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Thanks Cat :) Not feeling to bad today, had zero painkillers over the last few days which is a nice change, I love these periods when it improves!

I still won't say anything about my PET scan, but the decison took 10 weeks last time ;)
You always look so pretty in your videos, Sunshine. I know you said you were having issues with your hair, but it's always so pretty and nicely styled. LOL I am pretty lazy about my hair.
haha thank you!! I actually just put a bunch loads of hair spray and stuff. I TRY to make myself look better in videos because people are looking at me ! haha You know, I try not to 'look sick' haha. :p EVEN THOUGH I'm not feeling well at all lol. Thank you though! so much! :)
haha thank you!! I actually just put a bunch loads of hair spray and stuff. I TRY to make myself look better in videos because people are looking at me ! haha You know, I try not to 'look sick' haha. :p EVEN THOUGH I'm not feeling well at all lol. Thank you though! so much! :)
Yeah Sunshine less of the looking good dont you know we are sick ! You good lookin thing you ! hahaha
ah poor sunshine. i've heard you're supposed to drink a lot of water before getting poked.
fortunately i have crazy good veins and have never had an issue with that. i feel bad for people that do.
Very bad bad bad bad few days over here. :(
Doctor said my meds aren't working.
She put me BACK UP to 40mg. I just dropped to 30mg and was so proud.. but just kidding going back up again... grr.
and she is going to change my treatment plan as soon as possible. She mentioned TNF blocker drugs like Remicade or something like that. SO, looks like that's my next step...
I'll have an appointment with her probably in a few weeks to talk about that stuff, so we can figure out which one I should start with.
But, right now it just stinks, i'm in a flare and I have an ear infection, so I'm just a mess. Hoping that this flare subsides a bit before my surgery on Friday..
David, I was diagnosed with Mastocytic Enterocolitis, but just got news today that She thinks I have both Crohn's Disease AND Mastyocytic Enterocolitis... because one, the medicine isn't working, and two, my previous pill cam had shown ulcers through the small intestine, and i have a lot of sore spots on my upper abdomen which would be more of my small intestine being affected lately. So, she's thinking when she changes my treatment to a TNF drug that it should help both diseases hopefully.
Yeah, when you said you were diagnosed with Mastocytic Enterocolitis I was a little incredulous since you have the ulcerations. I mentioned that here with some supporting information but I don't know that you saw it. I think she latched onto the prevalence of mast cells you have but people with Crohn's Disease can have increased mast cells as well. I'm glad she is treating you for Crohn's Disease in addition to the ME now. I bet you'll start feeling better soon :)
Sunshine, so your diagnosis is still somewhat in flux then? That sucks that you may have two illnesses! Whatever the case, I hope the new meds help you lots. I know you've been struggling a lot lately, big hugs to you!

How's everyone else? I'm still very well - sometimes I used to question whether I was actually in remission, but I know I am in remission for sure now. I ate oatmeal the other day and didn't pay for it! Oats have caused me trouble in the past so I was very nervous, but I was fine. I was so confident afterwards that I actually drank a small amount of wine to celebrate! I hadn't had any alcohol in over 2 years, as the last time I had even a small amount it ended up very badly. Again though, this time I didn't pay for it. And wow, am I a feather-weight now when it comes to drinking! I had probably 1/8th of a glass of wine and I was quite buzzed! It was hilarious because hubby is also pretty much a featherweight (he had a full glass of wine though) so we were both feeling quite silly, and we were writing a grocery shopping list for the next day. He was writing stuff down and he said "This is really hard to do!" and he had to spell everything out and write very carefully like a child would. Ha ha, we were so silly. :p And after we sobered up I couldn't find the list! It was hidden under a pile of my crocheting, I have no idea how it got there. It was fun to be a little drunk and silly again, I haven't done that in ages. I won't push my luck, and will just drink very small amounts very infrequently, but I am glad that I can drink a little bit again.

Sorry I haven't been around the forum as much lately! Now that the weather is nice, I'm trying to get outside as much as I can and exercise as much as I can too. I've been riding my bike a lot and stuff like that. I hope everyone is well and I'll check in as often as I can. Big hugs to all!
Hey Everyone! I hope all are doing well. :) I am so sorry I haven't been around lately...The past two weeks were the performances for the musical I was in, Hairspray, and the dancing I was going every night was exhausting me to the point that I was sleeping all day before the performance. :( I have also been sleeping the past two days pretty much trying to recover. My husband keeps telling me I overdid it WAY too much doing this show...but I loved doing it! It was a huge success and it looks like we are going to win a ton of awards during an awards ceremony later this month for all the community shows in the area.

My treatment is helping somewhat (tiny amount of pred and maintenance dose of plaquenil), but I'm hoping it will help more now that the show is over. We go on a cruise starting this weekend for block leave (time for the soldiers to spend with their families before they deploy to Afghanistan) which will be fun!

Sunshine, thats crazy that they have started to diagnose you with both Crohn's and ME! I hope the treatments help more than they have!

Cat, that is so awesome that you have been on your bike so much lately! I can't wait to be in remission right along side of you. :)

Star, that sucks that the images were bad again! :(
Allie (and everyone else too!), you have an open invitation to join me in the remission club and to join me on a bike ride too. :) And seriously, I hope your meds start working better - I don't suppose there's been any talk of your doctor to up your dose of either med? At least to get you feeling better, and then put it back down to the maintenance dosages? I hope you can recover from the musical soon and have fun and can relax on the cruise! I've never been on a cruise myself (I get seasick easily, ha ha) but my basic understanding is that you can pretty much do what you want, right? So if you want to stuff your face with food or do a lot of activities or just rest and relax, it's up to you?
Yup, thats pretty much how cruises work! I think anyway...this is my first one! This is the first vacation in a while that I'm excited about, because with being on a boat in the middle of the ocean you are pretty much forced to relax, instead of being in a city and spending so much energy seeing the sites and being a tourist. The price of the cruise includes all your food and fun on the boat, it just doesn't include internet access or alcohol. We can go clubbing, swimming, go out to eat, etc, and it is all paid for! Stuart spent a little extra money on a bigger room that has a balcony overlooking the sea, with a couch as well (so a suite instead of just a tiny room with a bed) so that if I have no spoons to get out of the room we will have plently of room to relax together in the room. He picked the cruise specifically because of my illness and how other vacations just haven't been working out. Hopefully this type of vacation will be better!

I haven't seen my doctor or rheumy since I was put on the pred, but yeah, I do wish I could up it a bit. I honestly think a little more pred, just temporarily, and double the plaquenil (since I am just on the maintenance dose right now) would help me a lot more. My GP doesn't expect to see me until three months after my last appointment, but I need to see her sooner or my tramadol will run out. But I won't get help with my other meds from her, and the German rheumy doesn't want to see me again until three months as well, and I don't think I can get that changed. As you can tell, healthcare here really isn't made well for spouses with illnesses like this. :( I know once I get back to the states my treatment will be much more monitored!

My hubby went and saw a German doctor yesterday because he is having more problems with his head...now its his ears! They ran so many tests yestderday for him...hearing test, ultrasound, Xray, vertigo test, and many others! I was shocked at how thorough they were. Turns out he has 5% hearing loss in his right ear from a car horn being blown when he was underneath a truck fixing it. :( It seems like the longer he is in the army the more things on his head keep getting permanently damaged! We passed the one year mark on his tramatic brain injury last month, and he still has a lot of permanent memory loss from that.
Oh Allie, I didn't know that your hubby had a traumatic brain injury. :( That's awful! My hubby was in the army for 3 years (we met and started dating after he got out so I never experienced what life is like for a military spouse/girlfriend). But he was in the army during peace time ('95 - '98) so he was never deployed and was never in scary situations and experienced no injuries. He did take a couple of voluntary trips to Kuwait while in the army, but again those were apparently just standard peace-time trips and he didn't have to fight and wasn't in any dangerous situations and never had any injuries or anything (the most complaining he's done about his time in the army is that once someone stole his CDs and stuff, he didn't like being in Texas where he was stationed, and also he complained about the heat from when he was in Kuwait, I guess it was like 140 degrees some days - but that's the worst he really experienced). I can't imagine what it's like for you, and hearing stuff like what your hubby has been through just makes me so grateful that my hubby got out when he did. And grateful that the worst he went through was some heat and the loss of some CDs. I hope your hubby doesn't get any further injuries, it sounds like he's already been through way more than his fair share! You said he's getting out soon, right?
yeah.. So looks like I probably have Crohn's Disease AND Mastocytic Enterocolitis. but like I said, the TNF drugs should treat both! so hopefully that will work. My appointment with her next is April 16th, so we will talk about that then.
Very nervous about the surgery on Friday.. ugh... :'(
Oh and David, I have the blunted villi in the duodenum, and deep apthus ulcerations (i believe that's what they were called). So, yeah... definitely signs of Crohns. At least we now know!
Cat, yeah, he does, but it is a milder case of it. He wasn't deployed when it happened either! He is a paratrooper, and his parachute got tangled during a jump too close to the ground for him to fix it in time. At first the army said he wouldn't have any damage, but then months after the accident he was still having trouble concentrating and remembering certain things. To this day he will ask me a question 5+ times in a day because he won't remember that he has already asked me it. :( Late last year the army decided he was too fragile to deploy again, but then a month later they took that off his records because they needed more bodies for this next deployment. :( Yes, he gets out very soon! We will be back in the states by the end of this year. They still haven't decided if they are sending him for part of the deployment, keep him back, or just kick us out early. They are taking their sweet time!

