Undiagnosed Club Support Group

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Melibean, I would agree with Cat. It's definitely time to find a new GI . If he's not listening to you, he's not a good advocate for you. It's very unprofessional of him to try to give you a diagnosis when you haven't even had a scope done.

Cat - those rolls sound so good, now I want one! :D I used to work with a Hmong girl and sometimes she would make up a batch of homemade rolls like that for us adn bring them in. That was when could still eat such things. I'm glad I got to enjoy them then! I can see why it's worth it to eat one or two once a year for you. My husband likes to say it certainly is a lucky thing I happen to like chicken so much because I eat it almost every day! Since it's such a good lean protein and about the only meat I can stand anymore. Ugh. Actually I should say that venison has been okay the few times I've eaten that recently (ground though so that might be why, and not much of it).

Other than hanging out our Xmas lights, I'm totally going to buy into your weekend plan of staying in and relaxing and watching movies! Except the hubs says we may go to the theater tomorrow to see a movie too. I'm probably going to go home early today because I'm exhausted, dizzy and my head hurts. boo.
Cindy, I hope you feel better! Hope you're able to go home, rest, cuddle your dogs, and just relax. Oh, and that's cool that you have had Hmong spring rolls too! *drools* They are sooo yummy, and I only get to have them once a year, so it's worth it even though the grease, pork, and cabbage all give me trouble. And yeah, I eat a lot of chicken and a ton of turkey too. Ground turkey is a great substitute for beef, we use it all the time in recipes. My hubby made delicious turkey meatballs the other day, and he makes a pretty good turkey meatloaf (with turkey bacon on top) too. I saw ground chicken at the grocery store recently too, so I bet you could use that in some recipes if you aren't a big fan of turkey. Wow, this post is making me hungry! :p
Mornin' 'yall! I'm doin mah southern accent this here mornin'. :)

Heh, j/k. I don't have an accent even though I'm from Savannah. People are usually a little perplexed about that....'yall. :p

How's everyone? I'm ok I guess. I took questran this morning. Hoping it helps some today. I learned something interesting yesterday. I talked with my great aunt and I asked if there was any history of gallbladder problems and there is! Many of my great uncles and aunts, my grandmother, and one of my uncles have had gallbladder problems and surgery. I hear that it runs in families. I'm really wanting to get my gallbladder function tested in the future.

I'm going to look up low-fat recipes today. I need a new non-stick pan. Macys had some ceramic ones on clearance that I like. Time to go shoppin' 'yall!
Hello :) I'm new, can I join in? I'm from Brisbane, Australia and I might *finally* be getting a diagnosis after ten years of bowel issues (possible Crohn's)! Dodgy bowels run in the family (and I have a cousin who has Crohn's).
Hey Tamgerine, welcome :)

How is everyone today?

Ive had a weird day, its that time of the month, im really suffering and to top it all off I got the runs, and of course it happened ten minutes before my mates came over.

In other news I BOUGHT A CAR!

I cant drive, nor can my boyfriend but my boyfriend has his test soon, so hopefully well be on the road soon.

So even though im in pain and having a bad day I cant stop smiling :)
Akiva - That's cool you got a car! What did you get?

Hi Tamgerine, nice to meet you. Hope you get helpful news for your condition.

How is everyone else today? My stomach has been messed up. I'm going to try to stay in today and take it easy.
Akiva, how cute that you bought a car and neither you nor your boyfriend drive. :D but at least there will be a driver for it soon!
Hugs to all of you suffering through your monthlies.... I had a hysterectomy in 2005 and have enjoyed not having that issue ever since! With everything else I've got going on, I'm grateful not to have deal with that at least.
Cat - I do love ground turkey and use it very frequently in recipes that would normally call for beef. Even my hubs has come around to liking it. :)
I'm feeling better finally. I had two bad dizzy spells on Friday afternoon and then was confused and tired the rest of the day, which is usually pretty classic that there could have been seizure activity. Because I had D on Friday morning, I'm a bit worried that I didn't get all of my anti-seizure medication absorbed. I had another dizzy spell on Saturday, after D again that morning. Yesterday I didn't go at all, but had no dizzy spells, so hopefully my med level is balanced out again and that won't happen anymore. It's a lot of fun to try to balance my belly/diet issues with my head/seizure med issues! To top it all off, we did a lot of leaf-type yardwork yesterday and I torqued my back pretty well too! Not much of a rest day... But we did go to the theater to see Last Vegas last night and that was hilarious! It was a good way to end the weekend.

Welcome, Tamgerine, to our crazy-belly family!
Hi all :D. I would love to join your support group!! I am in the process of having testing done (Colonoscopy in 2 weeks.) However, I've been having symptoms for the past year, I just wasn't paying attention to them! Crohns and colitis run in my family. My sister was diagonosed with crohns about 5 years ago, my grandfather had ulcerative colits, and sadly passed away from complications of UC :( . But he was so wonderful :) I also have cousins and a grandmother on the other side of the family that has it...

My names Vicky and I'm in my 20's :) I'm in my senior year at a university & recently school has been really tough since I have not been feeling well :/ . But I will make it through! :)

I think everyone on the forum is so lovely and very informative :) It helps a lot when you are unsure what is going on with your body. :ghug:

Peace :)
Welcome, Vicky! we're glad to have you. It's funny how this stuff runs in families, isn't it? My sisters all have some form of IBS or IBD, and my mother's side of the family has multiple issues with intestinal disorders and food intolerances. I'm sorry to hear you lost your grandfather to his UC.
Going to school with any intestinal disorder is certainly a challenge. It sounds like you are very determined to succeed, good for you! Hang in there, and good on you for reaching out. It really helps to have a support network.
Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been checking in as much. I'm going away on holiday soon so things have been really busy getting it all sorted out.

How is everyone??
lsgs, how are you? Is the LDN still treating you well? Are you having any symptoms at all or did LDN blitz all of them?

Hi Vicky and Tamgerine, welcome to the club! I'm sorry you had to seek us out, but I'm glad you found us. :)

Tamgerine, you said you might finally be getting a diagnosis soon - I presume this means you've just had a diagnostic test or have an upcoming test? What are your main symptoms and what tests have you had so far?

Vicky, wow, you've got a lot of family history of IBD (Crohn's/colitis)! I'm kind of the opposite, the only person I know of who had IBD was my great-grandfather who had UC, and he's been dead for like 50 years. Nobody currently living in my family has any type of IBD, except for me apparently (I do have an aunt with Crohn's, but she's related by marriage, not blood). I would imagine that having so many family members with similar issues, that you have a lot of good support from your family? I hope so.

Akiva, congrats on the car! I'm wondering how you came to purchase a car when you don't drive (did you need to buy a car in order to use it to learn how to drive?). At any rate, that's an exciting thing, congratulations. :)

Moogle, hope you're doing somewhat better now! That's interesting about the gallbladder issues in your family. Do you ever have very pale stools? I once had very pale stools (like the color of sand), and I was rushed to an ultrasound because apparently pale stools can indicate gallbladder issues. In my case it was gastritis causing the pale stools, not my gallbladder. But because of that, I know gallbladder can cause pale stools. Anyway, good luck with that line of investigation, I don't want anything to be wrong with your gallbladder but obviously I hope you can figure out the cause of your symptoms! How's everything else going, any luck with finding an acceptable nursing home/assisted living for your mom & uncle?

Cindy, that's crazy that one bout of d and you're not able to get enough of your seizure medication into your system. I presume your various doctors all know about the Linzess/d and Keppra/seizure symptoms? I wonder if there's another way to get you your seizure meds that might be better absorbed - I don't suppose they offer it in an injectable form or anything like that? It sounds like a real balancing act, and just not fair that you not only have to suffer with d but you also have to then deal with dizziness & confusion too. :(

How's everyone else today? I'm okay, I got to go back on Amitriptyline as of yesterday so I'm very happy about that. I actually got some decent sleep last night! :D I had emailed my GI on Friday and he wrote me back on Sunday, I think that's a new world record (he usually takes a week or more to get back to me). My guts have been so-so, my reflux has been quiet (knock on wood!), the only big issue I've had lately is some bad foot/toe cramps on Friday night after a workout (thanks, low potassium). I had a pretty restful weekend and feel okay.
Hey Cat,

I found a suitable place for my mom and uncle. I'm about to get in touch with an elder care lawyer to make sure there's not any problems with medicaid stuff. That's what I'm mostly concerned with. The move will happen sometime after the holidays.

Amitriptyline helps me sleep too. I take that with a bentyl at bedtime and I'm out hard. That's probably the only thing keeping my quality of life from being in the toilet (no pun intended). About time for a nap now too!
Had my first day of placement today. nightmare. (probably tmi in the next line) I managed to flood an always ultra night pad in about 2 hours :( was in horrendous pain, didn't really eat in case I then got squits. there is one shared staff toilet for about 50 staff, and there is ALWAYS a queue.
Most of the staff were ok, but as the newbie its always difficult to fit in, I was also on a different shift pattern to them so ended up with a different team halfway through who were not as nice.
It takes me 2 hours to get there, which is a 25 minute walk into the city centre in the pitch black, which is really scary, and then a bus for an hour and a half.
The buses on the way back are ok, but I finish on the hour and they are due at quarter to the hour, so I have a 45 minute wait for a bus. Ive now found out the night buses are finishing, so ive got to walk in the dark to a different bus stop which is about 30minutes walk from the hospital, and ive never been there before, so im bound to get lost (its a really rough area so being lost is probably the least of my problems)
Just want to curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep
Past few days have been back to the old diarrhea routine. But hey ... I'm not seeing any blood anymore, so that's a positive, AND I have good news. By some miracle I got in with another GI for a second opinion on everything. One of the very best specialists in my area. I called on Friday and got in during someone's cancellation ... and it's tomorrow, no less.

Unfortunately it's not really much time to try and get records sent over there, but I figure labs might be enough for a first appointment since it's not like I can show him a tape of my scopes, lol. Would be nice to have the CT images, but hey, you do what you can, right?

I kind of have to trust that after the amount of work I've had done, IBD ain't the problem, but I'm optimistic this doctor will be able to help me get some symptom relief. A name for the cause of the symptoms would be nice, of course, but I'll take what I can get :).
Bureaucratic, good luck tomorrow! Sounds very promising and I hope this new doc can get you some answers, whether it's IBD or something else. Keep us posted on how the appointment goes!

Akiva, holy cow! You need to learn how to drive that new car of yours so that you can avoid all this scary walking and bus-taking! I hope things go more smoothly for you now that the first day's over with. Hang in there, it can only go up from here, right?

Moogle, I hope you had a good nap, and that's good that you've found a place for your mom & uncle to go. Good luck with the lawyer and everything, I hope it all goes smoothly. Have you played any good video games lately? My hubby keeps saying we should get a PS4 but we totally cannot afford one. I'm thinking that PS3 might drop in price now that PS4 is out - I haven't played any PS3 games and the games will probably drop in price too. Oh, and I randomly saw this thing at Walgreen's of all places - it's like a Sega Genesis, you can put Genesis cartridges in it and play them, and it also has a bunch of built-in Genesis games. Looks kind of cool and I think it was only about $50? So I might get that if I can scrape together some spending money. They had an Atari version too. I actually have an old Atari with a ton of games already, so I don't need that one. I do have a Genesis too but hardly any games for it, so I'd be buying this thing mainly for the games. Anyway, it looked like fun. I enjoy old-school games. There's this retro arcade in my city and they have a Doctor Who pinball machine that I'm pretty obsessed with. If I had an endless supply of quarters then I might never leave! :p

Argh, I'm tired and my guts aren't doing so great now. Work stress! I had to lift a bunch of heavy stuff and go shopping for supplies and do various other things to get ready for some big meetings at work. I'm used to sitting at a desk all day, so being really active at work and running errands for work exhausted me. Tomorrow's going to be more of the same, too, so I'm really glad to be back on Amitriptyline so that at least I can get some sleep tonight.
Yay for sleep!

Cat - hmmmm, I haven't been playing as many video games. I think I've been letting daily stress get the better of me. I think it'd be nice to take a day to just play some video games. I gave up on FFVii. It just wasn't doing anything for me. It's supposed to be so good, but I liked X,Xii, and IX better. I may pick up Kingdom Hearts at a toy store in town. Oh yeah, and I saw that Sega Genesis at my Walgreens. Brings back memories! I had a few favorite Genesis games back in the day. Sonic the Hedgehog was so awesome on Christmas day. I woke up at 4 am and played Sonic all morning! :)
Ahhh I so want a new console, I've got the 360 and the PS3 and I am so unsure whether to get a PS4 or Xbox One when the time comes. I prefer the Xbox of this generation by a long shot but the games on the PS4 (uncharted!) appeal to me a lot more. I'm going to leave it till at least the first price drop though, the PS4 is already having loads of problems with consoles breaking down so hopefully they'll get things sorted before I end up buying one. I never had a sega genesis, my friends had the SNES then I got a PS1 for Christmas one year - BEST DAY EVAR! I still remember playing that for the first time

Akiva I hope you are feeling better, I share your frustration with workplace toilets. Ours is absolutely tiny and right next to where everyone goes on break so it's difficult to get any privacy. There are also private flats above us and they've been blocking up the toilets so for a long time it hasn't worked properly and it really freaks me out!

Cat, thanks for asking. LDN is going well. Much less pain now, one single episode of diarrhoea a week with minimal pain (down from 15 times a day) with no blood or anything. So I'm quite happy with progress!

Unfortunately now I've developed a folate deficiency on top of everything else. Luckily my GP was on the ball and tested it, otherwise it would have gone unchecked. He says my bowel is not absorbing food as well anymore and that's why it's low. I'm hoping my energy and mood is going to change when I get those levels up. It might also explain why I had trouble exercising in the summer.

I am so disappointed though, I saw my 'new' GI after a very long wait and got so hyped up about it. He was seriously RUDE, I felt about 2 inches tall when I left. I told him I was going to bathroom 15 times a day, sometimes only passing bloody mucus, passing undigested food, I have had cholecystitis 3 times in the past year, I now have a folate deficiency etc. and he just dismissed everything, said there was too much going on, I'd seen too many doctors (in reference to going to out of hours for the cholecystitis?!) and I was a 'conundrum' ...

He was unbelievably rude about me trying LDN but the doc who prescribed me it told me to expect that. The GI guy fleeced me out of £2500 and disappeared off the radar when he realised this wasn't straightforward and he was pretty much saying the doc who prescribed me LDN is screwing me over for money (he charges £14 to write a private prescription once a month, which is not a lot imo) and I'm an idiot for trying it because the evidence is weak for crohns. But I look at the folk on here who've had success, and the fact it's due to be approved for use in crohns in 2017 and I just think... Is it him that's being silly here or me?

