Melissa, that sounds just awful, I'm so sorry you had to go through that! It never ceases to amaze me the "bad doctor" stories I hear on here. Fortunately there are plenty of good doctors out there too, sometimes they're just a little hard to find (hmm, like my illness!

). I can't believe that doctor found inflammation and dx'ed you yet still refused to treat you! That's just awful. I hope you have a much better doctor now!
May, that's an interesting link. I noticed that the person said, in the last post, that he had been tentatively diagnosed with celiac via a blood test, and then he didn't post any further. I wonder if he really and truly has celiac? After all, the blood test can be rather inaccurate. (I know most blood tests aren't known for accuracy, but that one in particular is supposed to be not much better than just guessing!) I hope he gets some further follow-up testing to confirm. I've always been told that upper endoscopy with biopsies is considered the "gold standard" for celiac diagonsis, and my GI said that because my biopsies came back normal, that means we have ruled out celiac 100%.
Star, good luck in a few days, I hope the complaint meeting is productive! Let us know how it goes!
How's everybody else doing today? I didn't have such a great weekend, too much stress. I posted a longer post on this subject in the "mini vents" thread, but in a nutshell my brother lives with us and for the past couple of months he's been driving me crazy! Lately he has taken to lecturing me about what I eat, what TV shows I watch, and especially about my illness. I've shouted at him and explained about my illness countless times but he just doesn't get it. The latest thing he did, on Saturday, was to tell me that if I change my attitude and if I look to him as my "health role model" (hah!) that I'll get better. I screamed at him that he is certainly no role model in any regard (he's nearly 26 and still living with his big sister, he works a slacker job because he "doesn't want to work for the man", he smokes a ton of weed and he spends nearly every waking minute on his computer - in other words, he's a total loser, and I'm just about ready to kick him out of my house). So, when he started in on lecturing me, again, I screamed at him that he's an a-hole and that he doesn't understand anything about what it's like to have a chronic illness, and that if he can't shut up then he needs to get out of my house! That was seriously the last straw. If he so much as hints about anything related to my health, diet, etc, from now on, he's gone. I already warned my mother that bro cannot stay much longer (he lived with our parents before he lived with me - yep, looooooser!). I am so done with this and don't need the stress! I think he might have mental issues, but at this point I can't even bring myself to care. He has a job and can afford his own place. At some point I have to put my health and sanity first, and that time has come.
So, because of the stress, I've had a lot of stomach pain & nausea the past few days. My arthritic hip has also been bad for 4 or 5 days now, ever since there was a shift in the weather (it went from hot & sunny to cooler and rainy). I just feel kind of blah today. To top it all off, hubby is working on putting together a bit convention event thingy next month and he's totally stressed out about it. It's hubby's birthday today, and his birthday wish is that, even if things are bad (mostly money-wise, we've been extra broke lately and my car needs new brakes, stuff like that), if for the next month I could just pretend when I'm around him that everything's fine so that he doesn't get even more stressed. Wonderful. I guess that means I probably need to wait at least a month before I kick brother out (although I will give him notice that he needs to start looking for a new place like now-ish). Urggghhh. I hate stress! And I hate having to bottle it up even more! This is NOT going to be a fun month.