Sunshine, there is nothing to be nervous about!! I really hope this surgery gets you some answers!
Allie, I hope he doesn't have to deploy and that he can get out soon. I'm sure you're hoping he doesn't have to deploy either! How awful that they changed his records to say he can be deployed after all, that doesn't even seem like it would be legal. :(

Sunshine, sending you lots of hugs and happy thoughts for Friday! I'm sure you probably already know this, but make sure that when they're in there that they look at the outside of your bowels. If it is Crohn's, it can affect the entire thickness of the bowel, so there might be some telltale signs of it on the outside of your intestines. Good luck and please update us when you are able to!

I'm still doing well, nothing much new to report here. A co-worker that I don't see often commented to me this morning that I look so much better now than I did in the past and that she can tell just from my face that I'm doing much better. It's nice to hear stuff like that. I've heard similar comments recently and it's always good to hear. I know IBD is an invisible illness and that is mostly true, but for people who don't see you very often it seems to be apparent, especially in the face. It's nice to hear from acquaintances that I look healthy and to know from unbiased sources that the outside matches the inside, because I definitely feel healthy inside. :)
Yes, thank you Cat. They said they will be taking biopsies of the tissue on the outside of my abdominal cavity I think. They are looking for anything abnormal so hope this can show them something! I've been having so much pain lately, the meds aren't working and pred doesn't seem to be doing much either right now..
I got a call from the doctors today and they said when I get to the hospital on Friday morning they will give me 40mg of prednisone and then give me a stress steroid to help my body cope with the anesthesia reaction my body may get. They said to eat soft foods all day today (thursday) to also help with my intestines reaction to the surgery and stuff.
I'm kinda hoping they find endometriosis or SOMETHING that would be causing these AWFUL periods and everything and the pain I've been getting in my lower left quadrant near my hip bone. and if it's not girl related, then it's probably my colon, so it's good to know anyway. I just don't think I can handle someone telling me it's 'normal' when I know it's not... but we will see. I needed to get checked for this anyway! SO, it'll be okay.
Cat, I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well, I will pray that you stay well for a long time!! <3 very happy for you! :)

GUESS WHAT!? I am going to be selling my awareness wristbands, keychains, and license plate frames at the Take Steps For Crohn's & Colitis in Orlando, FL on May 5th!!!!! YAYYYY!!!! :D The lady in charge of it contacted me!! :D I'm so excited!!
Sunshine, thank you. :) And best of luck tomorrow - this always feels weird to say, but I hope they find something! So that you can treat it and get some relief. I've got a busy 3-day weekend planned but will check in when I am able to and I hope to hear some good news from you. Got my fingers crossed for you and am thinking happy healing thoughts!

Allie, have fun on the cruise! I hope it's relaxing and that you can have some fun without overdoing things or using too many spoons. Enjoy and relax! :)

I probably won't be on much if at all for the next few days, but I'll keep you guys in my thoughts as always and I'll try to check for updates when I can. Big hugs to all and have a happy tummy-friendly holiday! Don't eat too many chocolate eggs no matter how delicious they are, we all know over-indulgence never ends well. ;)
allie- hope you have a great trip!

sunshine- glad to hear they'll be altering your treatment plan. while i still have my stupid fistula, the remicade has helped in a lot of other areas, and i can even eat mostly whatever i want and do normal things. it seems a little scary at first, but it's really not bad at all.

i'm doing my spitting today for my cortisol saliva test. i'm hoping something comes back abnormal! that sounds weird, but if it isn't this then i'm not sure what i've got. my eyelids are so droopy and i'm so tired all the time.

cat - glad you're finally getting some good weather. it's been 80's and sunny here for weeks. but then, i'm a little more south than you!
Thank you so much everyone.
I've really been going downhill today... things are not good at all.
and I really wish they were better because now i'm starting out not feeling well for the surgery which will make my recovery a little harder for me to get through...
Back home from surgery...
Hi everyone, thank you so much for all the positive thoughts & prayers... The surgery went well. They found a lot of inflammation of the bowels and scar tissue. Could possibly be from Endometriosis but could also be from Crohn's Disease. They sent it off to confirm. They clipped a bundle of tissue that was adhered to my ribs. They also found a bunch of tissue stuck together on the intestines. My ovaries are stuck to my intestines as well (but they couldn't separate them because my GI was not there) and they were not allowed to touch my intestines. They took a lot of pictures and are going to send them to my GI doctor at Shands Hospital. I'm doing okay, still in a lot of pan... but I'm on pain killers. Just wanted to give you all an update. Thanks again for all your support and prayers... ♥
I don't post on this thread, but I follow all your journeys.

Thanks for giving us an update. I have been thinking about you...
Glad to hear the surgery went well. :thumright:
Sorry to hear about the problems that they forund. :thumbdown:
Now that the docs have such helpful info, your job is to rest up and heal while they figure out your treatment plan.:hug:
Hi everyone.
SS - I fell behind on this thread. Was it a gyno that did this surgery? Amazing at all the inflammation and organs stuck together ... and just a few months ago 'nothing was wrong with you' supposedly :( I hope the TNF drugs help you feel better!!
yeah... every organ had scar tissue stuck all over it... and my intestines were a mess... hopefully they can separate the ovaries from my bowels one day.. that would prob help some pain during periods. Also, they said they are not sure if all the scar tissue on the intestines and girl organs is inflammation from crohns disease or if it's from Endometriosis, so my GI doctor is gonna look at it.. they think it could be from both just build up for so long... :(
yes dannysmom, incredible, doctors need to look on the outside and inside because u never know... obviously in this case. but yes it was a gyno that did the surgery. but if they separate the ovaries from my intestines my GI will have to do that they said. but I have an appointment a week from monday with my GI doctor at shands to find out about TNF drugs and such and we will talk about the findings of the surgery too.

thanks everyone! it hurts alot that when i eat i'm still running to the bathroom, because my abdomen is so tender from everything that the cramps are even more painful :( so just on some strong pain meds and trying to get through. they did however get a lot of air out from yesterday so that's good. less joint pain in my shoulders.
I've don't know what to say...just can't believe what you've gone through and how much pain you've been having. So hope that they can help you soon. Since the usual characters aren't around on this thread right now, I'll send one of these on their behalf: :ghug:
Hey everyone,
Does anyone else smoke cigarettes and find it stops pain?
I was in pain this morning, I had a smoke and pain gone....
How can cigarettes stop the pain?
It's confusing....
I'm now also concerning that I smoked before endoscopes and colonoscopys
If smoking stops the pain... Maybe it's preventing inflammation to show?
It's very confusing I know but I have heard on forums that people
Smoked with ceoliacs and UC and it decreased symptoms..
This doesn't mean,,go start smoking those who don't as it is prob doing worse
Than good.
I just don't understand how smoking relieves it?
Anyone else find this?
dazz - i'm pretty sure smoking increases your cortisol which fights inflammation. however, you probably don't want to do it on a regular basis, because eventually it will probably mess up your adrenals. and all that other respiratory/cancer stuff. :shifty-t:
Happy, yeah i can't believe it either.. :(
but thank you so much for your support and hugs!! <3 means the world to me!! I don't know how I would get through any of this without this forum.
Hi Sunshine ... I am sorry to keep asking you questions whike you are in pain, but ...
did you ever have an abdominal MRI or MRE or CT? If so, did they show this inflammation or was it 'normal'?
Thanks again!
Feel better!!
Dannysmom, no worries about the questions it's okay. and all of my MRI's and CT's and everything always come back 'normal'. but of course obviously never was... :(
See this is what I find so hard, I am refused all these things that are finding people's problems.

It is killing me it really is :(

I am totally happy people are getting answers and the treatment they need- no way do I begrudge this, but it is really hard when I have been told no and there is nothing I can do about it- believe me I have tried!

Had a bowel flare up Monday, wasn't able to eat again until Thursday and didn't feel very good at all until Friday when I felt a little better. It was just like one of my 24 hour flares (guts decide to empty and then evening of same day, next day I can eat again) except longer. I call those my "medium" grade flares.

Thanks again SS! (Danny's MRE was mosty normal)

Star (and others) ... being undiagnosed is so incredibly frustrating. It must be so frustrating being denied the testing. Danny at least has been given a lot of the diagnostic testing - the results have all been mostly normal or just not abnormal enough. It always amazed me that some only get diagnosed after an open surgery.