So his master plan is to recheck my calprotectin (which will probably come back lower as I'm not that symptomatic at the moment) and then .... who knows?! My GP is pretty raging and said if his letter is wishy washy then he is going to discuss our next move carefully when I next see him.

He totally ignored all my concerns about everything, I am seriously upset by his attitude and feel like an idiot. I don't know what it is with GI docs but my 'difficult' case seems to challenge their egos and make them get very snooty and defensive. Even if the LDN works (my latest blood test showed my ESR was 33...... down from 51) they won't acknowledge it and will probably say it's psychological. I've had enough of them.

Sorry for the rant but I feel so much better now I have that off my chest!
Isgs, we really like the Xbox but are probably not going to get the Xbox One because it won't play any of the games from the 360, you have to buy all new games for it. The PS4 will play games from the previous platforms. I don't know why Microsoft feels they have to force consumers to buy all new games, it pushes people away from the Xbox and toward the PlayStation. I'm also glad to hear that your medication is giving you such relief from your symptoms!

Akiva, I hope you are able to drive your new car soon, or have your boyfriend give you rides so you don't have to walk so far in the dark anymore! Be safe.

Bureaucratic, best news about the new doc, and I hope you get lots of help from this one finally!

Cat - I talked to the nurse yesterday, she's going to talk to my neuro-oncologist. The Keppra is only available in pill form, so if there's an issue with uptake, I'll probably have to stop taking the Linzess. It's much more important to get the Keppra and not have seizures. Then I'll just have to deal with the belly pain and start taking stool softeners again, and go to the bathroom every couple of days. :( I should know more today when she calls me back.
Mccindy I didn't realise ps3 was going to be backwards compatible, might just have made up my mind there!

I haven't been keeping up the past couple of weeks, is the linzess not working out for you??
Cindy, are you sure about the PS4 being able to play PS3 games? I ask because my hubby had heard that it wouldn't have that capability. We actually don't have a console from the previous gen (unless you count the Wii, which we do have). We have no PS3 and no Xbox360. So since PS3 should be getting cheap now, I thought I'd just get one of those. If PS4 can play PS3 discs, though, then I'm definitely going to start saving my pennies for a PS4!

lsgs, I'm a SNES girl too. :) We only had an old Atari for the longest time when I was a kid, and we were late to buy an NES. We got our NES in the last year that it was still in production. My parents told my brother and I that when we got the NES, that was it, we weren't EVER getting any more video game systems. Well, then a year later the SNES came out and my brother and I were incessantly like, "There's a new Nintendo, can we have it???" We were super annoying and we finally wore my parents down, and on xmas morning that year we got our SNES. We spent all of xmas break playing Street Fighter 2 turbo. :p Fun times!

Moogle, I think you definitely should give Kingdom Hearts a try. It's so much fun, and since it's an older game it shouldn't cost much at all (I think I saw it going for $10 at a used bookstore recently). It's one of my all-time favorite games, and I'm not a Diz-geek (and I usually hate Disney games) nor am I a huge fan of Final Fantasy - somehow though, the combination of Disney & FF made for one of the most excellent games ever. The #1 reason I want a PS4, is because Kingdom Hearts 3 will someday be released for PS4 and I absolutely cannot wait to play it!

Cindy, that would suck if you had to stop the Linzess. :( I recall you talking about messing with the dosage - perhaps you could lower the dose, rather than go off of it completely? Surely some fine-tuning of the dosage would make things better? Are there other anti-seizure meds you could take, perhaps in conjunction with the Keppra? Man, I just hope you have more options than stopping the Linzess, especially after how much you went through just to get Linzess.

lsgs, sounds like an awful GI! He calls you a "conundrum", really? I mean, your case sounds quite straightforward to me, your symptoms fit IBD and you respond well to multiple different IBD meds, isn't there a saying about "if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras"? I mean, if it acts like IBD and responds to IBD meds then what's the conundrum?? I'm glad it sounds like your GP is on your side in any case. I know you've been through a string of bad GIs, each one sounds even worse than the last! :(

How's everyone? I'm having a bad day. I had a safe dinner last night (baked salmon & skinless potatoes), but my guts went nuts anyway. I felt so full after eating, that even bending or doing much moving at all sent awful pains right through me. Then I had wicked d with a bit of blood, it was rather painful. Slept okay (thanks Amitriptyline!) but woke up feeling awful. Had more fullness/pressure and then more d, face went kind of pale and I just felt nauseous and bleh. Feeling a bit better this afternoon, but still not great. I don't know why this is happening - I have been eating safe foods, I'm finally getting enough sleep, I've been working out regularly, taking all my meds & supplements, etc. The only thing I can think is, I'm under some work stress right now. I couldn't call in sick today because there was a lot I had to do. Usually exercise blitzes my stress though, so I'm not sure if that's it either. I don't know why my body does this to me when I seemingly do everything right. It sucks. In the mornings on days like this, I struggle to even get dressed, and then I always ask my hubby if I pass for human. Because I definitely don't feel human. I feel like a zombie. Except brains are the last thing I want to eat... :p
Isgs and Cat, after some research, it turns out I was misinformed and that the PS4 will probably not have old platform capability. new PS4 games will work on the PS3 but PS3 games won't work on the new one. I supposed they figured they could do that since XBox isn't doing it either. I'm sorry about giving you poor information! Previous platforms would play older games.

I'm hoping not to have to stop the Linzess, but no word yet from the nurse, and I am worried about messing with my anti-seizure meds. The fact that I keep going between diarrhea and constipation ever ycouple days or so makes me wonder if I really don't have IBS and that's why the med isn't working right.
Had a risky dinner earlier and I was ill before id even finished :( was in the loo ages. just hope my belly behaves tomorrow whilst im on shift and on the buses.
lsgs, sounds like an awful GI! He calls you a "conundrum", really? I mean, your case sounds quite straightforward to me, your symptoms fit IBD and you respond well to multiple different IBD meds, isn't there a saying about "if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras"? I mean, if it acts like IBD and responds to IBD meds then what's the conundrum?? I'm glad it sounds like your GP is on your side in any case. I know you've been through a string of bad GIs, each one sounds even worse than the last! :(

I totally agree with you, I don't think it's rocket science. Especially since I have read that GI's research papers and he says anything above 150 is IBD. Yet at this appointment he said my FCP was only moderately raised and that active crohn's tends to be in the 1000's... When I reminded him that mine were all done on steroids, and was over 300 on a LOT of steroids he ignored this. He just doesn't know what to do and doesn't like it. And I do wonder if my previous GI has had a word in his ear since they are close colleagues. I wish I had never changed!

Are you feeling better??

mccindy did you not have a previous diagnosis of crohn's? It does seem silly to me that they would 'take away' a diagnosis that is a lifelong condition. I just don't get what goes through these doctors heads!!

Akiva hope you're doing ok today at work.
Melibean - Linzess is a newer medication being used for diagnoses of IBS with a constipation component. It's supposed to regulate the bowels and decrease pain. So far, it seems to be complete failure for me, as I'm now fluctuating between D a few times a day for a couple days, then not going at all for acouple of days.

Isgs - yes, when I first had a colonoscopy in 1995, my GI at the time diagnosed me with Crohn's disease. My new GI decided I don't have Crohn's because I haven't had tons of problems, seemed fairly mild over the years with occasional small flares, but my belly stuff is usually constipation specific rather than D. He also did a colonoscopy and said he didn't see anything that looked like Crohn's to him. So he decided that with all of my food intolerances that have been permanent since my last flare, it must be IBS-C. At this point, I just don't know what to think, since the IBS medication he put me on isn't working worth a darn, and I still can't eat but a few foods.

Akiva - I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well last night. I hope everything is better today and you're safely at work after those bus rides.
Going thrugh my first prep now :c Colonoscopy on Thurs morning. Take a bottle of magnesium citrate, they said. You'll be fine, they said :c I've been a clammy, cramping, mental fog mess since I took that stuff. My husband thinks that the full 10 oz was too much for me since I've been eating next to nothing for weeks and I tend to have D anyway and I also tend to be on the dehydrated side. Who knows. Apparently it takes about 12 hours to clear your system? Only an hour and a half left :eek:

The weird thing is that whenever I drink anything it makes my stomach and intestines cramp, my fever shoots up, I get clammy...I'm not dehydrated, I'm peeing ok! Oh, and when I pass anything it seems to just be mucus, fat, or bile, in insignificant quantities (I knew everyone would ask if I didn't specify, lol!! Sorry). Has anyone experienced this....? I googled forever but didnt find anyhing, and even though I'm not showing signs of dehydration, it can't be a good idea to just not drink anything, right? Plus the hunger pains are so bad, and my blood sugar feels low and i did not sleep a second last night.....I'm a wreck, basically. Seriously, anyone react this badly??? I'm so nervous for tonight, i was given suprep and im concerned itll be even worse :c

Oh, should mention - I've been drinking mostly water, but also trying to sip at gatorade, juice, and pedialyte (at first I was concerned it was a bad electrolyte imbalance). Everything stays down equally terribly. I'm terrible nauseous and threw up a few times, too.
TheRainbowRevolts, if you're concerned about dehydration and aren't keeping fluids down very well, please consider going to the ER or an urgent care clinic for some IV fluids. You can have IV fluids and still get the scope, IV fluids won't interfere with your prep or your scope. I can tell you, I've done prep 3 times now, and 2 of those times I had to go in for IV fluids myself. It'll make you feel a lot better. I get dehydrated in a similar way - I drink and I pee, but it's like the fluids I drink just don't absorb into my system, they just bypass being absorbed and go right to my bladder. I have a feeling it has something to do with inflamed intestines not being able to absorb much of anything very well. Seriously, if you're feeling that bad, even if you are still peeing, you may be getting too dehydrated and getting some IV fluids could really help. They can put some anti-nausea meds like Zofran into your IV too which should also make you feel a lot better.

And yes, even the time that I didn't get severely dehydrated during prep, I still had some of the other symptoms you describe - chills, clammy-ness (is that a word?), and mental fog. Oh, and hideous nausea! So sadly what you described is not all that uncommon, at least in my experience. But believe me, from personal experience I can say that it's much better to just go in and get IV fluids. The first time I prepped, I got dehydrated to the point that my vision started going fuzzy and I was having trouble with walking/balance (I was still peeing though so I didn't really think I was dehydrated). IV fluids made me feel tons better. So please, go get checked out and get some fluids.

Also - you're drinking mag citrate now but you have to drink suprep tonight? Usually it's one or the other, I've never heard of having to drink both to prep. How's your stools, are you still passing any solids or is it all clear/yellow liquid or with some flecks? If it's clear/yellow/flecks, you probably don't even need to drink the suprep. I have always been told, if I start going clear (flecks count as being clear, but absolutely no solids) then I can stop drinking prep. You may want to call your GI or the colonoscopy clinic and let them know everything that's going on, and see what they think about your current symptoms and whether they think you should still drink the suprep or not. Good luck, and honestly prep is the worst part, the scope should be easy and it'll just feel like a nice little nap. So you've just got to get through this and tomorrow should go much more smoothly. Hang in there!

lsgs, thanks for asking. I'm doing somewhat better today. Not great, but not as bad as I was yesterday. The big meetings at work are finishing up today, so my stress level should start going down soon. I actually managed to do a workout yesterday too, and I felt great when I was in the gym, so I got a bit of a reprieve there from my symptoms.

How's everyone else doing? Anyone else in the US dreading Thanksgiving just a bit? Over-eating is one of my big triggers, if I stuff myself with food I'm pretty much guaranteed to feel like crap for days. So I have to really be careful on Thanksgiving and not overdo things. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving a little bit though, I'm going to my Aunt's house and we always play bingo after eating. We all bring silly little prizes to hand out to the bingo winners, it's fun. So I'm looking forward to that part more than the food. :p
Thank you so so much for this! My 12 hours passed about an hour ago and I definitely feel much better (cramps are as gone as they ever are, holding down liquids, no nausea...heartrate is closer to normal!), so it's a bit too late to go in - I was about to, though, right before I did my first post; I was really worried at how I was feeling. I've been very severely dehydrated before but somehow the signs didn't even seem the same. If I ever have it happen again, I'll go right in...it started off feeling gross just from prep but then it got worse and worse :(

Yeah, I thought it was a little weird, too. I don't have an established relationship with this GI yet, so they wouldn't have known my eating habits etc; they might've assumed I had a normal diet and needed more cleaning? Lol that is the opposite of the case. Anyway, they said Mag Citrate at 4:30pm Tues, then Suprep at 5pm tonight and 3am tomorrow. That's such a good idea to give them a call, I should really do that. I was considering just doing the first suprep and forgoing the second and massively pumping up my hydration during the day, but I haven't had any solids since like the first hour the mag citrate was working, so who knows. Not sure exactly what flecks would look like (we need specific guidelines for these things haha) but it really is just bits of mucus and tiny pieces of fats. I'm guessing that qualifies! It'd be amazing if I didn't have to have another night like this :( Definitely a rough one. At least I'll probably be so completely wiped out by the time I have to go in that I'll fall asleep! Thanks again for all the advice, I was so incredibly worried when 8+ hours later things were still feeling worse and worse.

Oh, and Thanksgiving is a bit of a rough one! It was the first "real food" meal I'd eaten in forever last year...I can't eat a lot though, so that shouldn't be a problem at least. Me & my husband are just doing a quiet dinner here, no traveling or stress or big meals. Just some turkey, stuffing and potatoes!! Mmmmmm. That's a really great way to start looking at holidays though - the experiences and not the eating! Food is such a big part of holidays (big part of culture, period) that it's stupid hard to ignore it, but I've definitely been learning to overlook most of that to be able to be happy spending time with family, etc. Being grateful I feel well enough to see my family, usually!

Glad you're going to be feeling less stressed, I know I can instantly feel pain increasing when I get one more load of stress dropped on me :c And going to the gym is awesome! Would it be weird to say I'm impressed? My ability level is so low right now that anyone with IBD who does things is a miracle. So yay!! You're awesome!
Rainbow, hang in there. The human brain has an awesome capacity to forget unpleasant experiences ... keep that in mind if the c-prep gets particularly unpleasant. (This too shall pass...literally and figuratively.)

Is yours a two-part prep? if it is, and if you haven't already, I'd set up some in-bathroom entertainment. It's honestly best to just kinda park in the loo for the duration.

