I sure hope that you are still enjoying your trip to Japan and that you are nowhere near the earthquakes that are happening there.
(Has anyone heard from the last few days? if so perhaps you could share with us that she is ok.)
I'm back! Japan was amazing. And I was far away from where the earthquakes hit - we stayed on the "big" island (Honshu), mainly in Tokyo and Kyoto, and the earthquakes hit the smaller southwest island, Kyushu. So we didn't even feel the earthquakes, we were very far away from that area of Japan.
The first couple days of our trip were very rough guts-wise. Before even heading to Chicago to go to the airport, I felt really nauseous and unwell. And I was passing blood again, too. I'm thinking it was from stress but not sure. I made it through the flight (13 hours and I couldn't manage to sleep on the plane) but the jet lag only made me feel even more unwell. Then the first couple days of the trip we had some issues with getting on the wrong trains and going to the wrong hotel, it was really stressful at first. After the first couple days, when I had acclimated to the time change and we had ironed out the hotel and train issues, then my guts got much better. The bleeding stopped and I felt quite well. Japanese food did really good things for my guts, for the rest of the trip my guts felt mostly great and no more bleeding and no d - my stools were formed and firm and I felt really well.
So we came home on Wednesday and my guts have been bad again ever since. I'm hoping that it's once again just a stress thing, from the long flight and the time change and all that (the jet lag was brutal, especially yesterday). I'm back to bleeding and I've been extremely crampy and having some d. I'm trying to eat easy, safe foods and I'm also trying to exercise as much as I can (we walked an average of about 8-10 miles per day in Japan and my body responded really well to that so I'm just trying to mirror what I did in Japan as much as I can in the hopes that my body will feel better). I'm doing somewhat better but still not feeling great and still passing a little bit of blood with each bathroom trip, even if I'm only using the bathroom to urinate I'll still leak a little bit of bright red blood from my anus each time. Fun.
I lost about 8 lbs on the trip, presumably from the large amount of walking that we did. My mom also lost about 8 lbs so it's not an IBD-related weight loss (she doesn't have IBD). In spite of the weight loss, I felt like I ate a ton of food on the trip - sushi most days, ice cream most days too, and some things like tempura and noodles. I wasn't exactly eating super healthy meals all the time and I honestly stuffed myself at the sushi conveyor belt restaurants that we went to (OMG so delicious). I'm not sure exactly what it was about the food that made me feel so well, or maybe it was a combo of the food and the walking? I definitely ate a lot of rice and I know that rice is probably my #1 safest food, so maybe that's what firmed up my stools and made me feel better.
Oh, and can we talk about the toilets in Japan? The western-style toilets are amazing. They all seem to have heated seats, heated bidets with multiple settings, and can play the sound of running water to block out any noises you might make while on the toilet. They are definitely amazing. But then, there are also the squat-style toilets. Those are just awful. Us women, we really don't have much ability to aim our urine streams, so as a result, there was pee all over the floor in the squat toilet stalls (I did have to use a few, sometimes you gotta go and squat toilets are the only option). So yeah, standing in strangers' pee puddles while you squat over a trough and try not to pee all over your own shoes, really not a fun time. Oh, and the toilet paper was highly disappointing too. They only seem to have 1-ply TP available in Japan. Probably the thinking is that the bidet does most of the work, so you don't need cushy TP to wipe. But it was really disappointing that the toilets are so great and the TP was so mediocre. Also, many public restrooms, especially in train stations, don't even provide soap. Seriously. There's a sink where you can rinse your hands, but you can't properly wash, and almost no bathrooms provided paper towels. So you rinse your hands off and then wipe your wet hands on your pants to dry them, very icky. I found a product called paper soap - it's literally little sheets of paper that you get wet and it foams and sort of turns into soap, and I just started carrying that with me everywhere because I refused to just rinse my hands without soap. It's so odd to me that the toilets there vary from amazing to disgusting with really no middle ground! At least here in the US you can reliably get soap and paper towels in public restrooms and you don't have to squat. Although I totally am getting a heated seat and a heated bidet for my toilet at home because those features were wonderful.

I have a bidet attachment on my toilet but it's not heated. It's always been fine, but since I've been home it feels like such a cold bidet! I've become spoiled by (some of) the Japanese toilets.
Guts and toilet-related issues aside, the trip was amazing. The cherry blossoms were starting to bloom just as we arrived, and we were there for 3 weeks so we saw the cherry blossoms go from bloom to peak to falling off (my friend said it's called "flower snow" when the cherry blossom petals are all falling off). We went to the bamboo forest in Kyoto, we walked through all 10,000 torii gates at Fushimi Inari, and we explored all around Tokyo and bought vintage kimonos. Went to about a hundred different shrines and temples. Ate some amazing food (sushi yummm). Went to Mt. Fuji for a day - it was cold there! Went to Nara and saw the Nara deer. We even went to Tokyo Disneyland.

It was a super fun trip - I was expecting that 3 weeks in Japan would be the trip of a lifetime, and it definitely was.
So yeah. I'm just sort of in recovery and catch-up mode now. Catching up at work and at home (I did 5 loads of laundry yesterday) and trying to get my guts to feel better. Going to do a lot more resting up over the weekend and hopefully will be doing better after that.