Danny is getting his second endoscopy/colonoscopy on Tues. (It has been about 2.5 years since his last one) I have asked for the mast cell staining and hope we get it done. After so many years of testing and results always giving you mixed feelings (sad nothing was found .. but also glad nothing too serious was found, or even for the CF dx at first I was glad to have a diagnosis but very soon incredibly sad that it was such a harsh diagnosis) I am really not looking forward to this - but glad it is finally happening. Danny is dreading the prep tomorrow ....
Sunshine, so they found that your bowels are all stuck together and stuck to your ovaries and other organs, but they weren't allowed to fix any of that?? Does this mean another laprascopy is in your future? It seems silly to me that they saw an obvious problem but couldn't fix it - couldn't they have paged your GI and gotten him into the operating room to help or something? I guess I'm just confused by all this!

At any rate, I hope you're doing better. Are you at home or still in the hospital? Gentle hugs to you and I hope things start feeling better soon. I saw your FB post about how your dog stepped on your incision - ouch!! And I am super jealous of your new camera!

Danny's Mom - if it helps any, I had a CT early on in my illness and that DID find something. My guts looked totally normal of course, but they found some "nodules" on my liver and I had an MRI to get a closer look at them. It turns out they're "focal nodular hyperplasias" which are essentially benign tumors, and I have 4 of them on my liver, but they're not causing my symptoms and appear to be totally unrelated to my digestive issues. My GI called it an incidental finding and I don't need to do anything about them unless they grow significantly, then I'll have to have them removed surgically. I haven't had an MRI of my guts specifically and just the one general abdominal CT which found nothing amiss with my guts. So yeah, I wouldn't have known about these things on my liver if I hadn't had a CT, but then again they aren't really an issue and the CT didn't detect anything wrong with my guts so kind of a dead end there.

Star, do you get dehydrated or anything like that during your tummy flares? I know in the past that you've mentioned that even drinking water can get you running to the bathroom. It might not be a bad idea to head to A&E if you have another multi-day tummy flare, at least they could give you some meds and fluids through an IV. I pretty much always end up getting IV fluids when I flare, I seem very prone to dehydration when I'm having d and I lose electrolytes (particularly sodium) really quickly too. And it always makes me feel a lot better to get some IV fluids. I'm not sure if it actually makes my flares shorter, but getting fluids definitely makes flares more bearable. Just my experiece! Hope you are feeling lots better today. Have you done anything with your garden yet this year? I remember you saying that gardening is the one hobby that you're still able to do and really enjoy. Any plans yet on what you're planting this year? :)

Dazzafar, welcome. I recall reading once that smoking can help in some cases of IBD, and I believe in general it seems to worsen Crohn's but help with Ulcerative Colitis. I'm not sure why that is, but I don't doubt that smoking can help ease some symptoms. As Flowergirl said, though, it's probably not best for you to smoke long-term and to find a better way to treat your illness. I had a co-worker who was a smoker and he always boasted that his health was great... up until he got a scratchy throat that wouldn't go away, and it ended up being stage 3 throat cancer. The poor guy went through awful treatments, lost all his teeth and lost his voice and needed a feeding tube to eat, became a shell of his former self and his face was nearly unrecognizable, but he finally got his throat cancer into remission. Unfortunately, he just recently found out that he's now got cancer in another part of his body. It's not looking good for him and he's not very old either. So please, don't smoke, it can do absolutely horrible devastating things to your health! Okay, lecture over! ;) Welcome to the club and the forum.

How's everybody else doing? I'm okay, I over-indulged a bit over Easter and skipped the gym one day to go out of town, and I forgot to take my psyllium for a couple days. I'm paying for those mistakes a little bit, but feeling better today. I need to not use holidays as an excuse to slack off or eat bad foods. I hope everyone else had a good Easter and avoided too many bad treats!

Speaking of Easter, my sister-in-law's husband actually showed up (he had avoided family get-togethers for over a year), and they do seem like they're trying to reconcile. He didn't touch one drop of alcohol which is huge for him as I feel like he's probably an alcoholic. Hopefully this means he's now a recovering alcoholic! My nieces & nephews seemed happy too so that's good news. My s-i-l recently lost a lot of weight, probably about 50 lbs since xmas. She says it's from diet & exercise but I would imagine the stress of her marriage maybe/maybe not crumbling has played a part too, although I didn't say anything. On the whole, though, there were no fights and not much tension, so I actually had a pretty good Easter at my in-laws'! Crazy!
Cat, yeah another surgery is in my future :( Since my doctor is in Gainesville that's 2 hours away so she couldn't get the the operating room to do it.. :( and they weren't allowed to touch the intestines because she wasn't a colorectal surgeon!!
So, yeah... I basically got a surgery done, they saw problems but couldn't fix them. :( ridiculous.
Not doing so well. Going to have to be on a liquid diet for a few days because i'm just in so much pain. I feel like i'm about to pass out the pains are so intense... it's crazy. and I'm having a lot of D still, even though I'm on 40mg of prednisone and on 14 pills a day. I see my GI doctor on Monday and she is thinking of putting me on Humira because of all the inflammation everywhere and scar tissue built up from everything. Also on Monday I will probably talk to her about when they will separate my ovaries from my intestines and other organs.
Star, I totally understand you being frustrated. Even though I am closer than you to a treatment and diagnosis, I too am having trouble getting the right amount of medication and treatment....

I think I'm just going to have them cut me open like they did sunshine, maybe that will finally show that something is wrong! :p

I hope everyone else is doing well! Sunshine, I hope you are healing well!

Our cruise is wonderful so far! We have had to take it easy the past two days because I was an idiot and forgot my meds yesterday morning, so my pain is through the roof and I am spending way too much time in the bathroom. The boat shakes when we are moving, which doesn't help my pain! :( But overall the trip is wonderful. We found out they have acupuncture in the spa, and I am going to try it to see if it helps my pain long term! If it does I am going to get it done regularly in Germany!
Sunshine, how frustrating is that! They could see all kinds of problems but couldn't do anything about it, ugh! Next time maybe ask if you could sign a waiver saying that whatever they find, no matter what body part or system it's attached to, just fix it! Sheesh. I hope the liquid diet goes okay. Aren't you pretty much on a liquid (milkshake) diet lately anyway? Poor thing, you're going to disappear if you lose any more weight. :( If you do something like Ensure, try to find the highest calorie one you can. Like I know that Ensure Plus has 350 calories (the regular kind has 250 calories) per bottle. You might be able to find something even higher than that if you have a look around too. You need all the calories you can get! Hang in there, not too much longer until your GI appointment and hopefully then you can get some more help and better meds.

Allie, that sucks about forgetting your meds but I am glad that the cruise is fun otherwise. A co-worker of mine has recommended several times that I try acupuncture so you'll have to let me know if you like it and get any benefit from it. I get massages every so often but I can't tell if they actually help. Back when I wasn't in remission, massages were actually quite painful. Even just lying face-down on the massage table wasn't pleasant on my tummy, and when he worked on my lower back it'd smush my tummy into the table even further and that hurt a lot! So I am sometimes skeptical of "alternative" type treatments like massage and acupuncture. My hubby's cousin has Lyme disease and she was supposedly diagnosed by her acupuncturist after her doctors couldn't figure her out (she said he could tell it was Lyme disease from her first phone call as he could hear it in her voice - sounds like total BS to me, although she has subsequently been diagnosed with both Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses by proper doctors). Long story short, I am very skeptical but I do concede there could be some merit to acupuncture so I am willing to keep an open mind in spite of my naturally skeptical nature. :) So let us know how it goes!
I'd love to have them cut me open and have a look but guess what that was refused too :(

Cat I have been making great progress with my garden! Planted new strawberries, Dianthus, Giant Fuschias and a load of Buddleja Buzz in different colours (have stuffed them all into one pot). Still waiting on dinner plate Dahlias (they are that big!) and some mystery hanging basket plants. Got a bunch of seeds to do as well. Several things growing in the porch ready to go outside when the weather is better, petunias, lilac's, a clematis and a huge tree peony. Can you tell i've been busy with that lol. Rosemary has flowered and attracted loads of bees, it's so relaxing watching them, they let me get really close. Soon the lavendar **** bush will be flowering which is 3x bigger than rosemary and it attracts a ton of bees and insects which I love.

Have put in a complaint about the MRA failure, they should get back to me within a month I am told.