DEFINITELY stay hydrated. Most preps work by pulling extra fluid into your gi tract to flush out any waste. That means more fluid = more movement through the bowels = cleaner gi tract for the scope. Unfortunately, if you're cramping with movement through the bowels, more fluid also means more cramping. As unpleasant as it is, you absolutely need to drink whatever you can, especially if you're not vomiting. Until you're passing nothing but clear (colored is ok) fluids, you can't be sure you've fully flushed everything out.
Rainbow, I'm glad to hear you're doing somewhat better. I would still encourage you to call your GI and let them know what's going on - they may advise you to go get IV fluids anyway, or to not drink the suprep, or something along those lines. During my first prep, when I got so severely dehydrated, it wasn't until way late in the process that I called the colonoscopy clinic to ask advice. This was at like 11 AM and my scope was at something like 2 PM, but they told me to come in right away and they'd get me into a bed and get an IV going on me and I could just wait and have IV fluids until it was time for my scope. I know you said your scope isn't until tomorrow, so it's doubtful that they'll have you come in and wait overnight, but they may still advise you to go get IV fluids. The colonoscopy people deal with prep questions every single day so they're very knowledgeable and helpful, so do give them a call! :)

And yeah, I stubbornly refuse to give up going to the gym. :p I have a very long thread about it here. In a nutshell, when I first got sick I was so very sick for like a year. Couldn't do much of anything. Then my GI decided to treat me rather than do more tests, so he put me on some IBD meds and I got into remission. Started working out once I was in remission and built myself up to going to the gym about 6 days a week. Then after 2 years of remission, I fell into a mild flare and have been there ever since. So I have good days & bad now, but I still go to the gym whenever I'm able to. I'm working out maybe 3-4 days a week during a good week now. Exercise still makes me feel great 99% of the time, even if I feel kind of crappy, if I can manage a workout then I tend to feel much better during & after my gym time. It's become as important to me as taking my medication - it's my way of feeling like an active participant in the fight for my health. The war may never end, but every day I go to the gym, I've won that day's battle. I could seriously ramble on and on forever about exercise & fitness, but that's it in a nutshell. The gym is my happy place where I can feel normal and healthy for an hour. :D

Bureaucratic, how are you today? Did you have your appointment with the new GI yet?
Rainbow, also remember that drinking water doesn't necessarily rehydrate you, since much of what you lose when you do a flush is lose electrolytes. Drinking water won't replace that. Plus as things are going through your intestines faster than normal, there isn't enough time for your body to pull back in the electrolytes as you drink them. If you do start feeling bad again, I'd advise going in for an IV just to be safe.

Personally, Thanksgiving has always been a pretty big deal for me because it's "my" holiday at my house and I cook the big meal for the family. It will be easier this year because since we moved about half the family decided it's too much of a hassle for them to drive here for it (even though we drive back there at least once a month) so less food to cook! Plus since I'm doing the cooking I can be sure to make or set aside things I know I can eat so I won't be feeling too bad, as long as I don't eat too much. :p
Have been surprisingly well today. A few niggles but ive taken my pills and eaten fairly well. Goinh to bed, got 6 hours tili have to get up for work. Hope you are all well x
I hope I'm not posting too much ;;; Thanks for all the advice, I called and they told me to just take in as much fluid as possible, so I have been. Just started my suprep and it is awful ugh. What's with the throat taste?? Anyway, I really am having trouble intaking all these liquids - its been 45 min and I'm only halfway through drinking the prep and I dont know how any more will fit in my stomach. I've had a lot of water and gatorade after every chug of prep, too, so i stay hydrated throughout. When I called, they said I had to do the first prep...how important is it I do all of it? Can I spread it out over a longer period of time? Everytime I drink something i have to forcibly keep from throwing up for 10 or so min..

Sorry if this is rambly, I'm clearly just anxious about everything and have no idea what to do :c

Edit - I did some anxiety research and if everyone else is miserable but does it anyway then I guess things are normal. I just don't want to throw up my prep :c What a waste!

Edit edit - yikes at this point I'm worried this has crossed a line into liveblogging from my toilet :l It's been working for the better part of an hour now and at least feels gentle on my colon, even if it is actual hell on the rest of my tummy. So glad I caught a small break here c:

Edit x 3 - finishd drinking prep but starting to feel like last night - everything in my stomach is highly nauseating and I feel very flush and warm. When you are thinking about going to the ER, what makes up your mind in the end whether or not to go? They tend to treat me like I'm having very minor complaints but all I know is how severe and scary it can feel to not know if I'm "sick enough" or close enough to a catastrophy that it won't be a waste of everyone's time.
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Things are super stressful at home with my family. My mom and uncle are both having problems. My mom has had D for the last two days. My uncle looks sick like he hasn't been sleeping or eating well. They're like children and it's sad because they need constant attention and care.

I am pretty much blaming all of my stomach ills on the stress with my family. There is something going on with me, it's probably not Crohn's or my gallbladder. Even if it is, the stress is causing my body to be ill. I hope next year, when I'm free from this that I can get better.

Sorry for the rant. I needed to vent! My heart goes out to you all in pain and going through exams. Hope you feel better!
rainbow, I hope you are feeling better today, and that your evening finished off better than it began. Did you decide to go to the ER? The biggest downside to any scope is the prep, it's like the torture session of the whole thing!

Moogle, I'm so sorry about how things are going for you. Stress is certainly not helpful when you lready have medical issues to deal with. Here's hoping to day is a better day for you.
Rainbow -- hope you ended up all right! Moogle, you too...mccindy said it well. Stress never helps anything, so I hope things are calming down.

On my end, my appointment with the new GI went fairly well, I think. He said he's pretty sure it isn't Crohn's or Celiac but wants some time to read over my charts and look at reports before making any firm decisions about tests. I think he's right...my operating hunch is IBS with some recently-developed food intolerance and some general slowing-down of my digestive system as part of normal aging -- only the resulting constipation has given me a lot of trouble since I've never had the problem and haven't known how to manage it.

I took two major positives out of the appointment: one, he set realistic expectations; and two, he listened and focused on what I was asking for, which was symptom relief. So I left with the impression that yes, IBS is probably the main issue -- but I didn't feel dismissed because of it, which is too often the case. He said he can't cure me, but he can definitely help me manage symptoms so that my stomach stops interfering with life. That's really all I could ask for!

That said, I'm starting to notice a pattern to things that wasn't obvious before. I'm back to having diarrhea (6 of the last 8 days) -- and I'm also noticing I'm getting queasy again, like I was back when I was feeling really sick. I'm also sleeping more and feeling all kinds of bizarre rumbling in my gut, plus more pain in general. My boyfriend said I feel a little bonier again too, which tends to be the first sign I'm losing weight.

At this point, it's easiest to just try not to worry. After all, I've been having problems for a year now. As alarming as the occasional high WBC count can get, it's pretty clear that whatever's going on ain't gonna kill me, so whatever happens, I'll be fine.
Rainbow, no worries, post as much as you need to! There's really no such thing as posting too much or TMI on the forum. :) As for wondering whether to go to the ER - if you're thinking of going to the ER, just go! Don't overthink it. I see you're in the US so of course things can get more complicated as far as, if your insurance will cover it (or if you have insurance), copays, etc. Yeah, the ER can be pricey in this country. But if you're feeling icky enough to mull over going to the ER, just go. I hope your scope goes okay and that you feel a lot better once it's all over with - and of course I hope you get some answers out of this miserable experience! Please keep us posted.

Moogle, stress can definitely have a big impact on the guts. I've always had a "sensitive stomach" that reacted poorly to stress or anxiety (I have always had a lot of social anxiety, and even as a kid, social situations like parties would make my guts fill with air and I'd get the nervous farts - so embarassing!). But I didn't come down with IBD symptoms until about 4 years ago. So I kind of wonder, did I have some sort of latent IBD that hadn't had a real flare up yet, or maybe some kind of pre-IBD, or was I truly just a nervous type with a sensitive tummy and I just happened to develop IBD? So maybe you have IBD or maybe not, maybe your gallbladder is fine or maybe not, maybe you just have stressed out guts or maybe something more on top of that - it's so hard to say. I will be interested to hear how you're doing once your family/home life situation improves - and I hope you don't have IBD!

Cindy, that's great that you're able to cook a tummy-safe Thanksgiving dinner for yourself and your family. I always either go to my in-laws or my aunt's house for Thanksgiving, so I am kind of stuck with what they make. My mother-in-law is really accommodating though, she'll ask me what can I and can't I eat. I told her once that things like skins & seeds are troublesome, so now she always peels and de-seeds tomatoes for me if tomatoes are part of a dish. :) I'm not particularly close to my m-i-l, but she has been surprisingly supportive and accommodating, which is so great of her. My aunt, on the other hand, is part of the faction of my family that all went a bit crazy and decided that they should go gluten-free. Long story, but when I got sick, my mom somehow decided I must have celiac, and that she must have given it to me. She self-diagnosed herself without any real evidence and tells everyone she has celiac, even though she's never been to a doctor and never actually had an issue with gluten to begin with. So since she did that, my cousin and my aunt have also self-diagnosed and given up gluten. These are the people I have to eat Thanksgiving dinner with this year. (And they think I'm the crazy black sheep in the family - I guess I am the black sheep, since I'm the ONLY one who's actually been tested for celiac - and I definitely don't have it!) Anyway, so I'll have some turkey and will pass on the gluten-free corn bread this year. :p They make foods that are GF but not necessarily safe for me to eat. So yeah, it's always a bit interesting. I'm happy to be the black sheep though, that's a fitting role for me.

How's everyone today? I'm okay today, doing a bit better than I was. I ate a bit too much at lunch yesterday and was afraid I was going to pay for it, but I didn't. In fact, I felt pretty good. The stressful meetings at work are over with so I feel like a weight has been lifted. I'm looking forward to the weekend - I'm going to hunker down inside, as it's supposed to be very cold out. I believe I heard the high temp for Saturday is 25 degrees (fahrenheit), and about the same for Sunday. Brrr! So I'm going to stay in, light a (fake) fire in my (fake) fireplace, light some nice candles, do some crafts and some cleaning and some baking, drink some hot chocolate and take a bath and catch up on the Korean drama I've been watching. :) My hubby works Sunday so I'll have a nice day by myself, it sounds so relaxing.
Bureaucratic, you kind of seem to be on the same roller coaster ride I am on. IBS with food intolerances is what my GI thought I had, but the medication he has put me on for it really doesn't seem to be helping much. :( So now I wonder if that's really what it is.

Cat, sounds like your Thanksgiving is going to be a bit troubling. :( Hey, at least you won't have to worry about overeating! :p I totally get being the black sheep, that's kind of my position in my husband's family. Most of them think I am a hypochondriac with my multiple medical conditions (although why I would want to not be able to eat good foods or have brain cancer and brain surgery, I just can't imagine). And my SIL is a beee-yotch. (PC spelling there :D) . She accused me of being overly dramatic because I asked for ideas for her kids for Xmas so early in the year. Ugh. I mainly just don't talk to her. At least my MIL is super supportive now, especially since my brain surgery last summer. She's had cancer before (cervical), so is a huge advocate.

I'm doing better today. Last night I felt so sick I couldn't even eat supper. THis morning belly is better but I noticed after I got dressed, I can kind of see my pelvic bones through my clothes.... Grrr. Makes it hard to put weight on when I feel like can't eat. Hoping to eat more today since I'm feeling better, but still no appetite.
Quick update since I'm about to head out to see HUNGER GAMES! :D

Suddenly it becomes clear why my GI was so obnoxious on Monday...

Just been to see my LDN doctor and apparently my GI is seriously opposed to LDN. The LDN doc prescribed it to one of the GIs patients, the patient improved dramatically, and GI then complained to the health board, defence union, GMC etc and tried to get him pretty much struck off. No wonder he was mean to me if he feels that strongly! The LDN doctor, however, found this hilarious and was completely unphased as he is so confident in what he is doing.
Cindy, yeah, it'll be interesting with my family. They very much have an attitude of, if you treat an illness then you don't even need to think about it ever again. My aunt is a nurse, and she has high cholesterol - so she takes cholesterol meds and eats whatever she wants and doesn't think about it. I think that's their attitude with gluten too, like I wouldn't be sick at all anymore if I just stopped eating gluten. And for me that's just not the case. These people weren't sick to begin with, they're just basically pacifying themselves with placebos and thinking I should be able to do the same thing. I can't talk reason with them either, my mom knows I've had multiple tests and all are negative for celiac, plus pasta & bread are some of my safest foods - but I'll still get the "gluten is evil and if you stop eating it then you'll be fine" lecture from time to time. Sometimes I'm tempted to bring like a huge loaf of french bread with me and just start biting hunks out of it in front of them (again fitting for the role of black sheep! :p ). My cousin is a bit of a hypocrite, too. She's the one person in my family who may actually have a real issue with gluten - she said when she went GF, she felt so much better, and if she eats gluten then she gets stabbing pains in her LRQ (I feel like she should get checked out for IBD but she won't even get properly checked for celiac). But, she goes on vacation a lot, like this year she went to Rome and to Cozumel and to Disney a couple times. Every time she goes on vacation, she allows herself to "cheat" and eat gluten. She takes a million photos and posts them all online so I see pretty much everything she eats on vacation, and most of it seems to contain gluten. So apparently the stabby pains don't bother her enough to interfere with her vacation, or maybe she doesn't really have an issue with gluten (maybe does have IBD though?), or who knows what. All I know is, I talk to people like you on the forum who legitimately do have an issue with gluten and cannot eat it and wouldn't be able to "cheat" even on a fun vacation because it just wouldn't be worth the pain & symptoms. My cousin "cheats" so often that it's unbelievable. So pretty much, I hate the subject of gluten when my family brings it up, because they're all stupid. /vent over.

Sorry for venting, that kind of stuff just drives me nuts. Like they make me feel my illness isn't legitimate because they think I can cure myself with diet alone, when that's just not the case. But really they basically eat what they want (cholesterol and vacation gluten) so they can't be lecturing to me like this. Anyway. I've mentioned in my exercise thread that I have other reasons for disliking Thanksgiving - it's definitely my least favorite holiday. I'll be happy to play bingo and get it over with. :p

Bureaucratic, I must have missed seeing your post as I was writing mine earlier. So your new GI is going to mull things over and then either order tests or put you on some kind of treatment? I'm a bit worried that you said you're getting bonier, any idea how much weight you've lost? Hopefully your new GI is well aware that weight-loss isn't typically part of IBS but frequently happens with IBD. My GI worries when I lose even 5 lbs, so getting bony sounds worrying to me. Are you keeping any kind of symptom & food diary to track this kind of stuff? If not, you may want to do that for a bit and then show it to your new GI. You can track your symptoms & weight loss over time and see if you can spot any patterns, etc. A high WBC count isn't part of IBS either - it could be IBD or an infection. Have you been tested for stuff like c diff?
Cat, yep, I've been tested for all the infectious stuff -- c diff, ova, parasites, etc. -- so if something infectious has been behind the high wbcs, it's not a common GI infection. Stools have never even had white cells in them and they've been tested a few times for that too. (I think that tends to rule out both infection *and* IBD though, doesn't it?)

Both times I had the high white count, I was in the ER -- once with a lot of pain (Vegas with the maybe-maybe-not obstruction) and the other with the whole air-outside-the-lungs thing. Wouldn't surprise me if most docs chalked that up to stress, especially with a psychiatric file like mine, hahahaha.

