Hi all, been a while since I checked in. I'm feeling better overall after finishing Vitamin D therapy and upping the iron in my multivitamin. GI is sort of at a loss about my inability to eat (he still says, albeit unconvincingly, that I have an "IBS of the stomach.") Personally I want to push for some gastroparesis testing as I haven't had those specific labs and I keep wondering if there's something to be found there. In the meantime he put me on buspar (anti-anxiety med) in hopes that it increases my appetite and stabilises my weight (still dropping). And you know what—aside from severe vertigo, it is actually helping! I'm trying not to get too excited—I suppose could just be a placebo effect at this point—but I am soooo happy to feel actual HUNGER for the first time in a year!!
Unfortunately...my joints and costochondritis have been severely acting up. I went in to my GP hoping for some more MethylPred, and walked out with that and more—naproxen and muscle relaxers. I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight…
So, here's what I'm not so sure about: GP says I have fibromylagia. Does anyone have experience with this dx? Honestly what little I've heard about it isn't favourable…she kind of explained it as a last resort dx like IBS, and it seems like doctors don't discuss it very seriously…but hey. What do I know? I didn't want to go on ANOTHER anti-anxiety/depressant, so she referred me to a rheumatologist for some more specific auto-immune labs. I guess there are still some things to be worked up there that she didn't have access to. My GI also wants to do a MRI soon, so we'll see. Honestly I'm just glad to have another pack of steroids, sad as that sounds…it does wonders to stop my pain.
Hope everyone is doing ok. Maybe the shift of seasons will do some good![]()
Sarah, I've experienced that feeling in flares as well, it's like I eat food and it just comes shooting out the other end without anything actually absorbing. In the worst of it, I'd stuff myself with potato chips just to try to keep some weight on, but I'd still end up losing weight anyway. I couldn't absorb calories nor nutrients, sometimes it seemed like I wasn't even absorbing water (I'd drink and drink but still end up dehydrated and needing IV fluids anyway). The good news is, if you can get things figured out and get on some treatment, that issue seems to go away. Once I started on steroid treatment, suddenly I could absorb my nutrients again and I gained my weight back. So keep working towards a diagnosis and treatment, and things should get much better.
Adadzio, it's great that you're doing better - the vertigo sounds awful, though. I'm probably biased, I feel like vertigo was the worst thing health-wise that I've ever been through. I had a 3-month long bout of labyrinthitis in 2014 - it's inflammation of the inner ear which causes horrendous, relentless vertigo. When it first started, I couldn't move my head without severe nausea and I couldn't really move without vomiting. Hubby had to help me to the bathroom, and even so I ended up puking a lot. When I regained my ability to walk, I had to use a cane for stability for quite awhile. My head was so spinny that my eyes would move on their own, I couldn't focus my eyes on things for awhile. At least in an IBD flare, I can do very basic things like get myself to the bathroom or make myself a piece of toast. I couldn't do anything during the worst of the labyrinthitis, it was utterly debilitating. So yeah, for me, vertigo as a side effect would mean that's definitely not the medicine for me! It sounds like you're coping though?
As for fibromyalgia, my understanding of it is like you said - that there aren't really tests for it, it's just sort of a diagnosis of exclusion. You have pain and they haven't found a cause for the pain, therefore it's fibro. It is very similar to the diagnosis process for IBS - they don't know what you have but they want to slap a label on it. Have you been checked for things like RA or Lupus? If they haven't excluded other possibilities, they really should before you accept a fibro diagnosis.
Gadget, welcome back but I'm so sorry to hear that you're doing so poorly. It really sounds like you need to seek out a new, better doctor. You know you're not crying wolf - you're legitimately ill and you need to find a doctor who takes you seriously. Don't call it quits, I'm sure you know that's unwise to stop your meds and safe diet. Don't punish yourself with worse symptoms just to prove a point - keep fighting and find a better doctor.
Ohio, you're definitely not alone! Glad to hear you had a (mostly) good day!
Elephant, I know that B12 is mainly absorbed in the terminal ileum, so I would imagine that you have to have something going on there. For what it's worth, they've never found anything in my TI either, but that's where my main "pain spot" is, and I have to supplement B12 or it drops too low. So I have to presume that I've got some TI involvement, but it's never shown itself visually nor on biopsy. Sometimes this stuff just likes to hide REALLY well.
Adadzio, it's great that you're doing better - the vertigo sounds awful, though. I'm probably biased, I feel like vertigo was the worst thing health-wise that I've ever been through. I had a 3-month long bout of labyrinthitis in 2014 - it's inflammation of the inner ear which causes horrendous, relentless vertigo. When it first started, I couldn't move my head without severe nausea and I couldn't really move without vomiting. Hubby had to help me to the bathroom, and even so I ended up puking a lot. When I regained my ability to walk, I had to use a cane for stability for quite awhile. My head was so spinny that my eyes would move on their own, I couldn't focus my eyes on things for awhile. At least in an IBD flare, I can do very basic things like get myself to the bathroom or make myself a piece of toast. I couldn't do anything during the worst of the labyrinthitis, it was utterly debilitating. So yeah, for me, vertigo as a side effect would mean that's definitely not the medicine for me! It sounds like you're coping though?