During my worse flares yes I do generally get a little dehydrated. But I make sure to sip water (if I can, water making me run is an extreme event and not typical) and have rehydration powders after. The only time I would go to A&E for a flare is my severe ones which happily don't happen often! I go if I really need to as it costs me quite a bit of money to get there, there is no-one to drive me etc so I won't go for the "grade 1 or 2" flares, because of that and the fact that I can easily treat myself at home for those. "grade 3" is another story lol!
allie/cat - (ahaha, that was funny. alleycat. lol) anyhoo, i had acupuncture once to try to induce labor. it didn't work, but it was very relaxing and it didn't hurt at all. i say it's worth a try!

i feel like all kinds of $hit. i have this horrrible head cold. i don't know where i got it. my husband and my kid are fine. i know my friend's husband has it, but i haven't been around him... unfortunately he's apparently still messed up, and got it 2 days before i did. looks like i'm in for a couple more days of this... :stinks:
Growing up I was resilient to take pain killers and anti inflammatory.
My belief is pain is there for a reason..
Why is the pain there I ask myself....
I stumble accross stuff everyday but natural stuff
Appeals to me... I don't want to be taking pain killers my whole life..
What upsets your stomach now?
I'm sure you will all say similar things upset u.

I stumbled accross this post below, it's old but it makes a bit of sense.
We honestly need to push non-caring doctors aside.
Need to push our greedy government aside.
Have a read and let me know what u guys think?
I'm gonna try this I think

Dazz, I skimmed through that link and honestly it sounds very scammy to me. Anyone who says they "cured" their Crohn's is a scam artist because there is no cure. And anyone who says pred doesn't help, I just don't know where to start with that! As far as I am concerned, pred is a miracle drug and I love the stuff. I am in remission (not "cured" as that's not possible, but my illness is dormant right now) and I'm in remission because I took steroids that are very similar to pred. If you insist on trying what that link states, just please keep in mind that everybody with IBD is different and we all respond differently to various treatments, what supposedly worked for this guy may not work for you or may even make things worse. Take it with a huge grain of salt and please consult with your doc before doing anything drastic.

Flower, my understanding is that Remicade supresses the immune system, so it's not surprising to hear that you've got a cold when nobody else in your house has one. When I was on Entocort it supressed my immune system (not to the extent that Remi does though) and I got every cold and virus going. I remember at xmas that year I saw my nieces & nephews, and my younger niece was sniffling and coughing. I remembered from somewhere that it takes an average of about 48 hours for onset of cold/flu symptoms once you've been exposed to the germs, so I made a mental note that I'd be getting ill in two days time. Sure enough, almost exactly to the hour, I started feeling sick and I ended up with what felt like the flu (and I had gotten my flu shot that year too). It sucked! But I can relate and I hope you can remain germ-free for awhile after this. I hope you feel better soon!

Star, your garden sounds lovely, I wish I had a green thumb like you! We've planted a few seeds into pots, mostly just various veggie plants and some tomatoes. We can't plant them outside yet as the weather has been dipping below freezing at night which would kill these plants if they were outside. So we'll wait at least a few weeks. While going through my gardening stuff, I found some sunflowers and thought of you! How are your sunflowers doing? I haven't planted mine yet but I have a spot in mind for them - I have hedges that go mostly around my yard, but there's a spot at the end where there aren't hedges, and the mailman is able to walk through our yard when he delivers the mail because of this open spot on the end. So I'm going to fill in that spot with sunflowers and I'm also going to put up a little "do not walk on grass" sign up so hopefully he gets the hint! Seriously, is it just me or is it totally rude to walk across someone's yard every day? So anyway, yeah, soon I will hopefully have some sunflowers growing too! :)

I'm doing okay today although I'm a bit depressed. I just found out another co-worker of mine has cancer (that's 3 co-workers in the past 2 years with cancer, and one of them has had cancer twice now). It's just depressing to see people who were fine and healthy and now are fighting for their lives, you know? The co-worker I just found out about, he said it came on so suddenly, out of nowhere. It's scary to think about! And I know that both IBD and many of the medications can make us more susceptible to developing cancer. I am scaring myself with these thoughts. Can't wait to go to the gym this afternoon and get rid of some of this mental baggage and bad thoughts!

I hope everybody else is okay? Sunshine, how's the liquid diet so far? Allie, I hope you're still having fun on the cruise? Everybody else, how's it going? Anybody have tests or appointments coming up?
cat- yeah, i know remi's an immune suppressor. i do tend to get sick a tad more often than i used to, but considering what i'm taking, i'm really surprised by how much i've been able to fight off. the last 2 times the hubby and kid have gotten sick i haven't. this time i just wasn't so lucky. apparently it's always worse the first 2 weeks after an infusion, so i likely got it the last 2 days or so of that 2 week window.
Hi all! Wow, did I have some catching up to do. Been laying low lately; trying my best to take care. I'm on my new 'diet' now for 3 weeks. Not much of an improvement yet. It's a tad frustrating to say the least b/c once anyone hears that I have tons of food allergies they automatically assume that THAT is the only thing that's making me sick.

Well, i've cut out the foods I can't eat, my body is still detoxing, but i'm having many of the same symptoms as before. AND the irritants that I am apparently not allergic to still cause inflammation...which leads me to deduce that yep, i'm still sick. Nope, the change of food isn't miraculously going to make everything better! It hopefully will improve some symptoms, but I highly doubt they'll simply altogether disappear!

I'm still having 3-15 bm's a day, still having to get up in the middle of the night, still having pains, still having inflammation, PAIN passing bm's...it's like my intestines are lined with sores ALL THE WAY through! I seriously can feel it moving throughout. Still exhausted, lost a bit more weight, night sweats, migraines. Good days and then bad days...no rhyme nor reason to it!

Tests are on June 15. We'll see if they come back normal. Not sure what the heck i'm going to do if that should happen.

Cat, Star, Allie, Sunshine & everyone else; i've read your posts & my thoughts are with you all in your struggles. Big hugs to you all. :hug: Stay strong everyone!

Sidenote to Sunshine...my bowel was also fused to my left ovary...they ended up removing my left fallopian tube b/c of endo damage. The bowel is no longer fused, but I do feel the scar tissue. Prior to that surgery, my pain level was CRAZY. My point is that hopefully they'll be able to separate the tissues that are binding your bowel to other organs & you should in turn get some respite from the pain caused by the fusing.
Nope, surgery is NOT fun, but could be well worth it for the temporary break from the pain. Best wishes to you for a decent recovery.
Thank you Cat for your advice on the Ensure. I think I'm pretty much coped from the surgery, but of course I'm still having my 'normal' pains, D, issues.. and the ovary is really hurting me. :( I've been drinking Ensure, but the highest calorie one I could find was the 350. which is better than nothing at all so it's okay for now.

Ever hopeful, I think they will need to do surgery to separate them like they did with you too, because the pain is just crazy, and again i don't care what i need to go through as long as in return i'll have a little less pain... it's totally worth it like you said. even just for a little relief.

It's really frustrating that my meds aren't working... 12 pills a day and prednisone and my intestines are still not doing their job and being lazy lol... makes no sense. i'll never understand really! Oh well, i've been focusing my anger into positive things like crafts sooo it's okay. lol...
I'm very nervous about my appointment on Monday. I know she is going to start me on Humira, and I'm terrified! I heard it hurts really bad, and doing shots is going to get some getting used to. hopefully it works though. if not, i'll be moving on to Remicade...
and I'll be asking her about separating my ovary from my bowel. So we will see how that goes.

FINALLY had success in the toilet.. after LOTS of movicol and pear juice and coloxyl with senna (all given by hosp) so they're sending it away for testing but there was a fair bit of blood in it :-s even I could see that. will that alter the results?

So, the general med team have been and are sending me home.. apparently the gastro consultant reckons that IF I had anything wrong it would have shown in the colonoscopy 6 years ago or the gastroscopy 4 years ago or during the laparoscopy 2 weeks ago.. don't worry that I am nauseous and vomiting, can't eat without extreme pain a half hour /1 hour later, that I can only JUST keep a small amount of liquids down, that I need morphine and endone to control the pain, that I have a bleeding bum, that I have a mouth full of ulcers, that all I want to do is sleep, that I am losing weight, that they have done NO tests other than bloods and now a stool sample to test for c diff which they reckon I won't have because I'd have other symtoms. :-(

WTF do I do now?? I can't go home like this??

Why is the gastro consultant being like this?? the registrar wanted me to have an MRI test where they put barium down tube to look at small bowel but consultant said no. not necessary.. HUH!??

what do I do???? :-(
I don't think it's a blood test, they scanned mine with ultrasound (that was wierd, huge bloated belly and an ultrasound, kept waiting for a baby to appear on the screen!)
Sunshine, have you looked at the Humira threads in the Treatment part of the forum? Maybe someone there could reassure you. From what I've read, it can burn or sting a bit when you first do the injection, but on the whole it's not too bad. I have no personal experience with Humira, this is just what I've read on the forum. And if it makes you feel better, I would say a little stinging feeling would be worth it. Good luck on Monday!

Ever, you just listed a whole bunch of red-flag symptoms of IBD (night sweats, having to get up in the night to go, unintentional weight loss). I get all those symptoms in a flare too, and I also get migraines as you mentioned. My migraines started right around the time that this supposed IBD started so I imagine they must be connected somehow. You mentioned that you'll be having more tests in June - what tests are they doing? I hope they find something that explains why you're still having bad symptoms in spite of all the diet changes! Good luck!