"Bony" probably sounds more alarming than it really is. I'm kind of small to begin with ... 110-115 and 5'3". I've had some phases over the last few months where I've lost some pounds but I'm usually able to pick them back up with a little effort and some extra donuts when I feel healthier. That said, I did lose a ton of weight about a year and a half ago when I got sober -- like 10 or 15 pounds -- and haven't been able to get anything back even when I've tried. But I dropped all that weight before I started having really bad stomach issues, so it's probably just the fact that I'm not downing an extra thousand calories or two in booze every day.

mccindy ... yeah, the food intolerance thing's a little questionable for me too, if only because I can't seem to nail down any definite problem ingredients. It's so frustrating! Growing up when I had IBS, high-fat dairy (ice cream, anything fried with cheese, etc.) gave be trouble pretty consistently, but even that's hit-or-miss now.(I've tried eating ice cream to get things moving since constipation started being a problem, and nothing happens.) I've been keeping food diaries for doctors off and on since I was probably 10 years old, and no one's really been able to pin down anything (besides the dairy/fat combo).

Like, when my stomach's doing well, I'm bulletproof: No matter what I eat, I'm okay. When I've been having tons of trouble, anything can trigger hours of agony. Once, it was half a cup of oatmeal. Another time, greek yogurt. So who knows.
Hi Chickadee,
The only medication they put me on for Crohn's was Prednisone. I gained quite a bit of weight, and it did seem to help with the pain. When I had my colonoscopy back then, the doc did say he saw Crohn's inflammation. I was on the Pred for 4 months and he did exploratory bowel with appy, and he said the inflammation was gone.
Since then I had some years where I was nauseous frequently and couldn't eat, and would have lots of constipation with intermittent D. Then about 5 years ago I became completely lactose-intolerant, and about 2 years ago, I started having problems with broccoli, cucumbers and other veggies and fruit. Then last year, it was gluten.
Sorry - that's probably more detail than you were looking for! :D

Bureaucratic, have you tried a low-FOD diet? my GI put me on that and it does seem to be helping, I do have less pain since I started it. It's pretty restrictive, and for me I have to restrict more than what it recommends. He thought I should be fine with any meat, but I can't even stand putting pork in my mouth and beef does terrible things to my belly. I tend to stick to chicken, fish and seafood. Plus it seems that the older Iget, the less tolerant I am to food, as you can see by the stuff I wrote to Chickadee above.
Cindy, I can't believe they didn't give you any maintenance meds whatsoever and pred was the only IBD med you've taken! I have tried 2 corticosteroids (pred and Entocort) and a number of 5-ASA drugs (Asacol, Asacol HD, Delzicol, and now Pentasa) - I feel like a guinea pig sometimes, but I'm glad my GI is at least willing to let me try the milder IBD meds. That's almost shameful that they didn't put you on any meds whatsoever for maintenance - just pred for a bit and then get on with your life?

Bureaucratic, the two foods you mentioned can be problematic for me. Oatmeal is really high in fiber, although it is soluble fiber, so if my tummy's feeling okay and if the oatmeal is cooked to soft mush then I can eat it. If it's still kind of hard/crunchy (like in an oatmeal cookie or a granola bar), or if I'm not feeling great to begin with, then oatmeal is definitely not my friend. And greek yogurt, ouch! I have such a problem with probiotics, but every so often I try to eat yogurt because it's supposedly so good for you. The one time I ate greek yogurt, I had hideous pains for days and then passed blood for I think the first time - I didn't have internal hemorrhoids at that time, either, so apparently something in the yogurt irritated me enough to cause some bleeding? It was so not fun. I know those were just examples, but if it were me, I'd say definitely choose a very safe bland low-fiber snack next time to see if it gives you the same level of trouble as yogurt & oatmeal did. Something like saltines, applesauce, rice, etc. I got sympathy pains just thinking about oatmeal and greek yogurt! :(

I hope everyone has a good weekend! It's supposed to be cold here so I'll be hunkered down with my electric blanket. We got snow overnight but then the sun came out and now most of it's melted, which is a good thing as I'm not quite ready for snow just yet!
This might be kind of long - sorry for not updating sooner, it's been rough!

I did end up going into the ER but they were incredibly busy...waited for 3 hours and there were still 8 people ahead of me, and I was starting to tolerate water again, so I went home to rest and the rest of the evening was awful but I made it through. I hadn't even managed to drink the entire first dose of suprep :( It was starting to make me gag and I would've thrown up hardcore if I tried to keep going. There was zero chances the second one was happening, with me that dehydrated. Luckily I was clear enough; my pictures were still orange tinted but it wasn't enough to obstruct anything important. (By the way, even just the upper GI prep - eat lightly if at all after 8pm, nothing to eat or drink after midnight - dehydrated me completely. I was throwing up and then had dry heaves :( No idea what my issue is lately...)

Anyway! The procedures went well. The doctor and all the staff at the surgery center were really wonderful, I'm glad that I ended up there. Both times they gave me a bunch of fluids (almost two full bags the first time, and I was only hooked up to it for maybe 45 minutes? Good god), so that's good! I was so worried. From my colonoscopy, they found: normal, non bleeding internal hemmorhoids (idk always good to know I guess), an entirely normal colon, and "congested and granular mucosa in the terminal ileum". And everything is all biopsied. He said that was something that can happen for no reason, however I've noticed that although I switched to a low fat diet two months ago and definitely lost weight due to that, it seems like in the past couple of weeks in particular, my weight loss has been sudden and severe (currently, I'm at the weight I was in Dec of 2011, six months before my severe symptoms). Just a note. Amusingly, the Dr recs at the bottom of the page read to eat a high fiber diet and take metamucil :| He prescibed bentyl, I haven't picked it up yet since it was a bit pricey for right now.

I mostly expected those results because my pain is really centered in my stomach and the LHQ right around my hip. So! My Upper GI revealed: a "hiatus hernia" I can't remember how he explained that. I think it's just a small hernia just above my stomach? I had bile in my stomach and he was able to diagnose me with non-erosive gastritis and gastroparesis for now. Oh, and he called the bile "bile reflux" and said that it was basically coming back up from the small intestine, so there is something weird going on besides what they see. My duodenum was all fine. The really amusing part is that now my Dr recs have changed to "eat a low fat, low residue diet" which, I have been since I had an ER trip at the beginning of October for partial blockage symptoms. He also prescribed prilosec for now, and after my biopsies come back he'll go from there on what else to do. And then I think I'll have a follow-up not too long down the line.

Gastroparesis makes a lot of sense as something that's been bothering me my whole life and is majorly effecting me right now, but I'm not convinced it's a total diagnosis. I can remember even when I was 10 or so not being able to eat when I woke up because I always felt nauseous (it was the worst all throughout high school though, oh god); or if I have to wake up earlier than my body is naturally going to I'll get incredibly nauseous for hours. Lately, with all the other stuff going on, I'll throw up in the morning leftovers of what I ate the previous night, and I tend not to eat just before bed or anything. As an example, when I was throwing up before my Upper GI, it was a swallow of gatorade I'd taken a few hours ago, some kefir that was a few hours before that, an epic amount of bile, and and a tiny little blood spot.

Figured I'd share and see if any of you have gotten any of these sorts of results and what happened after that. Nervous for the biopsy results. I felt heartbroken when there wasn't anything crazy obvious going on, it's so hard with all the pain and how severely effected my life is by this (I can barely even do small hobbies around the house that I love, let alone try to work or exercise or anything), and it just feels like you should be able to see so clearly the pain I'm in from the inside, at least. It's been a rough day since then. I was also a little bit upset because the one thing this doctor seems not as up to speed or with it on is MM usage and he seemed to want to start pointing at that as my reason for gastroparesis. I haven't had an appt with him yet though (I saw a nurse practitioner so I could schedule my procedures sooner) so I understand that he doesn't know my full history and what's going on. Until I am given medication that helps me like MM does, I pretty much refuse to stop; my quality of life goes from "able to putter around the house slightly and maybe even leave sometimes" to "stay in bed always, feel like you're starving to death". I've had to give up so much of my life, I kind of think it's unfair for me to basically be forced/reduced to being bedridden when I know there's something that helps.

Thanks again everyone for your advice, support, calming words. I've been scared a lot the past few days and even just being able to anxiety-post helps ♥ I gotta get laying down again now but I'll be back to respond to people, there's lots of conversations I've been wanting to continue but I can't be at the computer long enough to, ahh.
Rainbow - I was diagnosed with IBS back in 2010. Most of my tests were normal. I had a gastric emptying test and had gastroparesis. I have been on bentyl for IBS for years. I actually take it more now than I used to. It relaxes me and helps if I'm tense or having a lot of gas in my stomach. I've read that it is actually bad for gastroparesis. My doctor said I could still take it if it helps. You may want to consult your doc about bentyl affecting your gastroparesis to be on the safe side.

You may ask your doctor if you can get domperidone for the gastroparesis. It's the best motility drug that can help with stomach emptying. Reglan is an alternative but I hear it has nasty side effects. Domeperidone is only available at some compounding pharmacies, or to order online from some Canadian pharmacies. It's not approved in the States for some dumb reason, that's why.

How's everyone today? I had a rough night with my stomach. Hypoglycemia has been a roller-coaster lately too. Today I will probably play some video games and do some chores around the house.

I got some gift cards for Itunes, so I want to download new music. Cat, they have a lot more Jpop on there than I remember which is cool! I need some new music to listen to in the car.
Well I am half way through the day and have really bad D. I'm still cramping up and I'm not sure if it's done or not. Went three times so far today. I hope it's not a stomach flu and just the normal stuff. Last year I was sick for a month around this time.
It sounds like between Rainbow and Moogle it was a rough couple of days!

I had such a bad day on Friday, between D, pain and dizziness, that I finally decided enough is enough. I'm stopping the Linzess, didn't take it at all over the weekend. The last two days before I stopped I noticed that every time I went to the bathroom, my food was coming out almost completely undigested. Amazingly, I felt a lot better even for those couple of days! It's not worth it to me to risk having seizures. I haven't had as severe headaches either, maybe I was getting dehydrated? So I'm going to call the Gi today and tell him that it just isn't working. I'll go back to my stool softeners and fiber supplements.

My sister-in-law has hypothyroidism and has had a lot of problems lately with limb numbness and joint pain. At first they were suspecting MS for her, and then figured out that she is severely vitamin D deficient. She has to take high-dose prescription vitamin D supplements. Seems like some of us with our intestinal problems who suffer from joint pain might need a higher dose than just the OTC supplements?
Sorry to hear about the rough-ish weekends you guys have had. Fortunately, I haven't had D since Wednesday or Thursday, but I've been getting crampy pains and feeling vaguely nauseated for several days. Oh, and also, I'm bleeding from my bum. More than usual. (Side note, skip the rest of this paragraph if you're averse to gory detail, but I could use a second opinion on whether I should be freaking out or not... every time I go, there's dark red/maroonish color involved, and the water around the stool develops a reddish cloud/haze pretty fast even with hard stool. I've passed some darker bloody mucus on its own and possibly some melena -- whatever it was, it looked like the bloody mucus except, you know, black-ish. A few BMs have had parts that looked pretty black, too, and smelled indescribably bad.)

Melena? Maybe. But, you know. No big deal ... it's just IBS. HAHAHAHHAHA. My fingers and fingernails have been chipping like crazy lately and my fingers feel really sensitive in general. At first, I figured it was because I'd been doing crafty stuff that involved a lot of sanding and whatnot, but now I swear it looks like my index fingers might be clubbing a little? I'm losing my mind.

mccindy, I *definitely* can attest to the Vitamin D thing. I finally got my level tested on a doctor's whim, more or less -- she doubted it would be low because I get a lot of sun and am pretty fair skinned, but she couldn't figure out any other reason for bone/joint/muscle pain and aches. I was really low -- my level was 12 and the lab's minimum cutoff was 30. I've been taking Vitamin D bombs (50,000 units) weekly for the last month and definitely notice a difference. The aches are a bit better, but the biggest improvement? My mood! Seriously. My bipolar disorder has always tended toward depression in the winter, and I'm usually fully depressed by this time of year. I'm not depressed this year at all! Hooray Vitamin D!

Rainbow ... not that any of my test results were similar to yours, but I do totally know what you mean about feeling weirdly heartbroken that no simple, glaringly obvious issue presented itself. I remember hoping in a warped was that there'd be, like, a little gremlin camping out in my colon, preferably with a sign around his neck reading "I'm making this chick bleed."

Sigh. If only things were that simple.
bureacratic, you are certainly on the medical roller coaster! Bloody stools... certainly not IBS there! I have to say, the vague nausea thing sucks doesn't it? That' kind of where I am. I don't have much appetite anyway but the nausea makes me feel even less like eating.

I had increased my Vit. D to 3000 iu, but I'm thinking of upping it again. Not that I have such symptoms as you had, but I have had achy joints of late and being that it's winter here in MN, unlikely that I'll be getting any kind of sun exposure. I tend to stay indoors when it's cold outside!
Rainbow - Metamucil is psyllium-based, so it's soluble fiber, which should be pretty easy on your system. However, Metamucil itself has a lot of additives and those can cause cramping, so if you can, look for pure psyllium without the additives. You can find it at health food stores - I get mine at Whole Foods. Organic is better as I was told that the un-organic likely contains a lot of pesticides. It's not too expensive, I think I pay about $11 for a big container of organic psyllium and that lasts me a couple months. I take 1 tablespoon a day - I started off with 1 teaspoon and slowly built myself up to 1 tablespoon (do not follow the directions on the package - it says take 2 tablespoons a day - that amount of psyllium would horribly bloat me and put me in a lot of crampy pain! Start with a small amount and slooooowly work your way up, if you overdo the psyllium you WILL pay for it!). If you try psyllium, let me know how you do on it, and of course let me know if you have any questions about it too. :)

Bureaucratic, dark/black blood is definitely NOT IBS!! Bright red blood can sometimes be linked to IBS, as bright red blood can come from a fissure or hemorrhoid. (It can also come from ulcers/bleeding in the colon/rectum, so bright red blood can definitely be part of IBD, too.) But dark blood, that means it comes from higher up, like in the small intestine. And that's not IBS! Let your doctor know, take a picture of the blood in the toilet if they don't believe you. And if they still say IBS, then it's time for (yet another) new doctor. Dark blood in the stool is serious and should be taken seriously.

The fingernail stuff could be linked to a vitamin deficiency, so if you haven't had your vitamin levels checked lately, I would encourage you to have that done. Stuff like calcium & vit d deficiencies can cause your nails to be brittle, and so can b vitamin deficiencies apparently. I take a biotin supplement, and the difference in my nails is noticeable - biotin seems to make them grow stronger and thicker. They're still kind of brittle, but much better than they were. So get your vit levels checked and see what's going on.

