Oh, Izzie, that sucks that your wonderful doctor is quitting!

She's completely quitting, like, she won't be a doctor at all anymore? What a bummer to lose a good doctor and to have to basically start all over with a new unknown doctor who may or may not be good, that's a nightmare. Sorry to hear about the normal test result as well - I agree that it doesn't mean that nothing is wrong, it just means this test didn't find it and more tests are needed. I really hope you can get the pH impedance test one way or another. I guess the logical thing would be to try your awful GI one more time, and if he won't order the test, then argue to switch to a new GI who hopefully will order the pH test. (Is that awful GI still in the process of ordering the pill cam for you? Or is that not happening?)
Kelleh, 4 holidays in a row, I'm jealous! I don't get to take vacations very often. For one thing, my annual allotment of vacation days and sick days at work are lumped together, and I usually end up using most of them as sick days. So I don't end up with a lot of time to take vacations, and I don't have a lot of money either thanks to medical bills (and other things, like the fact that my hubby only works part-time). So yeah, I'm jealous! You'll have to let me know how your friend's trip to Japan goes. I've heard that the toilets there are amazing.

Like, heated seats and bidets and all sorts of fancy technological stuff. The food looks amazing too and Japanese food is really easy on my stomach - sushi, rice, soy, miso, seafood, noodles, etc are all very tummy friendly for me, so I know I'm going to stuff my face at every opportunity.

I'll be walking around a lot though too, so hopefully I won't gain too much weight from all the eating I'll be doing. I'm going in the spring so I'm going to see the sakura (cherry blossoms), it's going to be the trip of a lifetime for sure. I'm so excited!
How's everyone feeling today? I'm doing okay. My energy level is a bit up. I have had a stressful day at work, there's a big meeting tomorrow and I have had to help one of the big managers prepare for it (I do a lot of spreadsheets at work so I did some spreadsheets for her for the meeting). Fortunately she loved the work I did and she gave me lots of praise today, that felt really nice to get thanked for my work. So that was a bit of a boost. I did go to the gym yesterday but it went badly - I guess I'm still not quite over this cold/cough, as I had significantly less lung capacity than normal and I was coughing and out of breath a lot, and the iron deficiency also surely isn't helping as I didn't have a lot of energy in the gym and everything was really slow-going. It was a train wreck of a workout.

So I'm back to resting for a bit longer rather than exercising. It's frustrating but it's what my body needs, and I am feeling better today than yesterday, so I'm hopeful that things will continue to improve. Still waiting on my GP to get back to me about the iron infusions, though, getting slightly grumpy about having to wait like this.