My GI continues to confuse and upset me. My GP recently forwarded me a letter, it was from September 2011, written by my GI and sent to my GP. Mainly my GI was explaining to my GP everything I've been through (specifically normal test results and positive response to pred and Entocort) and said that he will probably put me on Mesalamine soon (I was put on Asacol in October 2011). But then, in the letter my GI stated to my GP that all my test results came back normal and therefore he feels I probably have IBS (!!!!!) and he isn't sure why I responded to pred and Entocort and he even seemed to hint that it may have been either a placebo effect or psychosomatic (!!!!!!!!!!) and that he's a bit upset that I have come to the conclusion that I have IBD (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $%#*&!!!!). Now, at a more recent GI appointment I did ask him point blank whether he thinks I have IBD, and he said yes to my face. Why then did he tell my GP that he thinks I have IBS??? My GP is great and has thought all along that it's IBD but he can't diagnose based on a feeling. I guess I just don't see the point of why my GI sent this letter to my GP (they're both in the same computer system and can both see each other's notes and all my test results and meds and so on). My GP forwarded it on to me without any comments so I'm equally confused there - I am guessing he just wanted me to know what my GI was saying about me? I've got a printout of this letter and am thinking of contronting my GI with it at my next follow-up appointment, which is in a few weeks. What do you guys think? I'm upset, but also confused and not sure what exactly my GI thinks about me now (the letter is 7 months old after all). And of course my GI seems to change his mind every other day anyway so he could have felt IBS then and later changed his mind to IBD and has probably changed his mind like 50 more times since then. I don't know what to do about this letter, nothing? Or confront my GI and ask WTF? What would you guys do?
Cat, that is weird. I don't understand why your GP would have sent you that, especially since it's 7 months after the fact, like you said. Was it via email? Maybe it was a mistake of some sort. Have you seen your GI since that letter was sent? If you have, and that was when he told you he thought you had IBD, then I would shrug it off, knowing his weird "yes she has IBD"/"no she doesn't have IBD" wishy-washiness anyway. If he told you he thought you had IBD, and then sent your GP that letter, then I don't know what to tell you. He seems to be very subject to sudden whims and caprice anyway. :ybatty:

Of course, if at this point, he really and truly thinks you have IBS then why did he put you steroids in the past, and why would he have you on Asacol now??? That seems irresponsible to me. And then to ignore the fact that the meds are working also seems irresponsible. I keep thinking you need a new GI, but that doesn't seem to guarantee anything for anyone, does it? I would definitely save the letter and then see how the next appointment goes and pull it out if need be. When is your next appointment with either of them, by the way? I guess if it were me, I would at the least discuss it with the GP, or find out the reason for his sending it. Did he refer you to your GI? I definitely wouldn't want someone who is just so back and forth about everything. It doesn't instill a lot of confidence in him as a doctor.
May, no, it was sent to me via regular old snail mail. So I don't think it was an error, I think my GP deliberately sent it to me, just not really sure why. I have seen my GI a couple times since he wrote that letter, once in October and once in January. It was at the October appt that he first prescribed Asacol, and it was one of those two where he responded that he does feel I have some form of IBD. As my past rants about him have probably shown, he changes his mind a lot (taking me off Asacol, putting me back on, etc) so I'm hoping this is just another example of that. After all, he IS treating me as though I have IBD, and he did say to my face that he feels this is IBD. I'm in remission because he put me on Entocort. I just don't know, I feel like he is a good doctor but I can't totally trust him? My next appointment is 2 weeks from today so I will spend this time thinking over how I want to proceed and whether or not to discuss any of this with him. I did save the letter and will definitely bring it with me - I think I'll even make a copy of it and highlight the parts that really strike me as odd for quick reference.

My GP initially gave me a referral to the GI clinic, and when I called there to make an appointment they penciled me in with the GI who had the soonest opening (which was still 3 months time, so I didn't want to wait any longer and stuck with that appointment). So, my GP didn't refer me to this GI specifically, and I was newly ill and hadn't joined the forum yet and didn't know the importance of researching a doctor beforehand - none of it is my GP's fault at any rate. I am so torn on what to do. I don't want to go to a new doctor just to be taken off my meds, forced into a flare, then be put through a ton more tests (like what seemed to happen to Sunshine every time she got a new GI). I have no interest in flaring again if I can avoid it, and I can't really see going to a new doctor just to say hi and get the feel for them and keep them on the back-burner until I do flare. I have a GI appointment in 2 weeks so I will keep that appointment and just see how it goes. I have a feeling he might pull me off of Asacol at that appointment anyway - my recent blood work wasn't exactlly stellar and my kidney creatinine levels are just barely within the normal range, anything higher and I'd be considered to have "chronic kidney disease" if I am reading my results from last month correctly. My GI's big concern with Asacol was that it might cause my kidneys to fail, and he's pulled me off of Asacol before for more minor things so I would guess that borderline-bad kidney blood work might mean my time with Asacol is done anyway. And if that's the case - if I'm on no IBD meds (my GP can refill my other meds like Nexium and Zofran), then I may as well at least start researching new GIs, right? I don't know. Just like my GI, I keep going back and forth! A lot will depend on what happens at my appointment on the 26th I guess!
No, I didn't mean it was your GPs fault, I just wondered if he could give you a new referral if it comes to that. Wasn't sure if you had a different GP when you got the referral. Yeah, getting a new doc is a double edged-sword, esp considering this one IS treating you for the time being...I say if he pulls you off the Asacol (did he get baseline bloodwork done and if so, do you know how it compares?), then start shopping. Are there any good ones in the doctor directory near you? I remember when I thought about getting a second opinion, it seemed like choosing another GI would be like pulling a needle out of a haystack, and that even a doctor who looks good on paper can be terrible. I remember also that those doctor rating websites didn't have a lot of ratings for any of the GIs around here, which also kind of stinks. Maybe you can discuss it with the GP and he might have someone or someplace in mind, esp since he seems to think you have undxed IBD of some sort. Hopefully your appointment will go well and this will be moot. But at least you have a couple of weeks to think about it beforehand.
Thanks May. Yeah, I've had the same GP for about 10 years now. I get UTIs every so often so I used to see my GP ocassionally for that. When I first got sick I went to urgent care, and they said it was viral gastroenteritis. It was of course my first flare, and when I entered my second flare, I saw my GP. He said it was possible but unlikely to get the same virus twice, especially since nobody around me had caught it. The wheels were already turning in his head then, he said if it happened again I should definitely see a GI, and then when my 3rd flare hit I got the GI clinic referral (lots of bloodwork was done then, too).

I am sure it is hard to find a doctor who is both good on paper and in person. There's so many intangible things about what makes a doctor good. My GP is great, but I dare say I encountered a better one, once. When I first got really bad gastritis and was having awful upper abdominal pain, I tried getting in to my GI and my GP but both were booked solid, so I went to a different GP. This guy was amazing. He got a bit of my history and I told him about how I probably have IBD but am undiagnosed and have been so for awhile. He looked me in the eye with great concern and said, "I would just like to stop you for a minute, to address how horrible it must be to have gone through so much and to still be undiagnosed." Well, I started crying right there and then! In fact I'm tearing up about it now just thinking about it. It's rare that you see that kind of concern and empathy from a doctor who actually puts themselves in your shoes and acknowledges that you're in a really difficult situation! He was concerned it could be my gall bladder because of where my pain was, and ordered an ultrasound and some blood work and contacted both my GI and GP to keep them aware of the situation, so he was good medically as well as the emotional side. I actually thought about switching to this guy, he impressed me so much, but he must have moved or something because he's no longer in the system here and I can't even find him on google. I hope that wherever he is, his patients really appreciate what a caring doc they've got.

So yeah, I want *that* in a GI. Caring, compassion, understanding, empathy, and so on. Not being a flake. Plus, being a good doctor who knows their stuff. My GI knows his stuff, I think so anyway (the IBS thing is starting to make me wonder though!). It seems like so often you get one or the other, either you get a doc who cares but is clueless or you get kind of an a-hole who knows their stuff. I'd say my GI is probably the latter. He's never once asked me how this illness is affecting me emotionally or personally or anything like that. And yes, I've cried in his office more times than I care to count. He just remains stone-faced, hands me a kleenex, and proceeds to tell me about this test or that result. And I guess, I'd rather have someone who knows his stuff than a clueless but caring doc. But the caring part is not negligible either.
I don't know how long I have had this disease...
To me it was like the norm... Till I realized people don't need
That many toilet breaks a day and for that long.
Im 27 with osteopenia and some weird arthritis, spondylolthesis
And undiagnosed stomach condition :( Fissures, bowel pain,Reflux I even have a urge to urinate
When eating some foods :( Im 99.9% sure this is IBD...
But I don't want to take steroids.. Everything I have read says they bad :(
Catch22? I don't understand how they have steroids that help but they can't find a cure?