Cindy, what fiber supps are you taking? Have you tried psyllium? I'm sorry to hear you've stopped the Linzess, but it's good to hear that you're doing somewhat better now. As for vit d, I take 2000 IU daily in the summer and 4000 IU in the winter. Like you said, I'm kind of blindly supplementing, I really should get my vit levels checked too to see what I really need.
I think the one I take now is a couple of tablets that are the generic version of FiberCon or one of those. I haven't tried psyllium before - the GI just said to get the tablets. Does it work a lot better? I know sometimes I can see the fiber stuff when I go.... so I wonder if I'm getting it all? My SIL recommended a B-complex she takes that has well over 100% of the RDA for most of the Bs so I'm thinking of getting that and starting that too.
Cat - I'll have to go check out your gym thread! I really should post a "my story" thread so I can just reference that haha; but for me I started losing a lot of energy around...Feb of 2012? And then July 2012 is when my appetite disappeared, D started, vomiting a lot started etc. Around May 2012 I started investing into ballet, which is something I've been wanting to do since school. Got some shoes, scouted adult beginner lessons (harder than you might think!), started doing the stretches and exercises on my own etc. Anyway, by the time August hit, I had to come to terms with the fact that I wasn't eating enough for me to be able to put my body under the added stress of exercise and exertion, which is a really tough thing to handle! So many people say to just work through it, well, I was having to eat a saltine or two, drink a bunch of gatorade and then be able to barely do a few stretches before I was shaking so badly the room would spin. I can't make myself eat when my body is signalling that eating is terrible, and especially when I know all that'll happen is pain, misery, and a long time in the bathroom. So now it's, what, 18 months later and I still can't do much. I feel like the second I leave the house there's a timer going until I start being too fatigued to walk around or focus. I'm so so glad that there's maybe some hope though! I really should start gently doing things again - now that it's cooler out I might be able to take more walks around the neighborhood, and I should see if I can do some gentle yoga again (used to do it pretty hardcore, I am now amazed at my prior accomplishments). I can totally understand that feeling of being as important as medication - all I want right now is to feel a semblance of control and responsibility with my body...I guess almost like a bonding session! I was working towards that, and towards a lot of body love and acceptance right before all this, and now my weight is all over the place and I don't know how to feel about that or anything else. Augh! Anyway, I hope I can work myself up to being able to steadily exert myself again :)
Oh man though, so sorry to hear about your family! I'm so glad that I don't have extensive personal contact with a lot of my family right now, I'm worried I might encounter more weird reactions and ignorance. At least you have one person on your side! That whole fake-celiac thing is so baffling. I've talked about it to my husband a lot, and I think it's sort of like...I don't know if you've experienced this but as a kid, wanting to wear glasses if you didn't need them, or wanting braces when others get them? You see someone get something a little special out of a situation, and then you start to want to emulate it. I guess I'm surprised to see the same behavior out of adults...but it does give someone a little bit of attention, maybe it sort of helps a personal push towards healthy eating that they wouldn't have done if they weren't convinced there was a medical reason, maybe it's fun to have a focus in your life that you can single out and choose. But it's not fun when you don't have the choice to choose and focusing on what you eat has to be a part of your everyday life that you don't want. Oh, and you mentioned a cousin that goes on vacation and doesn't stay gf, right? That would kill me. ha, I love social media for catching out people's lies :| It is possible that she either orders the food, doesn't eat it, or eats it and feels miserable the whole time and doesn't post about how miserable she is - I am discovering that a shocking amount of social media is purely self-validation (the things I could say about my roommate's fb page...).
Anyway. I'm not going to be taking the metamucil, ha, we tried it before and it was awful, plus that was in the Dr notes after the colonoscopy, which I had first. After the Upper GI it said low fat, low residue, so I'm assuming fiber supplements don't really fit into low residue. I don't know if I'd benefit from psyllium at all...

Moogle- Good to know! I was reluctant to start the bentyl anyway, at least until I have another meeting with him and discuss all my conditions, meds and whatnot. He prescribed it before the Upper GI showing gastroparesis, so I wanted to hold off. I really wish I was able to have my initial appt with him, but it wouldn't have been until this week and I really wanted to get my scopes done asap so I met with the nurse practitioner instead. It might've helped him to be more precise with his recs if I'd talked to him personally :( I did a bunch of research about gastroparesis and wow, I've seen great things about domperidone! And also I learned I will never touch reglan omg. Some side effects aren't worth it...

Bureaucratic - Yeah :( A sign would've been awesome! My husband actually thought they might find stomach ulcers, with how I describe the pain as burning sometimes. I was hoping for more, but realistically this is what I expected (actually, I did not expected the gastroparesis haha, having a surprise diagnosis was a weird one). Most of my pain is around my left hip/central abdomen so in places the scopes wouldn't see even if there was something to see. Sigh. By the way, do they test for vitamin deficiencies when doing blood panels, like if you were at the ER or whatnot? I've had tons of blood taken for tests, but they never tell me what kinds, and I'm not sure if the Dr I was seeing last year did tests for that or not. They just always tell me "you're not anemic", so...? I'd be extremely interested to see how deficient I am. Just started taking vitamins again for the first time in forever, let's see how much more improved I feel from that! Oh, forgot I wanted to say - My index fingernails have been slightly clubbing since July 2012 when my symptoms started; they're noticeably flat in the middle. My nails in general show a lot of signs of malnutrition, I know a lot about nail tech (very nearly started school for it) so I noticed right away when the coloring started changing etc. I was also taking multi-vitamins and a biotin supplement and they were still starting to become very pliable and soft like they were before the supplements (my nails have always been a bit on the flexible side). My joints have been absolutely killing me lately, too, mostly my toes and fingers. In June when it was just starting to crazy heat up here, my knees were so bad I could barely stand okay. I wonder if the weather changes/pressure changes are exacerbating things too?


As a general poll, what does a normal day of eating look like for all of you? I always feel like my eating habits are really weird and it's difficult for me to try to get anything of a schedule or regimen going because half my problem is appetite and just finding something I feel I can stomach. I usually eat one of those lean cuisine meals for lunch or dinner, something with chicken or turkey and rice and not too many dark green veggies (it seems like I can handle most vegetables ok, but the darker green the less they seem to digest). I snack on trader joe's fruit leathers during the day, I drink a ton of gatorade (anything for some calories, man), my treat is those baked cheddar and sour cream ruffles? Mmmmmmm. Oh, I drink tons of kefir, and we go out for froyo if I need something sweet. If I haven't eaten much all day, sometimes I'll get a small burger from bk or taco from tb; they actually seem to go down pretty well and might just get a bit of discomfort while it's going through the early stages of digestion (like basically anything else I eat). I shouldn't test my boundaries too far though, I can get lots of pain and pretty bad D if I do. It definitely shows me how much better I was feeling earlier this year though, back in May when I was either in remission or heading right towards it I was eating a bunch of cake and sweets, had fast food at lot more; couldn't believe how well I was stomaching it. Still a bit of pain/discomfort but nothing like what it would be like if I tried to eat something like that now, omg. Even just looking at a pastry makes me pout now ;; Cruel butter and fats!!
Rainbow, yeah, I actually called out my cousin on her vacation gluten-eating habits. She went to Disney and posted a photo of a croissant, and I replied, "Uh, doesn't that have gluten?" She gave me some lame excuse about how it was made with "French flour" (whatever that is?) which supposedly only has 1/5th of the gluten that American flour has. So, it still has gluten. From what I've heard, people with actual diagnosed celiac disease can't handle ANY gluten, it doesn't matter if it's got a little or a lot, any gluten at all (even microscopic amounts) can and will cause them lots of bad symptoms. So yeah, I'm pretty sure my cousin is full of it. As for my mom, she was orphaned at age 17, her parents both died of cancer when she was a teenager. Losing her parents at that early age kind of messed her up and ever since she's been very vigilantly anti-cancer. Her dad died of colon cancer so now she thinks her dad had undiagnosed celiac (I think he had undiagnosed IBD!). I'm the only one who has been through multiple medical tests so I feel like I have a good leg to stand on when these arguments come up, but my mom is just a little nuts and I can't get through to her. So yeah. Looking forward to bingo, and football, but the rest of Thanksgiving not so much.

As for psyllium, there's a big difference between soluble and insoluble fiber. Psyllium is soluble and is very easy on the digestive tract, I promise. (For the record, insoluble fiber is NOT my friend but psyllium is!) Now, if you have active inflammation or bleeding or anything like that, then it's probably best to try to avoid all fiber as it can be irritating on an already irritated gut. But from the other people I've talked to on the forum who have tried psyllium, all of them have had good things to say about it - I haven't talked to one single person who had bad results with psyllium. So do keep it in mind. It's pretty interesting stuff, it tends to regulate the bowels regardless of whether you tend towards diarrhea or constipation. It bulks loose stools and helps things move along with constipation.

And as for exercise, I was very similar to what you described during my first year of illness - doing anything active would just exhaust me and give me more d, more pain, etc. But I do recall doing yoga a few times that year and not being punished by my body for that, so for me anyway I could do a small amount of gentle physical activity without repercussions. But yes, it wasn't until I got into remission that I started working out hard-core. Now I've been out of remission for about 6 months and am doing what I can. I kind of wonder if my flare has stayed mild at least in part because I've been keeping up with regular exercise. I don't know, but I'd like to think so anyway. So if you can get to feeling better, start exercising and don't stop! ;)

Oh, and with regards to your eating poll - on an average (work)day, I'll get up and just drink water for the first couple hours or so. Mornings are the worst time of day for me guts-wise, so I just have to let my guts wake up and calm down for awhile during the early mornings. Once I get to work, I usually have an appetite, so I'll have my healthy homemade smoothie for breakfast (ice, almond milk, chocolate supplement powder mix, cocoa powder, and a banana all blended together). If I'm starving then I'll admittedly have a donut with my smoothie too. After my smoothie, I have a mug of hot herbal tea to warm myself back up, as I tend to get chilled after drinking a cold smoothie, particularly in the winter months! After my tea, I'll have a big glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of psyllium. Then maybe an hour later I have a small snack, something like rice pudding or oatmeal. Something small but filling enough to get me through for the next couple hours. Then, if I'm going to the gym on my lunch hour, I won't eat anything else for 2 hours (I can't eat for at least 2 hours before hitting the gym) but I'll drink as much water as I can. Then I'll go to the gym for an hour and then eat my lunch after the gym - usually something like a tuna sandwich or pasta salad. That gets me through until it's time to go home from work. When I get home, I might go to the gym (if I didn't go on my lunch break of course), so if I go to the gym after work then I eat kind of a late dinner when I finally get home, around 7 or 8 PM. I know it's not good to eat that late, so I try not to eat a big dinner. I tend to have protein + carb for dinner, so maybe baked chicken with a side of rice, or baked salmon with a skinless sweet potato.

Oh, and I adore cheddar & sour cream Ruffles! They are my favorite go-to when my sodium levels are low. I can't keep my electrolyte levels high, I tend to always be either low or borderline in both sodium & potassium. I just started supplementing potassium (low potassium makes my feet & toes cramp up particularly when I sweat, so sometimes my workouts get painful if my feet are cramping a lot), and I don't avoid high-sodium foods and eat those chips sometimes (low sodium makes my blood pressure drop and I get very dizzy & light-headed). When I first got sick, my sodium came back very low and a doctor told me "eat a bag of chips and you'll be fine." So now whenever I eat chips to combat low sodium, I call them "prescription chips." ;) I tell my hubby he can't have any because I need them, for health reasons. Ha ha!

Oh! Sorry this post is getting so long, but I keep looking back at your post and seeing things I want to reply to. With regards to the joint pains and changes in weather - YES, absolutely weather can have an effect on the joints. My bad hip has always been worst when it snows, or when the weather is bitterly cold. We had a lot of snow last year and I could accurately predict hours ahead of time when it was going to snow, and usually the worse my pain was, the more snow we'd get. We had a blizzard last year with about 18 inches of snow, and before the blizzard hit, both my bad hip AND my good hip were hurting and my lower back was too. I could tell it was going to be a doozy! Anyway, physical therapy really helped my bad hip, I had hardly any hip pain for 2 years thanks to PT (and probably also thanks to my probable IBD being in remission at that time). So for all those with stubborn joint pain, particularly if it's in the same joint most of the time, definitely consider giving PT a try.

Cindy - I'm not sure what's in FiberCon, but I would guess it's probably similar to Metamucil in that it's probably got a lot of additives. And you said it's in tablets - tablets don't always break down for me, but psyllium doesn't come in tablets as far as I know so it should break down better for you. You can get psyllium in capsules or just loose - I get it loose, and mix a tablespoon into a glass of water. I have never seen undigested psyllium in my stools. It helps me not go so much (I was going 4 to 10+ times daily, and with psyllium I now go more like 2 to 4 times daily). Like I mentioned to Rainbow, it can bulk up loose stools and it can help ease up constipation and get things moving better. It won't cause d nor constipation, but it can help with both, it's pretty neat stuff. There's a very long thread here all about psyllium if anyone is wanting to learn more. I highly recommend it, it's done great things for me. Two things to keep in mind - as I said in my earlier post, don't overdo it - start with a small dose and see how you do, slowly & gradually increase the dose if needed. And, you must take your medications either an hour before or 2 hours after taking psyllium, as it can supposedly affect how medications are absorbed. Other than that, though, it's very easy to take and can have a very positive effect on the guts.
Rainbow,that sucks that you were just getting into your ballet dream and had to stop! Some days I look back at how much I exercised just a year ago and can't believe the machine I was then.... I did 1-1/2 to 2 hours a day at the gym, and then added squats, lunges and arm work at home. Now I get through my 1/2 hour a day on the elliptical and I'm grateful for it.
As far as a typical day of eating... I probably have the most boring diet in the (first) world. I usually start the day with a bowl of oatmeal, with a little soy milk and brown sugar in it. I drink low-sugar orange juice and take most of my daily meds. When I get to work I drink my Sugar-free Chai Tea Latte (with organic soy milk). Then for lunch I usually have either a chicken breast with a little organic BBQ sauce, or some rice-noodle soup, and some homemade yogurt with a little gluten-free granola. I also usually drink about 25-30 oz of water and a full 32 oz. bottle of Powerade Zero while I'm at work. The regular stuff has calories, which would be helpful, but it also has HF corn syrup in it, which I can't have. Then for supper I usually have either chicken or fish and some rice or a skinless sweet potato and an easy-to-digest veggie like low sodium canned peas or sauteed zucchini. Every once in a while I get sassy and have some gluten-free cookies in the evening, if my stomach is up for it and not too upset. I don't vary things too much except for maybe an egg in the morning if I feel up to it, or maybe some Gf spaghetti with homemade sauce for supper.

