Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted after my hospital visit with Shands, i was just so busy with blood tests and not feeling well, you know running to the bathroom a million times..
My doctor really understood what was happening! She spent 2 hours literally reading EVERY LITTLE THING in every test and all the pathology results as well. She even found one of my pathology results from my colonoscopy back in June of 2011 (with the doctor that yelled at me, remember?) and she said that in the results of pathology it says something about bumps in the terminal ileum and how that represents a marker towards Crohn's. So, either my doctor back then didn't want to admit that there was something going on, or just thought it was too complicated to get into... but he had yelled at me back then and that's rude because there was something sticking out like thorn!
My shands doctor said that yes there are things that look like you're normal.. but there are a lot of scattered results that say that you have Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She said with MOST patients doctors look at the symptoms and test results for crohn's and colitis and just say okay no you don't match up "EXACTLY" with that so you're fine you do'nt have it.. but she said there used to be only 7 marker blood tests but now there is like 18 I think, so she said when a patient does have positive results for IBD, they need to be taken seriously because there are only certain things that show up that are specifically only for IBD, and all my results that i've ever had are things that only IBD patients would have.
She even looked at these bumps near my rectum that I've had for 2 YEARS and 3 doctors have checked them out before and said that they were nothing to worry about... she immediately wanted to look at them and said they are skin tags and those are only in patients with IBD usually.
She ordered 20 vials of blood for like 5 pages of blood testings that measures genetics and all kinds of stuff. She thinks that maybe my grandpa who had Colon Cancer might have had IBD before he was diagnosed with cancer and maybe didn't know it.
But anyway she's checking a lot of stuff with blood work that no one has ever tested for, and she even is going to get the colonoscopy biopsies from the mayo clinic that they did and have them stained to see the Mast cells? because she said I bet your mast cells are very high but everything came back normal. So she's doing that too, and she wants me to get a special CT scan done, called a CT Enterography I think, that I drink gross stuff (of course because it's never yummy) and then they put special dye in my veins and it shows where all the white blood cells are in your small intestine, so she'll be able to see my worst areas and where all inflammation is. (supposedly...lol that's what is SUPPOSED to happen but we'll see what my body shows lol...)
She really took the time to educated me on what most doctors check and what doctors SHOULD check, and she seemed very confident that whatever I have is definitely IBD but she has to figure out exactly which type it is, because she said there's like 40 different types that fall in between crohn's and ulcerative colitis. And hopefully these tests show her good results and she can diagnose me and get me on treatment. She already mentioned that I would probably be headed in the direction of suppositories like Humira and such, so she said just to check out different treatment options and educated myself on all of them for when the day comes when I'll be getting treatment.
I'll be seeing her in a month and by then all of my tests would have been done and she would have results and tell me more tests I need to get done, or that she knows what it is. Feeling happy that my doctor is so thorough! When i got my blood work done the lady was like who is your doctor and I told her, and she said OH, YES, that explains why you're having so many tests done! I was like... is that a bad thing? She's like no, usually she is VERY thorough in her work to get the right diagnosis. I was like wow this is a blessing.
So i'm feeling very hopeful, but again don't want to make my hopes too high, because we all know how that is. But i'm just thankful to have a doctor that is thinking outside the box a little bit and getting tests that i've never had done. She was so confused why the mayo clinic didn't check the blood work that she is checking for. but at least she is!
I'm very sick though, very very. I'm in a flare I would say. I've been going to the bathroom a lot, and actually when I was waiting for the doctor I went to the bathroom 3 times in less than an hour! It was crazy.
So, i'm trying to get school work done but it's just so hard to do when your sick but i'm gonna have to really try because it's gotta get done.
Anyway, I hope you are all okay, sorry for the HUGE update.