Not all doctors are created equal, that's for sure! I hope the surgeon is more of a help. Every time I had had a meeting with a surgeon they wanted some kind of imaging before they did anything. I hope you are on the right track.
I usually manage 50ml/hr and my feed is 1.5kcal per ml so that's not too bad for calories but because my current set up isn't exactly mobile I only manage 600-700ml feed so 900-1000 calories from feeds. I am managing to eat bits but definitely not enough to top me up for any meaningful weight gain :/ I need to speak to my dietician about getting my feed mobile so I can get more in!
I figured it won't matter too much with the tube being an NG, that's what stomach acid is for after all. I mean if I'm home and I drop something onto the sofa for example I just pick it up and eat it and it's never caused problems. We have cats so the sofa isn't exactly a germ free surface!
I feel like all I do on here is complain, but I really need to vent! So I took LDN for about a month until I decided to take a break from it because of the side effects I was experiencing. I was having trouble sleeping, I had horrible gas, and I had bad anxiety. After stopping, the sleep trouble and the gas went away, but the anxiety has stuck around. With a vengeance. My husband did some research and he found that since LDN affects your immune system, it can end up bringing out issues that you didn't really know that you had. So we're guessing that the anxiety is some type of autoimmune response but we really don't know. I've NEVER experienced anything like it. I thought my life sucked before, but now it's unbearable. I keep having panic attacks, I guess. I've never had them before, and I'm not hyperventilating (yet), but I majorly freak out. It happens every time I leave my house. It happens when I'm at my house. It happens when I walk to my mailbox to get the mail. It happened when I was brushing my teeth. Today it happened while driving, which was so scary. I've decided that I just need to stay home, because it's starting to feel really unsafe. And it just seems to be getting worse every day. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced before, and I don't understand why it's happening.
Anyway, Sarah I hope you get everything with your feeding tube figured out, and I hope it works great for you. I'm proud of you for sticking with it, even though it sounds like it's been anything but easy.
Kittykat, it makes me sad that you're so young and already experiencing health issues. My problems started when I was 23 (now I'm 26), and I still feel like it's SO unfair that I'm so young and so sick. I understand what it's like to have people not believe you, and it's horrible. I hope you get answers soon.
Thanks everyone for your responses! I know I can always count on you guys.
MissLeopard, it actually makes me feel a little better knowing that you understand! I've actually seen two different counselors in the past, but I ended up having to stop going because I was just too sick with my GI issues.....and I still am. But I wasn't having these types of anxiety issues then. I thought that LDN had virtually no side effects, but now I'm not so sure. I guess the timing could just be a coincidence. I do have a prescription for an anti-anxiety medication, so I've been taking that more often, but it's just an as needed one, so I think right now I probably need a daily medication. My poor body just has so much going on. I'm so sorry to hear about everything you've gone through and what you're going through right now. That sounds awful! Thank you so much for your response. I hope everything gets better for you!
Jabee, what you said about the endorphins totally makes sense! Thank you so much for your insight! There are some smart people on this forum.Now if some of you could just become doctors, that'd be great..... I've always been a worrier/over thinker, but I'd never really experienced the physical symptoms of anxiety. And they're scary! I have so much more empathy for people who struggle with anxiety every day. I now understand how debilitating it can be. My husband suggested that I try to get a prescription for Klonopin. Did it work well for you? I did some research on it, and I guess it helps some people with nausea too, which is one of my most debilitating symptoms. So maybe it'd kill two birds with one stone? I got some magnesium, because I've heard it can help with anxiety. I'm guessing I'm way past the point of it helping, but I figure it's worth a shot at this point. But I know I don't want to take too much, because I already have plenty of BMs as it is!
MissLeopard, thank you! It definitely makes sense that our physical issues can cause mental/emotional issues. I can admit that I have anxiety and depression right now. But if I got better and was healthy again, I don't think I would have either. At least not to this extent!
As a side note, I saw a spider in my house last night, but I was too afraid to kill it because I have a spider phobia. And now I have no idea where it is!! Ahhhh. You'd think my cats would help out but nope. And there's still a ton of snow where I live, so why are the spiders already appearing?! Now I feel like there are spiders all over me.haha!
That is gteatI am studying to be a pharmacist (smarter than a doctor when it comes to drugs). Doctors have more diagnostic/disease knowledge. It's four years at uni and then 1 year as an intern.