Cat, I'll have to look into the psyllium. It can't hurt to try! I finally talked to my GI's office yesterday and he agreed that I should stop taking the Linzess immediately. I have to make an appointment to go in and see either him or one of his NPs. THe funny thing is since I quit taking it I actually feel better! Less belly pain for one thing, no more D, and mainly my head feels much more normal.
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Cat - ahahahaha oh man. French flour! That's a new one!! One of the reasons I'm pretty sure I'm not celiac is because not everything with gluten gives me pain or anything, and it feels like when I'm not eating a lot, that sort of reaction would be really noticeable. Aughhh do not understand the insistence on restricted diets for no reason! It's like people doing cleanses. Oh...you're angling to get the symptoms I have every day for literally no reason? I read about why people do cleanses and everything, and there is zero scientific benefit to back up ritualistic starvation, sorry. But you can't explain this to people...because they're so protein deficient from juicing for a week they won't understand :| So sorry to hear about your mom though - it's hard when you know there's a reason but it's still frustrating and you can't force people into seeing reason.

Oh, I definitely know the difference! I had a jamba juice smoothie sometime last year (worked there briefly so I know what's in their food - just freshfrozen fruit and some yogurt and ice) and it just tore me apart inside. I couldn't believe that just fruit could do that to my tummy :c I think I mentioned somewhere above, the darker green something is, the more chances it won't be going through very well. light lettuce seems ok in moderation, for instance. I don't have bleeding that I know, not sure as to actual inflammation (biopsies!! I want your results!!), but I might try mixing in some psyllium. Good to know that everyone reacts well to it!

I'm glad I'm not alone :( It's a hard feeling to deal with! It's also hard to get the motivation to do any exercise because I really like doing the full yoga "routine" and it feels pointless to start when I know three stretches in, I'm going to be out of breath and dizzy. You have to start somewhere though, I guess, right? I'd like to think your exercise is helping your flare! They do say that it helps with everything c: Once I start, especially if I'm able to start ballet, I won't be letting go of that no matter what, let me tell you.

Mornings are the worst for me, too! I get a very low blood sugar feeling when I first wake up though, so I have to eat like, a saltine to calm my tummy, then eat nothing for a while haha :) It seems like we have a lot of the same things! Small sandwiches, proteins and carbs...omg I love that we have the same chip cravings! haha! They're my favorite savory snack! I have low blood pressure, so I've never been super concerned about sodium, but I probably don't get enough of it now. I wonder if that's why I like them so much! My husband would never eat them anyway (oh he knows about me and the few foods we have around the house I can eat) but I think I might call them prescription chips too ha!]

Oh man, okay, so I think it was the weekend before my scopes, my toes were in AGONY. Like, could barely walk, moving into full foot cramps but I knew it was joint aches. And then that Monday, the temperature dropped to the low 40's. My husband emailed me, "oh, it was so cold on the way to work! didn't expect the temperature drop!" I was like, what??? did you not hear how badly my foot was hurting? I was somewhat expecting this! I kind of like being a weather detector, I guess :) It seems like all my joints are affected at one time or another, my lower back was killing me last month, last summer it was all in my knees, a month or two ago is when my toes/fingers started acting up...once I got a giant twinge in my hips, that was awful. Just the once though. I have a knee injury on one knee that was never treated/looked at in any way, but both my knees hurt the same when it comes to the joint stuff. If it ends up settling into one place, I probably would start looking into PT, but for now it still comes and goes.

mccindy - yes! Having to just stop was the worst! At least I only bought the shoes and they weren't super expensive, I'm glad to have them around for when I can get back into it. Yeah, we were going to the gym, at least 45 minutes a day when normally we're sit-around-the-house types, started doing yoga again, tons of ballet stretches (very physically taxing, even though they're just stretches!)...even over the summer, in July, when my symptoms had started, I could still push myself - I just remembered, I was visiting a friend then, and she had a personal trainer she'd been working with for months. They asked if I wanted to join, I said sure. I still was barely eating at this time, so I figured I'd just do my best. I really only had to take a couple extra breaks than my friend did, and it took me longer to get my breath back, but other than that, I kept up with the level of exercise and endurance that they were at. When she'd been at it for months!! I'd stopped going to the gym for about...uhhh...3, 4 months? I feel like now, even if someone goaded me into it, I'm not sure I could get through a gentle exercise. I'd probably have to give up and draw my line of ability.

Not so boring! It's good that you eat so well. I'll start craving something sweet and eat a chocolate bar even though I know I'm in for hell :( I like your sassy gluten free cookies though, ha! I thought I checked on my gatorades and they don't have HF corn syrup, which is the only reason I'm ok with drinking them. I think I should probably start setting more of a schedule/eating plan for myself, I'm all over the place and it's so hard to keep track of everything when I don't eat in any regular way. The only pattern I have is eating more in the evenings than the rest of the day, because during the day I'm not hungry (even if I was, I have no energy to make anything) but by the time my husband gets home, not only am I hungry, but also I have someone who will go fetch/make me whatever I want :| This can go badly sometimes, lol!
Rainbow, yeah, I don't really see how a "cleanse" is any different from colonoscopy prep! Both achieve basically the same result, right? I would never do a "cleanse" even if I was totally healthy. I do juicing sometimes (unlike smoothies, juicing removes all the fiber, so juicing is much easier on the tummy than fruit smoothies) - but I would never do a juice fast. Oh, and that smoothie you mentioned - do you have issues with yogurt otherwise? I have such trouble with probiotics, and Greek yogurt does terrible things to me (I'm lactose intolerant too so I think it's the combination of probiotics and dairy that just does me in).

Temps in the 40s sounds nice to me! :p It's currently in the 20s here but the wind chill makes it feel colder. When the temp drops down into the single digits or lower, that's when my joints start aching, especially if I have to do anything outside like shovel or walk my dog. Do the hot temperatures there affect you too? It gets warm and very humid here in the summer, and the combo of heat + humidity is not well tolerated at all by my guts. I cramp up terribly sometimes thanks to the summer heat & humidity. So yeah, winter affects my joints and summer affects my guts - no matter what season, something's always giving me trouble!

Those foot/toe cramps you mentioned could definitely be caused by low potassium. Was this when you were doing the prep? Dehydration for me tends to cause very quick loss of electrolytes. I've found that eating a teaspoon or two of soy sauce will pretty much instantly get my sodium levels up to a more normal range - it's gross, yes, but it works well and fast! (I don't think soy sauce is allowed during prep though.) I haven't yet found anything that'll get my potassium level up quickly like that. I just started supplementing potassium, and it seems to be going well so far. Last night at the gym, I could feel the middle toe on my right foot, it was just sort of twitching a bit and threatening to go into a full-on cramp. But then the twinge went away and my toes & feet were quiet the rest of the time. So I think that's a good sign that the cramp didn't fully manifest?

As for exercise, yes, absolutely start very slow, even if you were doing a lot before. In a way it sucks, but the reality is that your body is different now and so are all the rules of what your body can/cannot do. When I started working out, even though I was in remission, I was scared to death that I was going to make things worse again, so I started out VERY slowly. I really wanted to lift weights to build back my muscle mass, so I started out by going to the gym 2x a week, lifting very light weights and not exerting myself very much. Fortunately that went well and I gradually moved up to doing heavier weights and more frequent gym trips, but it took awhile. Yes, it's frustrating to have to start from basically nothing and work your way up, and there may be a lof of setbacks. All you can really do is listen to your body and go slowly, don't push it if your body tells you to stop. Sometimes I feel like I take a step forward and then multiple steps back in terms of fitness, but I keep going because I'm never going to get anywhere if I don't keep trying to move forward. Just don't give up!

As for yoga specifically, David had written a really good post on the subject quite awhile ago here. If you scroll down to post #4, he's got a link to a very gentle yoga routine. You might want to start with something like this and gradually work your way up to the more challenging poses. I know this routine seems very basic, but it also seems like a good starting point. It hopefully won't make you dizzy or tired at any rate.

Cindy, good luck with psyllium! I hope it helps you a lot! And I giggled about you getting "sassy" and having cookies. :) My 2-year remission made me sassy to the point where I sometimes eat very risky foods (pizza!). I shouldn't, but come on, pizza is delicious. Sure, I'm lactose intolerant and the sauce makes my GERD go haywire and the grease just upsets my whole system - but yummm. :p

How's everyone doing today? I'm a bit bleh. Had a great workout last night, slept well, woke up feeling okay, but shortly after waking I got a case of the cramps and I feel very bloated. I'm due for my "time of the month" tomorrow-ish, so I'm guessing the cramps & bloat are just related to that. I had a bowel movement this morning where it was just mucus, no poo, so I'm not sure what's up with that. (I don't usually pass just mucus during my period.) In spite of that stuff, I feel pretty chipper, I don't feel bleh mentally, but my body feels a bit bleh. :p (Sorry for the super technical jargon, ha ha.)
Ah, pizza. I miss it so much! Between the gluten in the crust and the lactose in the cheese, I just can't do real pizza anymore.
Sorry to hear you're feeling bleh today. That stinks!

rainbow, I learned over the summer with several failed experiments that eating something on my "no" list was going to really cost me. Usually the pain and everything lasts for at least two days, so definitely not worth it. I've finally had to find some alternatives, like dairy-free, gluten-free cookies (sassy! :p ) and very dark chocolate, and rice milk chocolate. I did find some new gluten-free mixes from Betty Crocker or Duncan Hines that are pretty good!
Cindy, I'm intrigued by the rice milk chocolate. Where do you buy it? I can get away with a bit of chocolate, like one small piece a day, but too much and both my guts and my GERD get upset. I used to go to this amazing Swiss chocolatier, he made these wonderful little dark chocolate pralines and truffles. They were luxurious and expensive, so I couldn't afford to eat more than one a day anyway - it was pretty perfect, I could afford to buy only what my stomach could afford to eat. ;) But then a few months ago he retired! So now I can't get Swiss chocolates anymore, at least not from him, and I haven't found a suitable replacement yet. :(
My husband found it the other day at a local grocery store... CashWise. In their organic section. I know the Festival Foods in Eau Claire had some too, in their organic/natural foods/gluten free section. It's pretty good.
Oh, there's not a Festival Foods here in Madison, but there is one in the city where my parents live. I'll check it out the next time I'm up visiting them. Thanks! I need to stop at Whole Foods tonight anyway so I'll check there too. I so rarely go up to Eau Claire, most of my family lives in the central/east part of the state so I rarely go to north/west WI. I think the last time I was up in EC was quite a few years ago (before IBD!) when a friend and I road-tripped up to the twin cities area to go to the Mall of America. :p
Aw, Bureaucratic, big hugs. I know nobody likes scopes but hopefully this one will get you some answers. What prep are you doing? I did Prepopik for my last scope back in August - you only need to drink 2 cups of prep and then whatever clear liquids of your choice. If you're not looking forward to gallons of vile prep, maybe ask about that one because it was really easy (full disclosure, it did make me really nauseous & dizzy for a bit, and for awhile I was afraid it wasn't going to clean me out enough, but in the end I was cleaned out well enough). I hope this scope finds the source of your bleeding - if not, you may want to ask for something like the pill cam. With the dark/black blood you described, I wouldn't be surprised if it was coming from your small intestine. I'm a bit surprised you've had repeat scopes & scans but not the pill cam. Has your doc ever mentioned the possibility of pill cam? As you probably already know, it can see the entirety of the small intestine, whereas the scopes only see the very beginning & end. It can't take biopsies though so some doctors (like my GI) prefer the scopes because they like to go by biopsies rather than images. Anyway, just something to think about. Good luck with the scope!
I did ask about the pill cam, Cat, and this doctor says that's what's next. He still wants to do the colonoscopy (and apologized for "putting anyone through this once, let alone for a second time") for a couple reasons. One, typically, if you recognize what you see in the toilet as blood, it's coming from the colon. Two, I wasn't really having symptoms when I had the scope in September and am bleeding pretty consistently now. He said a lot times inflammation can really wax and wane, so it's not unheard of for two scopes to have very different results. Between the blood and the high white counts, he thinks it's worth another look.

As for the pillcam, I think that'll be the next step. He actually took on of the little cameras out and showed me and explained how they work, which was really helpful. Apparently, the pillcam is perfect for the small intestine because the "tubes" are narrow enough to force the camera to point in one direction the whole way through. Unfortunately, how well they do in the stomach and colon is a crapshoot -- pun intended, haha. Both of those parts of the GI system are roomier, so the camera tends to tumble around. If it's pointing the wrong way when you go past, like, a massive tumor or something, you're kind of out of luck.

The good news is that I like this doctor. He actually listens, takes the time to explain things, and honestly, I just get a better sense that this guy is paying attention, you know?

I'm going to laugh if it turns out I'm not bleeding at all and have some bizarre condition where your body inexplicably turns everything inside you red or black. I swear, at this point, it seems more likely than anything else. Hahahahaha.
BN it really sucks you're going through another colonoscopy but it sounds like you've won the lottery with that doctor, honestly. Wish we had guys like that in the NHS.
Bureaucratic, sounds like you've found a winner with your GI! I love hearing about docs who are supportive and listen! Best of luck with the prep and I hope they are able to find out what's going on inside you (even if they find a food coloring dispenser....).

Cat, Eau Claire is a pretty nice town. Suburbia feel in a city of 60,000. Probably because it's a college town. How was MOA? We get there about once a year. Every time we go I laugh because I think it's weird to have the same store on all three floors of shopping... There are like 2 or 3 Victoria's Secret, and at least 2 American Eagle Stores. There are some great candy stores we used to like (but I can't go there anymore :( ).
Cat - Haha! Yup! You couldn't pay me to do a cleanse! I notice that if I switch to more liquids in my diet, most of my pain goes away, so juicing in that sense is fine - but oh gosh I worked with someone who was all into juice cleanses and I could not even handle it. She was really young too, like 20 maybe? 19? And tiny too, of course. Yogurt is totally cool with me, I drink giant amounts of kefir when I can't handle solid food and it never gives me a problem (at least not any more problems than not eating solid food in general, I guess). I'm surprised at how well I handle dairy in general, in the past couple years I was suspecting I was lactose intolerant (could've been general stomach ails though, and I just wasn't connecting the right dots). I can drink some milk, or milk-based drinks, froyo is fine, kefir and yogurts are fine. Cheese is only ok in moderation though, I think the problem is how fatty it is.

We live in Tucson, so it's generally pretty freaking hot! It's staying in the low 60s during the day here now, I think, and I'm just freezing. It takes me a while to adjust to temp shifts, though, at the beginning of summer I felt like I was dying. I generally feel terrible during summertime...my stomach definitely was doing okay in the spring though, and got worse over the summer. It's continued all through fall though...you know, around this time last year is when I was able to start pushing myself slightly, I wonder if winter is my recovery period lol. I'll have to see how I feel over the next few months. Last Feb/March/April was when I felt the best, I actually went out drinking a couple of times and had a fairly normal person reaction to it, which is pretty much unheard of (I never drink/never have had a good reaction/always get super sick or hungover; but it actually started giving me very severe stomach cramps if I even took a small sip of alcohol. The fact that I had 2, 3 drinks and one time I don't even think I threw up at all? CRAZY haha. Sorry for the aside, I've just always thought my reaction to alcohol was really weird).