I'm up at 3:30am because of the pain.. From the arthritis mainly...
And the peeing problem..
Time line - 17 years old - doc, I got a bad gut??? IBS
21- doc it's getting worse? IBS + anxiety
24 - anxiety only
26 - anxiety and depression
27- "bone density test comes back" doc, what's these minus's mean? Doc: you're sick, sending u to gastro.
Ugh, doctors...can't live with them, can't live without them. :)

I think I'm going to go see my sister-in-law's ND for a couple of things I've got going on. My skin just won't clear up, my gut is starting to act up a little, and hormonally I still don't feel "right." It's nothing that I can put my finger on really; just haven't felt like "me" since I've had kids. I thought when I got off the pill I'd feel better, and I did, but still... Anyway, maybe all that stuff will end up being connected in my case and not be too difficult to "fix". At the very least I want to rule out any food allergies/intolerances and also check for hormonal imbalances, which I know she does. So we'll see.

Dazzafarr, sorry things are so bleak. I hope you get sorted out soon. Do you have a GI looking after you?
Funny u ask. I'm waiting in the GI's office now.
I already know what he is going to say,
Hmmmm, I want to have a look with camera pill or colonoscopy...
Being undiagnosed makes it hard because no-one believes you.
Work were cruel to me because they thought I was just depressed.
They even sent me a depresssion site to go to :(
Family were always like, I get that sometimes too...
Oh, this person gets that. I'm like... FFS, if they get it how
Come I see photos of them drinking and partying on Facebook..
Everyone plays it down. Even after arthritis and osteopenia...
People say, once you hear your bones are bad, your mind will make it worse..
I'm like... Well it's been this bad before diagnosis so meh...
Frustrating as everyone's a critic straight up :(
I just want to start treatment so I can somehow get life back on track.
Sorry lol, this was my rage lol. Thank you for your support :)
Ok... I'm at witts end...
Delays, bad doctors...
Condition getting worse...
I went to a GI today who tried deterring the
Camera pill... He told me osteopenia is normal.
I can't do this much longer... Undiagnosed, constant stiff joints..
I'm now seeing another GI in may as this one today was
Dodgy as.... Hate this... My bones are killing....
Over it......
Over 10 years undiagnosed and not treated...
While I continue down this path of s$&t I'm only gaining more problems.
Is it too f$&king hard for them to check the most
Dominating crohns diagnosed area!!! The ileum!!!!
Why do we have to do research for these jerks
Who get paid a fortune to know nothing.
Fed up now
Hi Dazzafarr,

To be sure steroids have a truck load of side effects BUT they do save lives and they do save many a bowel. When you are well monitored and they are used short term there should be no long lasting effects.

Where is your gastroenterologist located?

Dusty. xxx
I don't know if I can put in too much detail,
"Sydney area"
Basically I'm caught up in GI politics...
GI1 Is covering up GI2 because GI2 didn't
Follow correct practice...
I am now going to a different one in may thank god.
Has anyone tried colonstrum?
Makes my head spin
Bloods detect Nothing
Colonoscopy ( Stricture --Surgery ) Active Moderate Crohn's
No medication add or change
( I'm a Difficult Patient for Insisting I MAY have more Crohn's ELSEWHERE & Dismissed.
1.9 Years I'm Back ( The Same ) ... Do i NEED EVALUATION ...????? Lazy Tool's
You all are POLITE when the Medical is POOR
This from the Great ( ____ ) clinic ?????
New Clinic ..Looks BETTER...Finding out !
Hope Everybody Finds great Help..........................!
Bones Killing You, Stiff Joints ........ Uggggggg .... You Know it ...!
May a Decent GI Doc Find you.........RYNE
Honestly, this forum is a saviour sometimes.
Through all the stress I still find myself coming back here to settle the nerves.
Sadly as you can tell, I'm not too fund of a lot of doctors.
Have a great GP, but getting into a good gastro
Without waiting 2-3 months min is hard these days.
Then, when you finally get in you feel pushed away.
I "a grown man" almost cried today after leaving the GI.
It takes a lot to make me cry, but undiagnosed this long
Takes its toll. I know there are so many crohnies far off worse than me
And I take my hat off to them.
I really do
Let Loose
At least you do, Constructively..!
I Know the frustration .. Can Stink Literally............!
I Have a Newer G.I.
To Bad GP have more Common sense ..or so it Seem's..?
Been Diagnosed & Cancelled a Remicade Waiting for a stronger dose or Change of Meds...?
With newer Update on Symptom's & More.
Stay Resillient
Good Luck ...Ryne
Danny's colonoscopy results were normal/no sign of Crohn's disease. His new doctor does want to keep searching for a cause (I am happy about this!) so he is doing some blood and urine tests on Monday. From the doctor's description, I think he is being screened for neuroendocrine tumors. I just spent the last 2 hours reading about these ... really rare (his doctor has never seen this in 28 years) ... scarey .... but could account for symptoms. I am wondering if anyone here has been screened for this? They say patients with a certain type of tumor usually get misdiagnosed with IBS. Pain, watery diarrhea & flushing are some symptoms.
I don't know if I can put in too much detail,
"Sydney area"
Basically I'm caught up in GI politics...
GI1 Is covering up GI2 because GI2 didn't
Follow correct practice...
I am now going to a different one in may thank god.
Has anyone tried colonstrum?

There are other here located in Sydney. Maybe you could ask around in the Local Support Group??

I am located in the North West and the Matt's GI is in Port Macquarie. He did spend some time last year in RPA, including one admission for surgery, and the GI's and surgeons connected with the hospital all seemed thorough, knowledgeable and approachable.

My daughter is now in Sydney and sees a GI connected with Prince of Wales.

Good luck with the new GI!

Dusty. xxx
dannysmom, if you're talking about things like Cushings then yes i've been screened for stuff like that, Cortisol tests etc, got another one coming up soon just to double check all is well there.
Most my life I have had symptoms.
Still not diagnosed...
I have done an average of 1-2 hours a day research
I have discovered that I may not only have crohns
But also have a fistula through to my bladder..
I can't tell a gastro what I believe is the case.
They won't believe me and will be critical towards me.
How do I get them to fix the fistula if they won't even find crohns...
I haven't had the pillcam and believe I have crohns to the
Even with osteopenia, spondylolisthethis and an undiagnosed arthritis
They still don't take me seriously...
This has had such an impact on my life and I'm working with numb nuts...
I believe my so called anal fissure...
May be a fistula???
Since I first got the "fissure" I have had urinating
Problems... It feels as if my penis is irritated/infected/swolen.
I feel pain in my urethra quite often.
I also feel pain in my scrotum... I'm thinking i may even have a fistula
To the scrotum...
I have lost 15 kilos in less than 3 months.
I was weighing 90 kilos and I'm now 75..
I'm 27 years old and dread meetings at work,
Bus/train trips. Going out... Due to constant urinating discomfort.
Have had the urinating discomfort for 3 years.
2 colonoscopys + endoscopes.... 4 Polips removed.
Diagnosed severe esophagitis.
I have now taken a month off work because
My body said stop... I gained fatigue, rashes, my bones are stiff and
Make cracking noises all the time...
I feel like I'm deteriating....
And my next appointment for a gastro is in month...
I don't know how much more I can take..
I really don't... Being undiagnosed makes it worse...
hi peeps!
sorry ive not been online for a while. things have been a bit rubbish for me the last few weeks.

thankfully my colonoscopy results came back clear for IBD - so have been told its IBS (im happy to go with this diagnosis.. but you guys dont get rid of me that easily ;) haha!)

im currently waiting for an ultrasound to check for gall stones, and to see a urologist for my night time "problem".. but this last two weeks ive been battling severe tonsillitis.
**im 24 and used to get tonsillitis loads in my teens.
i ended up in hospital over easter weekend on IV antibiotics and fluids because no meds were working.. and i was literally gagging on my own saliva - temp of 40c = 104f. and i couldnt breathe every time i laid down!
im currently on penicillin and metronidazole.. and im sooo tired! i keep sleeping all afternoon and have very little energy or appetite.
and of course.. my bowels are going mental. (i dont vomit from the usual end if you know what i mean) hahaha...

im just fed up of being ill.. i seem to get every bug/virus that is going :( forgotton what it feels like to feel "healthy".

@cat - hows things with your sister in law??
hi dazzafar, im so sorry you feel really low about it all. it sounds like you've had a really rough time. i hate not knowing for sure what is wrong with me.. you only know yourself that something is wrong - and can feel the docs dont believe you. pfft... really pisses me off ~(excuse my language) - and once you've had depression, you are forever painted by the "depression brush" when you see your doc with an issue. i hate it, and get so down at times.. i really hope you get some answers soon
I'm home! Lots of reading to do on the thread! Lets see if I can respond to all that I have missed.....

