Estrella, sorry to hear you're not doing very well. I hope your appointment on Thursday goes well. Keep us posted and I hope you get some worthwhile lab results. Going 18 times is definitely not normal and not fun - I hope you're using something like moist wipes or cream as I know firsthand that it's quite painful to go that often! Feel better soon and good luck.
Nathan, sorry to hear you're feeling worse.

Tell us more about the blood, is it bright red or dark/black/tarry? If it's bright red, it's not as worrisome. Bright red blood usually comes things like fissues, hemorrhoids, etc. Dark/black blood comes from higher up the digestive tract and could be coming from an ulcer and is just generally taken more seriously. But either way, bleeding isn't good. If it keeps up, or if you keep getting worse, you might want to consider going to the ER to get checked out. At the very least, you might be getting anemic from the bleeding and that obviously isn't good. Take care of yourself and keep us posted on how you're doing! (And if your doctor doesn't take the blood seriously, this is gross but you might want to take a photo of the blood in your toilet and show it to the doctor - others on the forum have gotten their doctors to take them more seriously when they showed a photo like that.)
Txarmywife, I'm sorry to hear you're doing poorly too! The flashes could be dehydration or they could be something like a migraine aura. Please do get it checked out if it continues, and if you're that dehydrated then please go get some IV fluids! I've gotten fluids a lot myself in the past and I know it's no fun, but it really does make you feel better afterwards even if it's only something of a temporary fix. Bozzy mentioned that she gets flashes in her vision as well and she's getting that investigated, so hopefully she can let us know more when she gets hers looked at. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon and please do go see the doctor if things don't improve. Big hugs to you!
May, I was always just told general things about probiotics, such as that the refrigerated ones tend to be better, and the liquid (or semi-liquid, it was kind of like yogurt) kind is better than the capsules. And of course that the more billions of bacteria are in there, the better - and it seems that you get what you pay for, the ones with the most good bacteria in it also seem to be the most expensive. I tried the liquid kind for a short time but it tasted awful (like rancid yogurt!) so I stopped that and switched to some refrigerated capsules. They never seemed to help me though and they did seem to make my GERD worse, so I avoid probiotics these days (I do still take them if I'm on antibiotics). It seems that even yogurt doesn't agree with me these days - I tried some Greek Yogurt maybe 6 months ago, and it caused several days' worth of pain and I saw a bit of blood in my stool later, so it definitely didn't agree with me! Good luck with whatever probiotics you end up trying, I hope they work for you (or at the very least I hope they don't cause blood in your stool or pain or reflux issues!).
And as for having d in the morning, mornings were always my worst time as well, particularly before I was in remission. Some mornings I'd get up, have d, brush my teeth, have d, get dressed, have d, pack my lunch, have d... you get the idea. At some point it'd stop or at least slow down and then the rest of the day tended to be better. I used to get up 2 or 3 hours before I had to work so that I would make certain that the d would be over with by the time I had to get in my car and drive to work. I don't know what it is about mornings, but they were the worst for me and it sounds like mornings aren't your friend right now either.

I hope you can get it sorted out, hopefully without another round of Xifaxan.
Well, I got some pretty good news today. My car does need some repairs, but from what I can tell it's mostly cosmetic. The estimator said my bumper needs to be repainted, but since it's ever so slightly warped from the accident, it'd be cheaper & easier to get a new bumper cover and paint that. But that is the only recommended repair, and there's no frame damage to my car! Woo hoo! I'm still filing an insurance claim for my whiplash medical bills, but - worst case scenario, if both insurance companies refuse to pay one dime for anything, I can certainly live with a scratched bumper, and my medical bills won't be more than a couple hundred bucks. Best case scenario, my medical bills will get paid and I get a shiny new bumper cover. Either way, it won't affect my life a whole lot, and that's a good thing.

That's some stress off my back. And speaking of that, my neck finally is feeling 100% back to normal again today! It was feeling pretty good yesterday, so I hit the gym and didn't hold back, but after the gym it was quite stiff again and the stiffness was going down my back and through my shoulders too. I was afraid I had overdone it at the gym, but it's feeling great today. I plan on hitting the gym tomorrow and I won't hold back so hopefully my neck can keep up!
I hope everyone feels better soon. Take a hot bath, watch some funny comedy, cuddle up with your pets, do whatever you can to feel a little bit better. I'm sending a big hug to everyone! I'm having a good day and I wish I could share it with you all!