I'm new here and just wanted to get some information. I'm due to have a colonoscopy in two weeks and I'm wondering if I could have a mild case of crohns or could it be ibs. My symptoms started last year just before I went to America for a J1. I started to get very bad diarrhoea most days but i put down a stress and anxiety about moving away for three months. When I got to New York the diarrhoea continued most days and I got cramps and bad heart burns but that's it. I came home in August a month early because I felt to tired and ******. Those symptoms stayed the same for another month but again I put it down to stress and not eating the best while over there. My mum is a nurse so I wouldn't get much sympathy with her and she said I probably picked up a viral infection or it's just ibs. About a month later the diarrhoea stopped and now I only get the about once a month. Though I do have a constant pain in my lower right side, Very localised. It's never really bad just constantly there and annoying. It some times becomes sharp and stabbing but for like a second and then goes away. I still get bad heartburn and other cramps and I do get constipated. I won't have a bowl movement for 4/5 days and then would get loose movements but not diarrhoea. Any sorry for going on and on but wanted to get people's thoughts on it.
I'm a 21 year old female, no others medical conditions. Exercise normally and eat more or less healthy. I do get really bad hangovers from drink like most times i drink I would vomit and be on the toilet the whole next day. And I'm on the pill since i was 15 for very heavy and painful periods. I'm off that now until the colonoscopy
I'm new here and just wanted to get some information. I'm due to have a colonoscopy in two weeks and I'm wondering if I could have a mild case of crohns or could it be ibs. My symptoms started last year just before I went to America for a J1. I started to get very bad diarrhoea most days but i put down a stress and anxiety about moving away for three months. When I got to New York the diarrhoea continued most days and I got cramps and bad heart burns but that's it. I came home in August a month early because I felt to tired and ******. Those symptoms stayed the same for another month but again I put it down to stress and not eating the best while over there. My mum is a nurse so I wouldn't get much sympathy with her and she said I probably picked up a viral infection or it's just ibs. About a month later the diarrhoea stopped and now I only get the about once a month. Though I do have a constant pain in my lower right side, Very localised. It's never really bad just constantly there and annoying. It some times becomes sharp and stabbing but for like a second and then goes away. I still get bad heartburn and other cramps and I do get constipated. I won't have a bowl movement for 4/5 days and then would get loose movements but not diarrhoea. Any sorry for going on and on but wanted to get people's thoughts on it.
I'm a 21 year old female, no others medical conditions. Exercise normally and eat more or less healthy. I do get really bad hangovers from drink like most times i drink I would vomit and be on the toilet the whole next day. And I'm on the pill since i was 15 for very heavy and painful periods. I'm off that now until the colonoscopy