I ended up doing the accupuncture in the middle of the cruise. It was 78 Euro, which comes out to about $100, which is kind of insane, but we wanted to see if it would help. All it was was a needles in my knees, hands, and tummy where my pain is, and then I laid there for about thirty minutes as the needles were adjusted. It wasn't painful at all, and it actually was really relaxing. My husband said when I came out that my eyes were dilated, and I was a little woozy. It helped my pain a little bit, but not much. The doctor who did the entire thing explained that for my inflammation pain that it would take 10 - 15 treatments to get it under control. Wow! I don't think I will be able to use it long term because of the cost, at least here in Germany, but I definitively am not against it. It is a pretty good alternative therapy in my opinion!

Cat, that letter is terrible! Since it is 7 months old, hopefully he has changed his mind, considering he continues to have you on IBD meds. I personally would never have the courage to confront him about it, but thats just me.

Bozzy, oh my goodness! I hope you get better ASAP! If you are happy with the IBS diagnosis, then stick with it. IBS is a true condition, and its good that it looks like you don't have anything more serious. I hope everything else gets better super quick!
Going to the doctor today (Monday) to talk to my doctor at Shands Hospital about her new plans for my treatment since mine is not working.

Hope you all have a great day!

Sunshine, good luck today! I hope you can figure out a good treatment plan and finally get some relief!

Allie, wow, that acupuncture sounds pretty expensive! It sounds like it worked okay though, maybe you could find a student acupuncturist or make friends with an acupuncturist and work out a discount? My hubby's best friend is trained in massage therapy and he makes house calls for friends & family, and charges a reduced rate too. So when I want a massage, I put in a call to him (he's been really busy lately though as he's going back to school to be a nurse, so I haven't gotten many massages lately). I will have to ask him if he knows anyone who does acupuncture. ;)

Speaking of pain and relief, does anyone else notice that candy/sugar gets their guts angry? Hubby and I went to the store the other day, and while we were there we saw that they had a lot of leftover Easter candy on clearance. It was really cheap, and we ended up buying a ton. I snacked on candy the whole weekend, and I noticed especially last night that my LRQ isn't happy. I haven't had any candy today and things are less painful than they were last night. Just as well since I know I shouldn't have candy (trying to get healthy and lose a bit of weight) so in a way it's a good thing that my guts don't like it. I have such a sweet tooth though and it'll be hard avoiding all that candy!

Bozzy, good to see you around again, and sorry to hear that you're still having symptoms and that they haven't found anything. I'm glad you're okay with the IBS label, but if things get worse or don't seem like they "fit" with IBS (blood, getting up in the night to go, unexplained weight loss, etc) then please get a second opinion. Thank you for asking about my sis-in-law, from what I can tell she's hanging in there and she & her husband are trying to reconcile. She lost a lot of weight which she says is due to diet & exercise, but I am guessing stress played a big role there too (she lost probably 50 lbs since xmas!). I saw her husband at Easter too (he actually showed up after having avoided family gatherings for about a year!) and he seems to have stopped drinking so it seems like he's turning things around too. Their kids - my nieces & nephews - all seemed fairly happy too. Sis-in-law and her hubby did file for divorce, but they could withdraw the paperwork if they do decide to reconcile or they could go ahead with the divorce, it's still all in limbo at this point.

Danny's mom, nobody mentioned tumors to me with the exception of the benign tumors that are on my liver. I did go through Addison's testing, I think I told you about that already, but tumors were never mentioned in that process, so I presume I was never actually tested for what you mentioned. If it's that rare then hopefully it isn't what he has (although I know that you, like me, just want some answers even if it is something kind of scary). I hope Danny gets some answers soon but I also hope it's NOT a tumor! Good luck with those tests!
I am still waiting for the right scripts to screen for neuroendocrine or carcinoid tumors. Once I get them I will post the details of the test. It is different than Addison's testing. the basic screen should be a 24-hour urine test for 5-HIAA and a blood test for Chromogranin A. There are lots of information on these if you google neuroendocrine tumors or carcinoid tumors ... I can't believe I have not read more about these since I spend a lot of time search for causes for diarrhea ... but they are rare! Here is one site that talks about common symptoms. The combination of nocturnal diarrhea and flushing sound familiar.

They say it usually takes years to get a diagnosis and most patients were incorrectly diagnosed with IBS. I think it is a worthwhile screen to have if still undiagnosed and suffering.
Another good article here:

Good luck Sunshine!
Danny's Mom, thanks for that info, very interesting! I don't think the symptoms fit me particularly well but is still good info to know. The part about flushing in particular doesn't fit for me - when I flare up I get the opposite problem, my face goes completely pale, no color at all. I've actually scared myself looking into the mirror and not recognizing myself for a second and wondering who the scary dead/goth looking girl is. Then realized it was me! Eek! Fortunately in remission I have normal color in my face and haven't scared myself lately. :) Does your son get facial flushing, or paleness, or neither?
Dannysmom... those articles are interesting. how do they typically diagnose it?
I dont know if u remember @cat when i mentioned about my flushing?? Eek! haha.. i get it on my face quite randomly -typically after eating strawberries or drinking wine. and sometimes due to nothing specific. But ive had 2 CT scans, colonoscopy and key hole surgery with nothing found other than a grumbling appendix. so im not concerned... much! ;)
@cat - glad things are getting sorted for your SIL. slowly but surely!
Bozzy, sorry, I must have forgotten you talking about flushing. That's interesting that it happens after certain foods, I wonder if it could be a mild allergic reaction or something like that? And, how brave of you for eating strawberries! I can't seem to digest them at all, I swear even if I chew them thoroughly until they're mush, they turn back into whole strawberries again in my digestive tract. :p Okay, maybe not, but after eating them I swear it looks like I poo out whole strawberries, and they hurt the whole way through. Tomatoes are similar, they don't hurt but they do come out in undigested chunks. I tried peeling tomatoes as I thought it was just the skins I wasn't digesting, but no, I can't digest any part of tomatoes it seems.

Interesting, you mentioned wine too... is it red wine or all wine? If red, then I'm seeing a theme with red foods here!
Flushing was more of a problem for Danny the first 6 months of this illness, not so much anymore. Danny also had a normal MRI so I thought, glad I do not have to worry about tumors. But these can be <1cm and are usually not noticed on regular MRIs when they are that small. Will kepp everyone posted ... I love this subforum of ours :)
I dont eat strawberries ever since it happened for the 1st time. but if i eat/ drink anything with strawberies in without realising ot happens. and it tends to happen with any wine.. so dont really drink that anymore.but ive heard about sulphite sensitivity that can cause this. particularly with wine. its not an allergy, but sensitivity can range from mild to severe. so with mild you can withstand up to a certain amount of sulphites before it affects you. i had pancakes with lemon juice and sugar for pancake day last feb for the flushing to happen
Red wine makes me flush, and I don't flush from other foods that I know of. My sister in law says white wine does the same to her. I think it's fairly common with wine, and yes, I've heard it's b/c of the sulfites.

Sunshine, I hope this is your miracle drug, too. You sure need a break!
Sunshine, good luck with the Humira! What day do you start it? Fingers crossed for you that it works well and can get you into remission!

Interesting that so many have a sensitivity to sulfites. I'm not a big drinker at all, in fact I recently discovered that I can have small amounts of wine again, but I'm such a lightweight (especially since I didn't drink at all for over 2 years) that about 1/8th of a glass of wine is all it takes now to get me very silly and buzzy. But I've never experienced face flushing from any type of wine, nor any food that I can think of. The only time my face flushes that I can think of is when I'm exercising, especially when I first hit the weights, it's like my blood just starts pumping hard and I can feel it rush through my face for a moment and then I'm normal again. I do warm up on the treadmill before hitting the weights, but it's like I'm not really working out until I hit that first weight machine, that's when I feel it in my face. I could jog on the treadmill for ages and my face wouldn't flush, for some reason it's specific to lifting weights.

How's everybody doing today? My LRQ is still in a bit of intermittent pain from all the Easter candy I gorged on over the weekend. I love candy but clearly there are limits and I surpassed them and am now paying for it. Other than a bit of pain, though, I'm doing fine, no nausea nor other gut symptoms. My bad hip has been aching a bit lately too, I'm not sure if that's because the weather has been very rainy lately or possibly also because I ate too much candy. The weather does seem to affect my hip, I've also noticed that when it's very cold that it's a lot more achey. Of course they can't decide what's wrong with my hip either (GP says it's definitely arthritis, orthopedic surgeon says arthritis is possible but he thinks it's bursitis) so the whole thing is a bit of a mystery, what's wrong with it and what causes it to act up. Anyway, I hope everyone else is well and is having good weather and a good tummy day.
Okay so I swore blind I would not tell anyone if I got a PET scan, after announcing the Pill Cam and then having it cancelled.
But I am so happy because I got a PET scan approved!!

Needless to say I can't quite believe it and am extremely happy.

Rheumy's office called me around 5pm to book me in.