Jabee, what you said about the endorphins totally makes sense! Thank you so much for your insight! There are some smart people on this forum.Now if some of you could just become doctors, that'd be great..... I've always been a worrier/over thinker, but I'd never really experienced the physical symptoms of anxiety. And they're scary! I have so much more empathy for people who struggle with anxiety every day. I now understand how debilitating it can be. My husband suggested that I try to get a prescription for Klonopin. Did it work well for you? I did some research on it, and I guess it helps some people with nausea too, which is one of my most debilitating symptoms. So maybe it'd kill two birds with one stone? I got some magnesium, because I've heard it can help with anxiety. I'm guessing I'm way past the point of it helping, but I figure it's worth a shot at this point. But I know I don't want to take too much, because I already have plenty of BMs as it is!
MissLeopard, thank you! It definitely makes sense that our physical issues can cause mental/emotional issues. I can admit that I have anxiety and depression right now. But if I got better and was healthy again, I don't think I would have either. At least not to this extent!
As a side note, I saw a spider in my house last night, but I was too afraid to kill it because I have a spider phobia. And now I have no idea where it is!! Ahhhh. You'd think my cats would help out but nope. And there's still a ton of snow where I live, so why are the spiders already appearing?! Now I feel like there are spiders all over me.haha!
Sending support your way.Hi haven't been on for a while as nothing really to say. I have been up and down with my health and had a fright yesterday.
I went to the loo after walking into work and all I wiped away was blood... I panicked as not been this bad before and booked an appointment with my doctor. He said that the nurse will check for piles but she couldn't find anything my doctor then said he was glad that I was getting a second opinion as you don't get blood with IBS which is what my last Consultant said I had.
I'm really nervous have my second opinion tomorrow at 9.40 I hope they don't brush me off as well x
Hi haven't been on for a while as nothing really to say. I have been up and down with my health and had a fright yesterday.
I went to the loo after walking into work and all I wiped away was blood... I panicked as not been this bad before and booked an appointment with my doctor. He said that the nurse will check for piles but she couldn't find anything my doctor then said he was glad that I was getting a second opinion as you don't get blood with IBS which is what my last Consultant said I had.
I'm really nervous have my second opinion tomorrow at 9.40 I hope they don't brush me off as well x
That is great.I have a little good update... my new consultant believes that I have the early onset of Crohns and has started me on Budenofolk steroids. I have to start off with 3 a day this month, then 2 next month and 1 a day on the third month then I have to go back and see the consultant again. I finally feel as though they have started treatment xx
Oh wow, your new doctor sounds so much more helpful. That's great news Blu! I'm so happy for you. That must be such a relief to find someone who is ready to do something to help you get better.
Good luck. I hope you respond well to the treatment.![]()
I am sorry about your father. I hope they get your health reasons taken care of soon.Hello everyone!
It's been months since I was on here and so much has happened. I see some of you are still here, and I hope you're all doing as well as possible!
Since I was last here, my father passed away from cancer. It was a pretty gruesome final few months, and it caused a lot of stress (as you can imagine, I'm sure).
I was finally diagnosed, at least in part. Turns out there wasn't anything particularly complicated going on. I have a hiatus hernia, GERD, and am not super responsive to the meds. I have active inflammation because of the acid that I can't seem to beat even on high doses of PPIs (currently on 120 mg of Nexium daily which apparently is very high). I also have severe motility issues of the esophagus.
So I'm at a crossroads. The surgeon says fundoplication surgery is a 50/50 chance for me. It could make me better, but it could also make swallowing a huge problem, and as they suspect another undiagnosed issue with slow/abnormal motility in the rest of my GI tract as well they are concerned about IBS-like symptoms from the surgery. He also claims that I can't really live like I am for much longer, since the inflammation won't go away and the risk of Barrett's and cancer is too high. Still, it's a choice to be made and one that I'm grappling with.
Currently trying to lose weight (and keep it off) as well as stay on a very bland diet for the following 3 months before my follow up. If weightloss and dietary changes doesn't help, surgery might be the only option even with the risks.
Also struggling with recurring anemia, no one really knows why. I have infusions regularly which does help with my energy.
Trying to maintain some kind of life while all this is going on is tough. I've had to take another break from school and am only working about 20%, if that. I'm trying to get my driver's license currently as it would make getting around much easier.
Like I said, hope you all are well, I'm going to stick around here for a bit.
I meant I hope they get your health issues resolved soon.I am sorry about your father. I hope they get your health reasons taken care of soon.
I am happy for you.Izzie - I am very sorry about your father. It's never easy losing someone so close to you. My condolences to you and your family and I hope you get an answer on your health issues.
