I thought it may be a good idea to start a thread for the undiagnosed kids out there

the one for the adults seems to be quite informative, so maybe this one could help the parents out ??
As of right now, long story short, I have two sons (Austin age 16, and JJ age 13) who are both showing symptoms and currently undiagnosed.
Both of them are presenting differently, but they do have a lot of similar symptoms as well.
Austin's has come on quickly and out of the blue about 3 weeks ago.
It started with a jelly fish sting that I am guessing sent whatever was hiding in his system into over drive.
low grade fevers
LRQ pain
stomach pain after eating
extreme fatique
loss of appetite
small weight loss (around 6-7 pounds so far)
history of mouth ulcers
intermittent diarrhea
some vomiting (minimal)
Austin also has a history of "allergic colitis" at birth due to milk and soy allergy that caused a lot of bleeding and mucous and failure to thrive. He had 2 colonoscopies before 6 months old that showed little tears (holes) throughout his intestines. He was treated with prednisone and put on a special formula until he was around 1.
I took him for blood tests already and so far what is showing is that his Mononucleosis is re-activated (he had a severe case when he was 4 that lasted around 6 months)
He went for his first GI visit this morning, and (thankfully??) his older sister has paved the way for him so things are moving rather quickly.
He is scheduled for an Upper GI and SBFT next Tuesday morning. ( they wanted to do it this coming week, but it is times for finals at high school so he can not miss any days)
He also has to do 4 separate stool sample tests which are looking for :
white cells
C. Diff
H. pylori (blood test was already negative for this)
O&P x3 ( ?? I have no idea what this is LOL)
C&S (?? or this one )
And also he will have an abdominal ultrasound on the same day as the Upper GI & SBFT
Doc also said after these results are in she will schedule an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy.
There is a specific blood test to test for CD but she said at this stage it would be pointless to do because we still wouldn't know how to treat him even if it tests positive; that and it's not always reliable. (Gabrielle's was negative the first time they tested her~and look how that turned out!)
As for JJ:
His symptoms really started around last July 4th. He had an emergency appendectomy and the same "tummy ache" he had before the surgery is still there.
It has been progressively getting worse over the months.
He also has LRQ stomach pains, along with pains up in his right rib cage.
chronic (croupy) cough ( for 5 years)
intermittent low grade fevers
eczema (on his eyes that causes cracking and bleeding)
finger and toe nail "issues"
a strange sore on his lower right leg that hasn't healed in 10 months
fatigue (getting worse ... he slept 13 hours the other day and has been taking naps)
delayed puberty
and very short compared to his peers
He had blood work done in November of 2010 which looked "ok"
and again this past week that didn't look so good.
His pediatrician actually said that his blood work is definitely pointing towards CD, but also possibly Celiac's Disease as well.
JJ goes to see the ped GI on this coming Wednesday so I am assuming the course of testing will be very similar to Austins.
OH what a fun summer we're going to have in our home ! :ylol2::ylol2:
So whats everyone's story of how they are dealing with getting their kids diagnosed? OR already did?
Did you have similar tests done right away? Or did the doctor try and tell you they have a "flu" or "Chronic Mono" or whatever else ?
Do the doctors often make you feel like your an over reacting parent ? They sure do to me a lot! Although, I will give them credit for this last couple of weeks...they are paying attention this time around and not pushing me away. I will say their pediatrician was hesitant with Austin though and still trying to convince me it's just "mono" again ~ problem is...that's exactly how this started with Gabrielle! We spent 8 months going from doctor to doctor and them saying the same thing. I'm not willing to accept that diagnosis again for another child !