Okay, I had no idea potassium could do that! VITAMINS! Now that you mention it, I think it was pretty bad during my prep...I started my multi-vits a couple days ago and feel a bit better generally, that toe hurt hasn't come back at least, so that's good for now! If it happens again I'll have to try the soy sauce trick haha.

Yeah, I'm terrified of making things worse with everything I do :( I tend to have my abs cramp up badly if I stand/walk for too long, so any other sort of exercise feels way too ambitious. You're right though - I have to listen to my body and do as much as I can :) Thanks for the yoga link, I'll go check that out! It'll be interesting to see what my ability level really is right now, I've been so scared to even try...

Oh boy, Pizza...I'm glad I can tolerate it ok sometimes. But oh man, right now it would probably kill me. After my scopes, it seems like a lot of stuff is really bothering me and I'm being punished heavily if I step outside my low-fat zone. Usually I can have some chocolate, I know it's not great but doesn't cause a problem...yikes, ever since saturday, I've had a bit of chocolate most days, and everyday I have a different terrible reaction...the first day (I mean it was the day after all my procedures, this thing had 18g of fat and tons of chocolate, I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA hahaha) I had this chocolate bar...I told my husband the next morning, I'm pretty sure that my stomach acid broke down the chocolate, and then zero other things happened. That was just it, my intestines were just like, "nope! nope! not touching this! this was so stupid!". Yikes. Since then, I've been getting nauseous and throwing up after having it (which tbqh supports my theory that I never digested that last one because well, it looks exactly the same coming up :c ). Suffice to say - I've stopped having it :| So hard when the one thing you're craving and feel you can eat is a sweet thing...but you know it's just gonna kill you inside! I'll have to see what else I can keep around to nibble on.

I might try to find some of those gluten-free mixes...I still don't know if gluten exacerbates any of my problems or not, it seems like GF foods react the same in my tummy as any other, but it can't hurt to try it out a bit. Are they $$$ or hard to find?

Bureaucratic - oh man, having just gone through mine, I feel for you so badly rn :( I hope they see something they can start treating right away! Your symptoms sound really rough! So so glad you have a good doctor though - I think once I'm able to meet with mine and speak to him more I'll be able to have a solidly good feeling like that, too. It's so good when you know you have a doctor's focus and attention like that!!

I've been feeling okay the past couple days! Honestly, days when I eat very little are typically days that I feel pretty okay. But I've been productive and can sit at my computer for a while now! The past couple weeks I was laid out with strep, with the worst allergies I've ever had, then with prep stuff and recovery, and honestly I think I got a bit of a cold after that...I finally feel normal and human again, haha :) A good feeling!
Hi Rainbow - the GF mixes are a bit expensive, but it's really only about $4 for each box. I have to check labels on them since I can't get the ones that have dairy in them. I was show a really good app for my iPhone the other day - it's called ipiit - you scan the barcode of the product you're looking at and it tellls you, based on what you said you can't have, whether you can eat that food or not. Pretty cool actually! Since I can't do gluten, dairy or corn syrup (or corn or beans or so much else), it's pretty handy to have.

Kefir milk - I really miss that stuff. I loved it before my brain surgery, and it was a good way to get some extra calories, but since my surgery and the way my tastes changed, I can't stand it. Boo!
I don't know if you saw my conversation with Cat, but there is some good Rice Milk Chocolate out there that I've found - it tastes pretty good and is pretty easy on the belly too.

My oldest son also lives in AZ - in Pheonix. He'll be moving back to MN or WI next spring though, he's almost done with his Master's program at AZ State. They say they miss winter and the changing seasons.... although it was 8 degrees here this morning and I could stand to miss that!
BN-- Sounds like a great doctor! I'm sorry you have to have another scope, but it's good to be checked out again with the possible bleeding.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I stick to a very, very restricted diet (though I'm hoping the Gastrocrom might eventually allow me to branch out a bit) so I am making congee for myself for Thanksgiving. It's rice porridge. Basically, you cook a cup of rice with lots of liquid (chicken broth today) for several hours. It's basic, but thick and warm and pleasant. I've been cooking some carrots in with the congee for a few hours too.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Chickadee! Enjoy the rice pudding. My hubby sometimes makes me rice pudding with almond milk, it's pretty good. I'm just going to have a bit of turkey and mashed potatoes myself. Hubby made a pumpkin cheesecake for dessert which I know I will have a slice of too, so that'll be my splurge. :) Hope everyone has a good day!
Belated Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone..... I'm back at work today after my day off! Thanksgiving is "my" holiday to cook and host so I was cooking all morning yesterday. I made a ton of food and everyone was happy. I did realize last night that, although I was careful with my food and took the time to make it separately and safe, that I slippped up -too much sugar! I usually have trouble when I have too much. The homemade cranberry sauce, the candied sweet potatoes, and the crustless lemon meringue pie probalby went too far...... yikes! So last night I was pretty much in pain, and this morning I'm not feeling so great either.
But it was agreat day and we had a lot of fun! And my Cowboys won, yay!
Aw Cindy, I feel for you, I ended up in pain on Thanksgiving too. :( I woke up with a bad headache which hung around all day and only got worse as the day went on - I'm guessing it was a migraine. I usually get auras before my migraines, this headache I woke up with so maybe I missed the aura because I was sleeping? Anyway, that was awful enough on its own. But I can usually deal with a headache, so I went to my relatives' house anyway and had fun at first. They were good this time, they barely even mentioned gluten and I didn't get a lecture. I ate what seemed like safe foods - turkey, skinless potatoes, a bit of stuffing. But my aunt offered me some gravy and I added a bit to my plate - I'm wondering now what was in that gravy. She said it was gluten-free but that doesn't tell me what is in it. Before I was even finished eating, I felt the nausea hit me. Not good! I took some Zofran so I wasn't at the point of barfing, but I was still nauseous and in some stomach pain for the remainder of the day. I had a hard time getting through bingo and I left kind of early. Went home, put on my heating pad for awhile, then took more Zofran and some Tylenol PM and went to bed. I woke up feeling somewhat better - headache & tummy troubles are still there, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. I was hoping to do some shopping, go to the gym, and put up the xmas tree today - but now I'm mostly going to rest. Not too happy about that, but it's what my body apparently needs. Stupid broken body! Bleh.
boo for your wrecked holiday! I wonder if she used regular chicken broth in the gravy - I'm always careful to buy gluten-free as most broths have gluten in them. I ended up going home early on Friday because my stomach was so bad. It gave me grief on and off all weekend but seems a bit better today. I see the GI tomorrow so we'll see what he says.
I've also dropped more weight... Saturday I was a whopping 132. Ugh I can't seem to stop this slide. My clothes are all a bit loose.

This weekend was a tough one for me. We bought a brand-new fake tree (we've always had real before but with the kids gone and since we'll be gone most of the holiday weekend, thought it was time for fake). Tree is up, and all my crazy decorations are up all over the house. I love this time of year and had fun doing it but afterwards I got super sad and emotional. It's hard this year because my kids are both far away and won't be here for Christmas. Plus I'm still not over my dog that we put down last March - this is my first Christmas without him and taking out his stocking and hanging it up and realizing it will stay empty this year got to me too. I have ornaments on the tree for all our other lost pets but not him, so I ordered one and that was tough too.
Plus dealing with my cancer diagnosis is bothering me more now, because coming into the holiday season makes me wonder how many more I'll have.

Long story short (kind of) is that my husband decided that I needed some extra family time this year and went online and bought tickets to Arizona for the weekend before Christmas, so we can visit our oldest son and his wife. It's our Christmas present to each other this year.

Hugs to all of you and I hope you all had a good weekend, sorry for the sad little post but I did think of you all when I was sad and it made me feel a little better to know you're all out there!
Aww Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear about your grief over your dog, and I'm sure it's very tough and bittersweet to get through holidays when you have thoughts of cancer looming over you too. Sending you a big virtual hug! I'm glad you get to take a trip to see your son, and I hope the trip is wonderful. I hope you can soak up the sun, eat some yummy but also safe foods, and of course get lots of quality time with your family while you're there.

I'm not sure what my aunt used in the gravy - nobody else felt ill after the meal except me, so I wonder if there was some coconut flour used as thickener, or something like that. The way my body reacted, it felt as though I must have eaten one of my really bad triggers like coconut. I felt bad the entire long weekend, finally started feeling better yesterday and I'm planning on going to the gym today (I haven't been since Wednesday). I got my (fake, pre-lit) tree up too, but it was tough and hubby did most of the work. I did do a bit of Black Friday shopping - got myself a bunch of yarn which was on sale for about 1/3rd of the usual price, score! So I spent a good chunk of the long weekend sitting on the couch and crocheting a blanket (which will be an xmas gift for my massage therapist). I like crocheting, I can feel productive while still resting. Anyway, I'm finally feeling better, so that's good.
I am pretty excited about the trip! My son and his wife work at a high-end seafood restaurant, so they want to take us their to eat one night. Apparently they will accomodate any request so Iwill be able to order food I can eat! :D

I hadn't thought about the coconut flour thing - I supposed it sounds like it's safe because it's gluten-free, but when it's one of your triggers, not so much!
I've never learned to crochet but it seems that people who do it really enjoy it. I can't sew worth a darn but maybe I should learn crocheting so I have some craft to do!
Crocheting is pretty easy - so easy that I managed to teach myself how to do it the wrong way. :p I had a roommate in college, she was so dumb and I didn't like her. One day she learned how to crochet, some people at her church taught her how, and she totally lorded it over me. She was like, "Loooook what I can do, I'm gonna make myself a scarf! Ha ha ha!" I was jealous and immature and didn't want her to have a cool skill that I didn't have (and I wanted a cool scarf!), so I watched her out of the corner of my eye. Then I went to the craft store and bought a crochet hook and some yarn, and tried it myself. But I apparently didn't do exactly what she did, and I sort of invented my own way of crocheting (apparently the way I do it did already exist but isn't very common). So I don't actually know the "standard" way of crocheting, I only know my own weird way. :p My own way actually is really nice too, my finished products look like they've been knit (they look nicer than standard crochet in my opinion!). So yeah, I don't really do it right, but my way works just fine. At any rate, there are lots of videos online about how to crochet, so I'd say watch some of those, and once you get the hang of it, it's easy and you get a very useful finished product. I have made myself like 50 scarves, I've also given at least 100 scarves away as gifts and I also gave some to a cancer center to donate to their patients. I've made a handful of blankets as well and I'm also going to attempt to make xmas stockings for me and the hubby this year.

As for sewing, I'm also mostly self-taught! :) When I was maybe 8 years old, my grandma gave me an old sewing machine and she showed me the basics like how to thread it, the different stitches, etc. Then she was basically like, here's some fabric, have fun! I made myself stuffed animals and I made little quilts for my dolls (my Barbies were seriously warm with all their quilts!). Again, you can learn a lot of stuff from online videos, and basic sewing machines aren't too pricey (I saw a couple on sale on Black Friday for about $60, and you can pretty easily find a decent older sewing machine at garage sales in the $10 price range). Sewing from a pattern is fairly fool-proof as they give you all the instructions, and many patterns are labeled "easy". I never really sewed from patterns much, but I'm starting to embrace patterns more. My favorite thing is to take vintage clothes, like cheap clothes from garage sales, and tailor them to be cuter, more modern, fit better, etc. I got a couple vintage dresses for $1 each at garage sales and had a lot of fun trying to make them wearable. If you mess up, you're not out very much money, and it's taught me a lot about how to take things in. I can take a size XL sweatshirt and make it fit my size S frame. My mom has even started bringing me some of her shirts that are too big so that I can take them in for her.

But yeah, sewing takes more effort and energy than crocheting does. If I want to sew something, I have to cut out the pattern (which may require laying it out on the ground and stooping over it to cut), then I have to pin it to the fabric and cut that out, sew it all together and make sure I don't mess up, etc. Or if I'm altering clothes, I have to measure and pin and hem and seam-rip and all kinds of stuff. Crocheting, once I get started on a project, as long as it's something easy like a scarf or blanket, I can just sit and watch TV while doing it. I don't have to do a lot of prep work or do a variety of different things like I do with sewing. As a result, I can only sew when I'm feeling okay and have enough energy to do so. Crocheting is much easier on my sick body than sewing is. So on a bad day, I definitely reach for my yarn and hooks. Only on a good day will I thread up my sewing machine.
Wow! You really are crafty! I've thought about learning to crochet, probably will check out some how-to videos. I have tried to sew multiple times, but other than a pillow or two (which really weren't all that great either) most of my sewing is a failure. I seem to be straight-lined challenged, can't cut or sew straight. My mom sews well, as does my MIL, and my SIL is learning to make quilts and really enjoys that, but I just can't seem to grasp the knack. So maybe I'll get some yarn and some needles (is that right? I don't even know if you use needles for crocheting lol) and give it a shot.
Knitting uses needles, crochet uses a hook. :) Crochet hooks look like this:

(You only need one hook to crochet something, but if you're buying different thicknesses of yarn then it's helpful to buy different sizes of hook for different projects - when you buy yarn, the label should say what the recommended size crochet hook is for that yarn.) Yes, definitely go online and watch some crochet tutorials. Or if you know anyone who knows how to crochet, perhaps see if they can teach you. I don't know how to knit so I can't comment on how difficult it is, but I've heard it's not too hard to learn.

As for sewing, it just takes practice and time. I've been sewing for like 25+ years now and I still make mistakes! All the time in fact. :p You know the saying, "measure twice and cut once"? Well, my sewing saying goes more like, "Eyeball it, wing it, then get out your seam ripper and undo what you just did and try not to mess up so badly when you redo it!" Ha ha. This may be why I've lately been embracing sewing from patterns - less room for error. I will say, I made myself some fleece leggings from a pattern, and they are so ridiculously warm and comfy that I wear them around the house all the time and I plan on making more pairs - the pattern was super easy, too (I used this pattern, pants C specifically).