As for fibromyalgia, my understanding of it is like you said - that there aren't really tests for it, it's just sort of a diagnosis of exclusion. You have pain and they haven't found a cause for the pain, therefore it's fibro. It is very similar to the diagnosis process for IBS - they don't know what you have but they want to slap a label on it. Have you been checked for things like RA or Lupus? If they haven't excluded other possibilities, they really should before you accept a fibro diagnosis.
Cat-a-Tonic Gadget said:Have fun traveling, Cat! Japan sounds amazing. In response to your question, the supplements seem to be making my stomach feel pretty terrible. I was warned about "constipation" but that's not my issue in the slightest. Had some d today, a lot of stomach pain and some nausea. Very little appetite.
Dropping in to ask a quick question - does anyone know if it's possible to be allergic or intolerant to alcohol?
My stomach has been alright this week so I had one little drink this weekend and it didn't take two hours until I felt AWFUL. I get joint pains and a sort of flu-like pain in my body and just a general awful unsettled/anxious feeling. I've kind of always been like this when drinking but used to ignore it when I was younger. Now since I hardly ever drink at all my tolerance of it seems to have gone down even further.
Izzie, keep in mind the risk for anaphylaxis is present in all medications. If you are very worried ask to stay in the Dr office at least 20 mins after your injection. They legally should have epi on hand for emergencies.
And I work with 8 pediatricians and for the most part I am comfortable discussing my health with them. Being coworkers instead of the PT/physician relationship hell's make them more relatable and I do know that they have had struggles. They have had doctors treat them dismissively in an ER, they have chronic illness, they have problems so they are are empathetic and helpful and want me to be well (so I can come to work every day). I think being on the other side of healthcare 50 hours a week changes the way you relate to physicians. And luckily in my area and with my insurance I can transfer to a new GI if this one is dismissive after my colonoscopy.
In other news my abd pain is back (yay?) It comes and goes and isn't terrible, so I can tolerate it well. Hopefully if I can keep it up until Tuesday I will be able to get some answers quickly.
I generally try to stay positive and even reassure myself that things will work out in the end, but just want to say that today I am very grouchy, tired of not having answers myself and very frustrated with medical "professionals" that think they are God's gifts to the earth, if not gods themselves. We do indeed know how we feel better than them, and I'm just plain ol' tired of not being well. I'm not expecting them to come hold my hand, just want to see them treat me and my loved ones (including all of you that I care about here) with respect and maybe a modicum of compassion.
Just my vent for the day.
Whenever I'm having an extra bad day, I come here and catch up on the posts I haven't read yet, and it always make me feel better.....emotionally. Sometimes I just feel so alone in all of this, and it feels like no one in my life understands. But then I read your posts, and I remember that I'm not alone in my struggle.
I've had an especially difficult couple weeks, and sometimes I just get so frustrated and tired of constantly feeling sick. I don't think other people realize how constant it is. I feel bad ALL the time. I'm even usually sick in my dreams.....can't even get a break there! I know I'm an adult (I'm 25), but sometimes I just want someone to take care of me!!
Thank you everyone for continuing to share your stories! Although nothing makes me feel better physically, this forum does help with my mental/emotional issues relating to my illness!
Have any of you taken antifungal medications? I just got prescribed two (Nystatin and Fluconazole), because my doctor thinks I could have a yeast overgrowth. Taking new medications gives me anxiety, because I am always worried about the side effects, and it seems like I always get worse afterward instead of better!
Hi, i’m 33 and have been having some Diarrhea with huge cramps, hot flashes but it would go away after i went about 2 times to the toilet it’s been going on for almost 10 years.
2 years ago I vomited red blood and found some black blood in my stools the same day. I couldn’t see a doctor before 1 week (was in the desert) when I came back they did a exam with a cam in my stomach, everything was ok.
Last week I woke up in the middle of the night with the same cramps but evacuation just wouldn’t make the pain go away. Woke up the next morning with red blood so I went to the emergency. They prescribe me 40 MG of pantoprazole 2 times a day and 4000 MG of Tylenol . I’m now waiting for the camera test which should happen in the next 2 weeks.
I have cut all lactose (6 days now) and gluten (3 days now)
I basically eat chicken, bananas, rice soup, cooked patatoes and carrot.
It seem find when I eat but every night I wake up (or can’t sleep) with huge pain (under my belly) seem like my intestines as been blown up, gas stuck, burning sensation, i get hot flashes, I tremble but no fever, every day is worst then the day before. Last night I seriously thought I was dying
I spoke the hospital but the department is close on week-ends so they can’t tell me when ill have my exam.
Is this dangerous, should I go back to the emergencies or just wait till my exams ? (I live in Quebec so emergency room can take several hours before they can see me)
After waiting since the beginning of January I am finally off to see the specialist today. I know I won't get answers today but finally we will progress the diagnosis and treatment I hope!
Izzie - Thank you, that does help. I think me focusing on being alone is giving me added anxiety. I've been sleeping/living in our guest room the past several days, because it's only a few steps away from the bathroom. So even when my husband has been home, I haven't seen him much. I just keep trying to remember that all my days won't be THIS bad, but I have to keep telling myself that, because I've been extra bad for a while now. And then I see other people living their normal, happy, carefree lives, and I get so jealous. Why can't my life be like that?! I know I shouldn't compare, but it's hard not to, especially when I've been having a really bad week.....well, month, really. Things have to get better eventually, right?!