Sunshine, so they found that your bowels are all stuck together and stuck to your ovaries and other organs, but they weren't allowed to fix any of that?? Does this mean another laprascopy is in your future? It seems silly to me that they saw an obvious problem but couldn't fix it - couldn't they have paged your GI and gotten him into the operating room to help or something? I guess I'm just confused by all this!
At any rate, I hope you're doing better. Are you at home or still in the hospital? Gentle hugs to you and I hope things start feeling better soon. I saw your FB post about how your dog stepped on your incision - ouch!! And I am super jealous of your new camera!
Danny's Mom - if it helps any, I had a CT early on in my illness and that DID find something. My guts looked totally normal of course, but they found some "nodules" on my liver and I had an MRI to get a closer look at them. It turns out they're "focal nodular hyperplasias" which are essentially benign tumors, and I have 4 of them on my liver, but they're not causing my symptoms and appear to be totally unrelated to my digestive issues. My GI called it an incidental finding and I don't need to do anything about them unless they grow significantly, then I'll have to have them removed surgically. I haven't had an MRI of my guts specifically and just the one general abdominal CT which found nothing amiss with my guts. So yeah, I wouldn't have known about these things on my liver if I hadn't had a CT, but then again they aren't really an issue and the CT didn't detect anything wrong with my guts so kind of a dead end there.
Star, do you get dehydrated or anything like that during your tummy flares? I know in the past that you've mentioned that even drinking water can get you running to the bathroom. It might not be a bad idea to head to A&E if you have another multi-day tummy flare, at least they could give you some meds and fluids through an IV. I pretty much always end up getting IV fluids when I flare, I seem very prone to dehydration when I'm having d and I lose electrolytes (particularly sodium) really quickly too. And it always makes me feel a lot better to get some IV fluids. I'm not sure if it actually makes my flares shorter, but getting fluids definitely makes flares more bearable. Just my experiece! Hope you are feeling lots better today. Have you done anything with your garden yet this year? I remember you saying that gardening is the one hobby that you're still able to do and really enjoy. Any plans yet on what you're planting this year?
Dazzafar, welcome. I recall reading once that smoking can help in some cases of IBD, and I believe in general it seems to worsen Crohn's but help with Ulcerative Colitis. I'm not sure why that is, but I don't doubt that smoking can help ease some symptoms. As Flowergirl said, though, it's probably not best for you to smoke long-term and to find a better way to treat your illness. I had a co-worker who was a smoker and he always boasted that his health was great... up until he got a scratchy throat that wouldn't go away, and it ended up being stage 3 throat cancer. The poor guy went through awful treatments, lost all his teeth and lost his voice and needed a feeding tube to eat, became a shell of his former self and his face was nearly unrecognizable, but he finally got his throat cancer into remission. Unfortunately, he just recently found out that he's now got cancer in another part of his body. It's not looking good for him and he's not very old either. So please, don't smoke, it can do absolutely horrible devastating things to your health! Okay, lecture over!

Welcome to the club and the forum.
How's everybody else doing? I'm okay, I over-indulged a bit over Easter and skipped the gym one day to go out of town, and I forgot to take my psyllium for a couple days. I'm paying for those mistakes a little bit, but feeling better today. I need to not use holidays as an excuse to slack off or eat bad foods. I hope everyone else had a good Easter and avoided too many bad treats!
Speaking of Easter, my sister-in-law's husband actually showed up (he had avoided family get-togethers for over a year), and they do seem like they're trying to reconcile. He didn't touch one drop of alcohol which is huge for him as I feel like he's probably an alcoholic. Hopefully this means he's now a recovering alcoholic! My nieces & nephews seemed happy too so that's good news. My s-i-l recently lost a lot of weight, probably about 50 lbs since xmas. She says it's from diet & exercise but I would imagine the stress of her marriage maybe/maybe not crumbling has played a part too, although I didn't say anything. On the whole, though, there were no fights and not much tension, so I actually had a pretty good Easter at my in-laws'! Crazy!