I have to go to another Hospital but it's quite managable- in just a week's time, I don't even have to wait for it.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I will also use it as a "dry run" to see how I cope with travelling to another Hospital, in case this doesn't lead anywhere, because in diagnostic terms at local Hospital this really is the end of the line- unless of course it leads somewhere or better yet gives me a dx.

Also gives me a chance to indulge in my dream scenario- scan finds inflammation in belly (again) I go back to Gastro, point out their many failures, refuse scopes and force them in light of their incompetence to make and support a special application for a Pill Cam!! :thumleft:
Star!!! :D So happy for you, that's wonderful! And so quickly too, I hope it goes really well! Hopefully it gets you some solid answers and you don't even need to go to the dream scenario (although that does sound like a satisfying scenario, but pill cam might require prep, and as I've experienced, it isn't guaranteed to get you a diagnosis either). I've got my fingers & toes crossed for you and I hope this is the test that finally ends your time in undiagnosed limbo! Best of luck and please do update us on how it all goes!

Edited to add: I really did try crossing my toes, and I got it for a second but then my foot cramped up, ha ha. :p
Thanks everyone! :ghug:

I know from my previous non-Pill Cam that they don't use prep at my Hospital, just fasting/nil-by-mouth :)
Congrats Star!! I was wondering what that facebook status was about. ;)

Hope you feel better soon Cat! I would have done the same thing with that candy. ;) I love gummy candy, but my guts hate it! My intestines don't even try and digest it anymore...I literally will poo solid gummy. :( So gross!

So we found out yesterday what they want to do with my husband in the Army....they aren't letting us get out in the middle of the deployment. :( We are now to stay in Germany until September of 2013, when we were suppose to leave December of this year. This means he is suppose to deploy a full 9 months with the rest of his unit. His unit was NOT the one to decide this...it was higher-up people in charge of the entire army that denied his resignation papers. Because his unit was ok with him leaving, they are trying to arrange it where he stays here in Bamberg, with other soldiers in whats cald "Rear-D". They stay here and help the deployed soldiers from home, as well as go to families houses of the injured and dead. Another officer of similar rank, that was suppose to be Rear-D, wants to take my husbands job and his slot to going to Afghanistan. So right now we are trying to get it all done so that they switch places and Stuart stays here. But it isn't fully done yet, so there is still a chance my husband will be leaving to Afghanistan for 9 months.

The reason why his unit is trying to keep him here is solely because of me, which I am finding kind of shocking. They have seem me hospitilized, and they have seen the way my husband keeps in contact with me when he is in the field, and they feel that it is just not a good idea to leave me alone in Germany by myself for 9 months. They also thought about forcing me to move back to the states to be with family to take care of me, but they think that won't change the distractions my husband would have. Whether I get hospitalized here or in the states, he would be flown by my side, and they feel that having him as part of Rear-D will keep that from having to happen. I am VERY grateful that they are trying so hard to accommodate for my illness....BUT, even though he will be here, he will be working super hard and I will only see him when he is sleeping at home. He will work 7 days a week, all day, just like the guys in Afghanistan. The only difference is he will be right down the road if I need him because of my illness, and the stress will be much lower so that the risk of a flare is lower.

So, the past two days have been really stressful. When he told me last night I felt like every part of me was going to explode.....now I am just super sad and trying to change all our plans. One good thing that has come out of it is that a friend from the theater is recommending me for a job that is opening up in my field. It is an army civilian job, a very high ranking one at that (I would out-rank my husband), and she is assuring me that I will probably get it. So this might work out for the best! Just trying to roll with it right now.
probably won't be starting humira till next week because of getting approved and all that fun stuff. but i'll let u all know when I do begin it!

that's great star, so happy for you!!! :)
Allie, that's not good. :( I hope he doesn't have to deploy, and that is pretty amazing that they're trying to keep him at home for your sake, sounds like a good bunch of people in his unit! Even if he does get to stay, it sounds like you'll barely see him, but that's good to know he'll be more readily available if you do need to go to the hospital. Good luck with the job! How funny would it be to suddenly outrank your hubby! :p Is it a full-time job? Since it's in the army, I'm wondering if maybe they already know some things about your illness and would be accommodating? Maybe they'd let you work from home some days when you're running low on spoons? I guess that's stuff you'd have to figure out after you actually get the job. Anyway, good luck with the application and interviewing and all that! I've worked full-time the whole time I've been ill, I'm fortunate that my boss is very understanding (he told me that at a previous job he worked at, a close co-worker of his had Crohn's and he saw how ill she was and how much she suffered so he is very understanding of what I have gone through too) and he's never upset when I need to take a sick day (knock on wood, I haven't had to call in sick so far yet in 2012!). He gets upset at the fact that they still haven't diagnosed me and stuff like that, but never at me. He's a good guy. I hope you can find a good work environment too!

Sunshine, good luck next week then! I don't know how Humira works exactly, do they do loading doses? Do they do the first few shots on you and then show you how to do it on yourself? Doing shots on yourself sounds awful, but if it makes you healthy then that's a small price to pay as far as I'm concerned. My grandfather has diabetes (among many other ailments) and he does 4 insulin shots on himself every day plus he has to check his own blood a few times a day so he is probably sticking himself about 10 times daily. I've seen him do the shots on himself and he doesn't even wince, it's like he doesn't even feel it anymore, he's totally used to it. So, hopefully Humira will be like that and will just be something you get used to quickly and doesn't hurt or bother you after a little while. I hope that's the case anyway, but even if it sucks it's only once every week or two, right? Not multiple times daily or anything like that. I'm rambling and rationalizing now, but long story short I hope you get approved soon and I hope doing the shots is not too terrible!

Star, I laughed at "non-pill cam". ;) I have a non-diagnosis, ha ha. And non-arthritis, maybe. And a non-trustworthy GI... :p Anyway, glad to hear that prep is off the table, it's always so miserable especially for those of us who tend to have diarrhea anyway! It's like, hmmm, how can I suffer even more? Oh, I know, I'll drink this gallon of laxative! For my pill cam I had to do 1/2 prep which was still miserable and still ended me up on IV fluids for dehydration. So I'm very glad to hear you won't have to do prep is you do get the pill cam!
sunshine - try not to be scared! once you get a few shots down you'll be a pro. i had allergy shots every week for 3 years as a kid, so i can attest that you will get used to them and it will be old hat soon enough.
thanks everyone!
yeah, I have to put the right amount of dose in the syringe and then inject it in my leg. the first time i'll be getting 4 shots. then skip a week and then do 2 shots, and then skip a week and from then on will be 1 shot every other week. The medicine itself is a very strong acidic type feeling when injecting I've heard. so it's quite painful but hopefully it works. if it work then i won't mind it! but my doctor said it could take up to 3 months to notice anything, so i'm hoping that my body reacts faster with it so i can feel better sooner. and one of the bad things about Humira is that it can cause Psoriasis... soooo i'm hoping that I don't develop that along with a million other side effects and risks. Hoping for the best, that's all I can do.
So I just mentioned my boss in my last post. Today he came up to me and asked if I was going to take a vacation this year. (I've been thinking about a trip to Orlando but that's still in the preliminary planning stages and there's a good chance it won't happen anyway so I didn't mention it.) I told him I don't know, and he said, "why not?" I said, well, honestly, the past few years I ended up using most/all of my vacation days as sick days and I'm still not quite used to the idea that it's okay to take a vacation rather than hoard all my vacation days to use as sick days! He just laughed and said I deserve a vacation after all I've been through. I think he's quite proud of me for not calling in sick yet so far this year (again, knock on wood). I'm proud of me too! :)

Sunshine, can you inject humira into your stomach too or is it just the legs? I have heard that injecting into the stomach doesn't hurt as much, but I don't know if you can do it with Humira or not. My grandpa does some of his shots in his stomach (he does both fast-acting and long/slow-acting insulin shots and one goes in the arm & the other goes in the stomach, I forget which one goes where). He says the stomach doesn't hurt, even though it seems like it would. Just a thought for you, something to ask about when you do get approved and get your loading doses.

How's everybody today? I woke up with a barometric pressure headache this morning, and it was overcast with 50% chance of rain/thunderstorms in the forecast. Because of my headache I was 100% sure it was going to rain, I always get barometric pressure headaches before storms, in fact I even wore my raincoat to work today because I was so sure it would rain a lot. Guess what, it didn't rain at all! It is even sunny out now, ha ha. I think that's the first time my headache has been wrong! The weather forecasters are saying 100% chance of rain tomorrow (how can they be so sure?) so we'll see how my head feels then. My head feels fine now, my headache eased over the course of the day although it got worse for a bit when I went for a jog on the treadmill (I could feel my brain jolting up and down, ouch!). Of course I brazenly said on facebook that I was sure it would rain today, so of course I was dead wrong! :p

Hi FGHFYHT.. welcome to the forum.. I'm a little confused why you are laughing on a lot of posts? Or does it mean something else?