I had an appointment with my PCP today, some good news. She was very understanding about my concerns and agreed that my issues should be looked into further, so she ordered an abdominal MRI to check for things like masses or tumors in the small intestine. In the meantime, she will talk to my GI about getting me a small bowel study. I'm so relieved, obviously this is just the first step in figuring out what's going on but at least we're on the right track. I'm so glad I decided to take an appointment with her instead of waiting for the colorectal doctor (who hasn't even called to set up an appointment with me yet)
Hi Izzie:
I am sorry to hear about your father. That sounds very difficult.
I am wondering when you last had an endoscopy. Excess stomach acid can cause severe inflammation in the duodenum, and that is where iron is absorbed. Since you are not very responsive to PPIs it's possible that the inflammation not only extends upward into your esophagus but also downward into your duodenum. How many different PPIs have you tried? And have you tried carafate or sucralfate? It is used for peptic ulcers but it might help. I've had Barrett's but with a different PPI (I take dexilant now) it has gotten much better and my esophagus looked better at my last scope.
I am sorry .Dahlia - I'm so sorry about what you're going through, I myself had a bunch of tests done and everything looks "normal", yet I have pretty much every gut symptom you could possibly imagine.
So I got my MRI done on Monday. Went well, they told me my results should be online in 2-3 days. I just checked my results this morning, and-surprise surprise-everything looks normal! I'm relieved again, but at the same time, I STILL don't have an explanation for my symptoms! I guess this is just another test that they are going to use to convince me nothing is wrong. I guess we're back to stage 1. :/
ronroush - thank you
So I forgot to mention that the MRI I had wasn't specifically for the small intestine, it was for the entire abdomen and pelvis. I'm not totally sure what this checks, so does anyone know if an MRI is as good as picking up small bowel diseases as an MRE? My PCP hadn't ordered an MRE, and I'm pretty sure my doctors office doesn't offer them.
:hallo3: cmack - why are you bent of ruining people's life? Get out of this forum. Such a looser. telling people to do more dagnostic tests. telling people you had bunch of surgeries. telling people not to believe the tests that doctors have done. I am a victim of this garbage called "cmack"
I perma-banned & deleted the troll.Thanks guys. Please don't hesitate to report posts like that in the future - it's the little triangle with a red outline in the lower left.
Okay, so I really am at my wit's ends right now. I couldn't sleep at all last night because of really bad stomach pain and I've been having really dark, almost black stools for the past two weeks or so. The pain actually gets worse after I use the bathroom.
I'm thinking at this point, I really do need to get a scan of just the small bowel, I think it could provide at least some relief that nothing too terrible is going on if negative. The only problem is that I don't think my doctor's office does CTE or MRE. I think if the pain ends up getting unbearable, I might just tell my parents to take me to the ER. Do you think they'll be willing to do an MRE if I tell them my symptoms? I don't want to go there just for them to tell me to take painkillers or see my doc, because I really don't know how long I can wait.
Sorry if I seem like I'm overreacting or asking a lot of questions, as I have done a lot of testing and nothing wrong has been found, but these symptoms are really scaring me and I tend to go into slight panic mode when I'm dealing with a lot of things at once.![]()
I would go to the ER. Let us know how you are.
kittykat234 - Typically a GI would order an MRE. Your pediatrician or GP may not be able to.
The black stools are concerning - our GI says to call her ASAP if my daughter has black stools. Are they very dark or are they actually black? Do they look like tar?
Your GI's practice probably has a doctor on-call, especially if you are seeing a pediatric GI. Ask your parents to call the doctor on-call - black, tarry stools need to be treated urgently. Black stools typically mean bleeding in the upper GI tract.
You could also go to the ER, especially if you have bad abdominal pain. The ER can do a CT but they probably wouldn't do an MRE - they'd refer you to a GI for an MRE.
I know it's really, really hard when no one is listening to you, but try to stay as calm as you can. Unfortunately, people tend not to take you seriously if you're anxious :yrolleyes:.
Remind me - you have had negative scopes scopes and a negative MRI, right? I wonder if a pillcam may be a better test than an MRE. A pillcam would actually show the mucosa of your small bowel, so small ulcers that are bleeding could be seen. They may or may not show on an MRE.
An MRE is good for showing small bowel inflammation and strictures and thickening. But it doesn't show the surface of the small bowel - you would either need a pillcam or a longer scope (an enteroscopy) to do that.
You are your own best advocate - tell your parents you are in a lot of pain and have black stools. That should be enough for them to call your GI.
Hi kittykat,
I repeat!
Do whatever you have to do. This sounds pretty serious. I wish you the best.
If you think you need an ambulance call one.
Your bud,