Hey all! Long time, no checking in. Just wanted to drop by to wish everyone well and probably bid ya'll adieu, as it looks like whatever's going on with me, it's not Crohn's or any of its IBD-esque cousins.
Saw a rheumatologist this week who said I had levido reticularis (a skin discoloration with a sort of lacy, purplish appearance) but apart from that, nothing really jumped out to her -- at least, none of what she called "my diseases", aka serious rheumatological disorders. I'm hypermobile in a lot of joints and she said that's probably a reason why I get occasional aches. Ordinarily, she'd recommend low-dose aspirin, but she said I should stick with acetaminophen. (She cautioned me more about my minor stomach erosions than previous doctors had and said avoid aspirin and NSAIDS because, in her words, "I do NOT want to cause your major GI bleed.")
Anyway, the rheumy said I most probably won't even need to see her again. Always good news -- although I did like her; she knows her stuff!
As for what's wrong? The answer is still ????
Apparently levido reticularis is usually a benign idiopathic finding, especially in young women. (In the benign cases like these it's usually an indication of sluggish blood flow when it's cold out.) That said, sometimes it's a sign of lupus, other autoimmune problems, lymphoma, or antiphospholipid something-or-other -- another thing I'd never heard of -- so she ordered a few tests. She said it's probably nothing, especially since we already know I'm ANA negative and basically *always* have low inflammatory markers, so we'll see. I'd love to get back to normal.
If I keep feeling more or less like I have been the last week or two, I'm happy to relegate this chapter of ill-health to my personal history books and move on with my life, no explanation needed. I haven't had a migraine in weeks, my stomach doesn't hurt like it had been, and even my lymph nodes have stopped getting the brief shocks of pain they'd been getting. *AND* I haven't had any bleeding in while now ... unless the orange-y gunk accompanying most of my BMs is blood. Which I doubt, because in what may go down in history as the dumbest-yet-most-constructive toilet-related decision I've ever made, I decided to give the stuff a whiff and discovered it smelled like some kinda sugary breakfast cereal?!?
All in all, I'm doing a heck of a lot better. Haven't had a fever or horrible diarrhea in a while now, and a lot of the other minor things bugging me seem to be subsiding. That, or I'm getting used to them. Either way, I'll take it!
Hope all is well. Cat, enjoy the chips; lsgs, enjoy(?

) the naltrexone. I have to laugh seeing naltrexone here, of all places. I'm familiar with it -- but that's because I'm in recovery for alcoholism and know a lot of folks who take naltrexone to curb their opiate/booze cravings

. Who knew it had so many uses?