Anyway. I'm rambling again. To summarize, crochet is a great "sick on the couch day" activity, and sewing is a good "I feel okay and want to do something creative and productive" day activity. :)
A friend taught me how to knit about a year and a half ago. I had previously tried learning from a book and from YouTube videos, but when my friend actually sat down with me and showed me what to do, I finally caught on. (I don't have an easy time learning kinesthetic things. I have other friends who have picked up knitting just from YouTube videos.) I really like it. Like Cat wrote about crocheting, it's something I can do when I'm not feeling well, just sitting in bed, etc. If you stick to scarves, it's easy to pick up, knit a couple of rows, put it down, etc. So far I've just made scarves and wraps, but I've made dozens-- one for me, many gifts, some for programs that serve the homeless and some for an Eastern European orphanage.
Hey guys. Its 2.50 am and ive woken up and had to rush to the loo with diarrhoea. In a fair amount of pain hut im more upset then anything else. This is the second time in two weeks that ive had to phone in sick. Im worried that placement will think im skiving. They do know about my problems but its gonna look suspicious. Ive ohoned in sick already so I can go to sleep when the pain subsides. Ive given them my number in case thry want to phone me.
Im just really fed up. Got my scope on thursday. Scared about that too. Im worried about the sedation more then anything. I react to s lot of drugs and ive not tried sedatives before.

I tried knitting last Christmas. Its essy enough til you need to start a new row, then it goes tits up for me lol

Hope everyone is well and happy.
Akiva, hugs and thoughts coming your way. I hope you feel better soon. Don't be too nervous about the scope. The medication they give you really just makes you feel drowsy and it also gives you amnesia, so you shouldn't remember much about the procedure afterward.

I love that expression (it goes tits up) it always makes me laugh!

I think you've all convinced me to try to learn to crochet! :D

Sewing I'll probably not get too into.... Cooking is my special hobby. I'm really good at it, which sucks when I have this eating problem... I make a lot of really good food that I can't eat. :(

Seriously. Love it. I recently learned to draft my own clothing patterns, and I sew all my own clothes. I make jewelry too. Hooray craftiness!

In other news and such, abdominal pain has been low-to-mid-grade, so not horrible. Last bad morning was Thanksgiving, and I was fine by dinner. There's not as much blood this week ... nothing major since Saturday, when there was definitely a fair bit. Actually I'm not sure if there's blood at all now or if I'm just looking at normal reddish color variation and staring way too hard into the toilet, bwahaha.

I do have a not-quite-fever again -- 99.6 Sunday, 99.4 yesterday-- plus some generalized pains migrating around my body. The most noticeable problems are all crafting related, oddly enough. Legs get stiff when I stand/crouch in the same position for more than a few minutes, which I do a lot while working on various projects. I'm also getting zaps of pain in my fingertips and notice my nails are grosser looking than ever, but I think that's because I do so much work with sandpaper. Still kinda worried about clubbing though. I read about a test for early clubbing -- if you press down on the base of the nail and it moves, it's a sign of edema in the nail bed area and could be early clubbing ... but I don't know how much movement is normal, you know?

Dizziness was bad for a few days but seems better today, although I had a really scary episode yesterday morning when I got the usual spins/vision loss *and* definitely had some weird altered consciousness going on ... like I lost my train of thought first, then my ability to think got away from me, and then I got woozy and felt like I'd gone through every part of passing out except the total loss of consciousness. I'd never noticed any mental problems with the dizziness before, so that was a little disconcerting.
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been posting much. I finally got the two weeks worth of Xifaxan antibiotics for SIBO. I was lucky enough to get samples from my doctor's office. It saved me $600!

I'm going to start on them tomorrow and hope for the best. Wish me luck. :)

Hope you all are doing OK and had a good Thanksgiving.
Akiva, I hope you're feeling a little better now and that you were at least able to get some rest. As for calling in sick to your school/employer (?), perhaps after you have your scope, if it shows anything, you could show them the results of it so that they know you're not making it up about being ill all the time. Hang in there! I presume you do prep tomorrow if your scope is Thursday? Good luck with it, and I hope it's worthwhile and gives you some answers. Keep us posted on how it all goes!

Moogle, that's great news about getting Xifaxan at no cost - I haven't taken that one myself, but I've heard others say that it's quite pricey. Someone who used to be quite active on the forum but isn't anymore, she tried either Xifaxan or Rifamaxin (I think they're similar if not the same thing) and it actually did her quite a bit of good, so hopefully you'll have a similarly good response to it. Anyway, good luck! Let us know how it goes, I'll be interested to hear how you do.

Bureaucratic, color me impressed! I definitely tailor/alter a good chunk of my clothes and I've made a few pieces, but the fact that you sew all your own clothes - wow! I recall that you do some sort of gov't work as you mentioned being affected by the shutdown - but you should really consider opening your own clothing boutique or something along those lines. My hubby works in a costume shop, mostly historical costumes like Victorian, Renaissance, etc. And hubby's boss (the shop's owner) makes a lot of the clothes that are sold in the shop, and she makes quite good money at it. Even the stuff she doesn't make, stuff like corsets, she orders wholesale for pretty cheap like $20 to $30 apiece and then she sells them for $100 or more. If you can make unique or specialty clothes like that, you can really make some big bucks. Just a thought for you! Sounds like you're very talented and passionate about sewing! :)

Back on the IBD train of thought, Bureaucratic - the dizziness you described is worrying. Do you have any idea why it happens - low blood pressure perhaps? I have low BP which drops dangerously low when I get dehydrated and/or my sodium level drops (which often happens when I'm having d), and I get very dizzy when that happens - I've never had the altered consciousness thing happen though, that's particularly worrying. Oh, and as for nail clubbing - do you get horizontal... I'm not sure what the word would be - striations? in your nails? I get them in my toenails but not my fingernails, which seems odd to me. But anyway, I've read that horizontal liney things in your nails can be an early sign that you've got some sort of vitamin/mineral deficiency or imbalance - supposedly clubbing is just a long-term effect of chronic vit imbalances/deficiencies. I presume therefore that I may end up with clubbed toenails but not fingernails? :p I really have no idea. Has your GI looked at your nails?

Cindy, I'm the opposite, I'm a terrible cook. :p My hubby is a fairly decent cook, but he likes to take "shortcuts" in cooking which can sometimes be dangerous (like thawing frozen poultry in a bath of warm water, which did give me food poisoning once and I told him to never do that again!). I'm a slow, plodding, forgetful cook, but at least I take food safety seriously. But my level of cooking is pretty much, buy a box mix and follow the instructions on the box and hopefully it'll come out edible. :p Hubby can make tasty and interesting dishes, but like I said he sometimes does risky things (yes, even though he knows full well that I have a very iffy tummy! Drives me crazy!). At least I won't give anyone food poisoning with my sewing and crochet! Ha ha.

Chickadee, yep, I really like scarves and blankets for just that reason - you can do a bit, then put it down and do something else (run to the bathroom) and then pick it up again later. As long as I'm going in straight lines like on a blanket or scarf, I don't have to worry about tricky stuff like turning a heel or whatever and I can just let my mind go. I'm one of those antsy type of people, I cannot just sit and watch TV idly, I have to be doing something. Crochet has been great as I can look at the TV while keeping my hands occupied. Lately I've been watching this Korean drama, and obviously I *have* to look at the TV to see what the subtitles say (I'm trying to learn Korean but I'm nowhere near fluent, I haven't even gotten to verbs yet, so I can't look away from the TV or I'll miss something!). I can crochet even when watching my K-drama, so it's been awesome. I feel like I'm hopefully learning some Korean language skills ("Otoke!") while also making something useful by crocheting - win win! :)

How's everyone today? I'm okay, the weather is very blah (super foggy and it snowed last night) and my guts are a little backed up (guess I got a bit constipated from Zofran). Otherwise, though, doing okay. Freaking out a little bit about how it's already December and I've barely done any xmas shopping! Eek! The holidays totally snuck up on me and I'm feeling a bit stressed about that. I might be doing more workouts this months to compensate for holiday stress.
Akiva, I hope you're feeling a little better now and that you were at least able to get some rest. As for calling in sick to your school/employer (?), perhaps after you have your scope, if it shows anything, you could show them the results of it so that they know you're not making it up about being ill all the time. Hang in there! I presume you do prep tomorrow if your scope is Thursday? Good luck with it, and I hope it's worthwhile and gives you some answers. Keep us posted on how it all goes!

That's if the scope shows anything :/
yeah prep tomorrow :/ klean prep :(
Akiva, I haven't done that particular prep myself, but I hope it's not too yucky. Will this be your first time prepping, or have you done prep before? For what it's worth, I've done prep 3x now, and I feel like it gets a little bit easier every time. Not that it's ever particularly easy or nice, but at least now I know what to expect and what products to have on hand (wet flushable wipes and soothing booty cream!). As you probably already know, bathroom entertainment is a must, too. If you have a smartphone or tablet or portable gaming device, laptop, anything like that - charge it up and keep it in the bathroom. A good book will work in a pinch, too. Good luck tomorrow!
There's a good thread here with a lot of useful tips to get through prep. Personally, the last time I did prep (which was in August), I tried to pamper myself as much as possible to make the experience at least somewhat comfortable. I had nice scented candles lit, I put my ipod on a dock in my bathroom and had a calm, lovely playlist on repeat. Wore my comfiest sweatpants and fuzziest slippers. Painted my nails and curled up in my favorite blanket when I wasn't on the toilet. Put some favorite movies on. That went okay, I mean prep is never a nice experience, but make things as nice as possible for yourself. Take a bubble bath or a hot shower in between bathroom trips. Find little ways to be nice to yourself. That really helped me get through it last time.
akiva-- In all likelihood, the colonoscopy will be a lot less scary than you anticipate. I've had 5, and while they sure are not fun, they're not the worst thing either. The prep is definitely unpleasant, but it's probably not worse than some of your independently-generated episodes of D and cramps. I generally have less cramping with the prep than with D at other times. I also have a lot of sensitivities to medications. In the US, the anesthesiologist meets with you before sedating you to find out all of that info. I'm sure they do something similar in the UK. Also, you are in a very monitored setting-- lots of nurses and doctors watching to make sure you're okay during the colonoscopy and that you're well enough to go home afterwards.

You'll find good tips on surviving the colonoscopy prep. Personally, I would not bring electronics into the bathroom to use on the toilet, but I'm a little easily grossed out by that kind of thing. It's just hard to clean a touch screen. I'd pick up some light magazines and a light novel (or whatever you like) and just keep it in the bathroom. It makes the time pass by faster and keeps your mind off of things.
Bureaucratic - are you a smoker? I'm not trying to get personal, just asking because clubbing is something that as an RT I've seen quite frequently in smokers, and if you are vitamin deficient, you may be more prone to at a younger age.
I'm pretty impressed that you make all your own clothes, that is so cool. You must be quite the fashion icon at work!

Akiva, try the prep first without adding the lime - sometimes added flavors just make the whole thing worse. I usually just drink down each dose as fast as possible. It's never pleasant, but if you do some nice things for yourself, as Cat suggests, it will go a little easier.

Moogle, glad you're back, and I hope the medication works wonders for you!

I didn't really get any new good helpful information from the GI. Although the Linzess didn't work, he's still thinking it might be IBS that I have... ? So i'm just to keep taking fiber supplements (increased) and stool softeners (increased) and see if that helps me stay regular. The pain he says I might just have to put up with until the irritated nerves calm down.... :(.

Anyway, at this point I'm just looking forward to going to AZ to see my son and his wife in two weeks! And Christmas!
mccindy -- nope, no smoking here ... not for two solid years, at least. I did smoke off and on for three or four years before that, but never was really hooked or a heavy smoker. 5 cigarettes a day at the very most.

cat -- honestly, I have no idea what causes the dizzy episodes, but I suspect it's circulatory since I have livedo reticularis, which is associated with sluggish blood flow. That said, the brain-frazzle thing was new for sure. It's like first, my thoughts went in an uncontrolled and nonsensical direction, and then the whole notion of words and language stopped making sense and all there was for a second was base-level thought -- I'm dizzy, I'm falling, I'm startled -- but like, I don't even know if I could've pulled those words together in the moment. Then a flash of no thought or sight at all, and then I rapidly came to. Not sure if it was the same think that happens all the time when I stand up after staying in a sitting/crouching/lying down position, just more intense, or what. I had stood up recently, but usually I get dizzy within a few seconds if it's from changing positions -- this happened probably 10 or 20 seconds after I'd gotten up. Very odd.

As fair as nails, mine are a mess. My toes totally have horizontal ridges, but they've always been lumpy and crazy. They're also, like, deformed. Seriously. Gross. On the flip side, I used to have really pretty hands. But they're looking grosser by the day because the nails just keep looking more bizarre. I don't have horizontal ridges on them, but there are bands of pink/red on the tips on all the digits when they're extended, with white in the middle, and a purple-ish hue at the base. So basically I have three stripes of color. The purple at the base used to show up only when I was cold, but it's there all the time now. There's some mottled reddish blotching underneath too, and some of the nails look like they're developing multiple bands of white. Even the nail folds are kind of gross -- not infected looking at all, but still red and puffy. Ew.
Well, at least no smoking, that's a good thing! So no need for a lecture from the resident Respiratory Therapist here. :D

I hope the dizzy spells stop, and if not, get checked out, you never know! Better to be safe.
Drinking the prep. Its so foul. Think its going to make me puke :( gonna ask for a different one if I ever need this again 4l is a lot to drink when I probably don't drink that in a week x
BN-- Have you had bloodwork done recently? Any chance you're anemic?

mccindy-- Would your GI be willing to try you on one of the "milder" Crohn's meds to see how you feel on that? One that wouldn't interact (hopefully) with your anti-seizure meds or lower the seizure threshhold?

akiva-- :( I know. It's not fun. You'll get through it though. One glass at a time. (Or even half a glass at a time.)
Bureaucratic, you've probably already looked into this, but just in case - have you been checked for Raynaud's? That's the one thing I can think of that causes fingertips/nails to be funky colors, particularly the purple at the base like you described. Here's a link for you, does this sound anything like what you have going on?

And as for the dizziness/inability to think properly, I wonder if it maybe was like a funky migraine? Do you remember, maybe a couple years ago, there was some TV reporter and she was on a live broadcast and she was trying to read from her teleprompter, but her brain like short-circuited and she started saying nonsense words instead of what she was trying to say? The video went viral and some people made fun of it, but it was clearly a worrying incident for that reporter. I read that she had all sorts of tests done after that incident, and her doctors determined it was a very odd type of migraine that caused her to not be able to speak/comprehend words during that particular episode. (She was only garbled for a minute and then was fine afterwards.) Just a thought anyway. Are you prone to migraines?

Akiva, keep drinking the prep as best you can (don't drink too much too fast or you may just vomit it up). If you start going "clear" then you can stop drinking it. Clear specifically means, pure liquid, it can be yellowish in color but absolutely no solids. I was told "flecks" are okay - solids are not. And yeah, next time, maybe ask for a different prep such as Picolax, as you only have to drink 2 cups of prep with that one (and then a bunch of clear fluids of your choice). Hang in there, the prep is usually the worst part so it should be smooth sailing once you get through this!
I started it 3 hours ago and still not been yet. Worried I've not drunk enough but im doing my best. Ive nit eaten today so there's not gonna be much in there to shift x

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