my mom was saying that for female high school track runners, they won't allow girls to join the track team if their iron is below something like 75. So yeah, I was really really low as well. It definitely is scary and I completely understand your anxiety over it! But the good news is, most doctors do take low iron very seriously, and they should get you on some treatment right away. If you end up having iron infusions, I should be able to answer any questions you have about that.

Deep breaths! Now that it's known that your iron is low, the first priority should be to get your levels up, and second should be to figure out what's causing the deficiency and of course to put a stop to it. Unfortunately for me the second part is proving much trickier than the first (more blood in my stool last night, ugh).
I also agree that getting a fecal occult blood test done sounds like a good idea. You wouldn't be seriously iron deficient without some sort of bleeding going on (I think). Certainly I didn't become severely deficient until I started bleeding regularly. And yes, my understanding is that small but constant amounts of occult bleeding can indeed cause anemia/iron deficiency, so that could be the cause.
At any rate, I've been in a similar situation so I know how you're feeling. It's terrifying to have solid information about how terrible you're doing, but in a way it's also validating. For me it certainly explained why I was feeling dizzy at times and constantly exhausted. And I will also say, if you do have the infusions - I felt a noticeable difference the very next day, so if you have infusions you should hopefully also feel some immediate relief. Let me know what the doctor says! If they schedule infusions, hopefully you can have them soon. I had my first infusion exactly one week after my GP placed the order for them, so here at least there seems to be a very short waiting time for appointments. I'm rambling now, but good luck and keep me posted! And let me know anytime if you need to vent about the anxiety, I have been there done that just last month (and might do it again if my ass doesn't stop bleeding) so I know what you're going through.
Edit: Wait, I just read your most recent post. So it sounds like you did speak to the doctor and they're just saying that you should take iron pills? If it were me, I wouldn't accept that. I told my GI that I cannot take iron pills as they upset my stomach, so then right away he said we could do infusions instead. Honestly, the infusions did upset my stomach (particularly the first infusion, the second and third infusions weren't nearly as bad) but it was worth it to just have an upset stomach for 48 hours rather than every day from taking pills. If it were me, I'd call the doctor back and say that iron tablets just make you feel awful and ask what your other options are. They should offer you infusions, it's ridiculous to make someone with a history of digestive issues take a pill which is known for it's stomach upsetting properties.
Megan, wow, good luck with your interview as well! Isn't there some old saying about how good things come in threes? Hopefully this is good luck for all 3 of you! And as for whether IBD can spontaneously go into remission or at least get much calmer/quieter spontaneously - yes, I believe it can. It's not common and it's not something that can be relied upon - it's not a remission that's being maintained by medicine and there isn't necessarily mucosal healing, just a reduction or elimination of symptoms (but symptoms don't always necessarily correlate with inflammation - you could still have simmering inflammation that could do damage over time if not treated). So, long story short, it could be remission, but if it were me I wouldn't trust it and would still pursue further testing and treatment. But I am glad to hear that you're doing better!
Kelleh, that's fantastic about your getting your eating and exercise habits to a more healthy place, well done.

But please don't feel guilty for eating at 2:30 PM - I eat lunch at that time! I always eat a late lunch, particularly on days when I go to the gym on my lunch hour. Because of my GERD, I need to not eat anything for at least 2 hours before working out. So I have a snack, usually oatmeal, at about 11:30 AM. Then I go to the gym at 1:30, get back to work at 2:30 and then eat a small lunch at my desk while I catch up on emails. It's a pretty good system.
Speaking of the gym, I guess I'm skipping going again today. The bleeding happened again last night and my stomach feels just a bit "off" today so I know I should rest and try to let things heal and not go to the gym. I'm not nearly as emotional as I was yesterday, I'm back to feeling a normal amount and range of emotions.

And speaking of waiting to get an appointment, I'm doing that myself - I had emailed my GI asking for him to please put through the referral for the colorectal surgeon, so now I'm waiting for a call to schedule that appointment. I hope it doesn't take too long.
Oh, and this is very nice - my hubby built me a present.

Have you guys ever heard of the "squatty potty"? It's like a little stool that goes around your toilet, it helps you get into more of a squatting position when you're using a standard toilet. Squatting rather than sitting, it supposedly helps empty the bowels better and it also supposedly helps prevent hemorrhoids. Since hemmies have been the story of my life this year, I had asked hubby if he could try to make me something similar to a squatty potty so that I could give it a try, because I have been getting desperate to just stop the stupid bleeding already. So, he built me one yesterday!

So far so good, I did feel like it was easier to evacuate my bowels last night. I did pass blood, but it was my first time trying the homemade squatty potty and I think the blood was going to happen whether or not I squatted (last night was like the 6th night in a row that I've passed blood in the evening, it's becoming a trend). So I'll continue giving it a try for a while and see how it goes. I really hope it helps to reduce the hemmies and bleeding.