University deadlines...

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Sep 21, 2012
I need to rant as everything is getting on top of me
I have hospital tests and appointments round my uni deadlines and i have NEVER asked for an extension at uni not even when my dad went in for major surgery so its not like I ask for them all the time...
but its my final year and i have been in the library all day every day and night trying to get ahead cause i knew i was having these appointments, basically I have done everything I can not to ask for an extension...
but i spoke to my mum and she said tell them you have tests and could you have a a day or two extension for your dissertation (as i have a colonscopy and endoscopy 4 days before the deadline)
and my lecturer said no! i am so fed up and stressed and i only asked for an extra day to make up for the day i'm going to lose being at the hospital.
i'm sorry for ranting and if this doesnt make sense i just needed to vent.
That doesn't seem fair to me. Do they know you have health problems?
I was able to get a lot of help in my final year, but that was after a hospital admission and an operation.
They should be there to support you finish your degree. I'm afraid I don't really know what to suggest, are there any other tutors you can ask advice from? Or the disability office at your university?
well they don't know what for but they know I've had lots of hospital appointments. I know i shouldnt but i find it awkward to explain whats going on to my lecturers.
the only other thing i can do is do a personal mitigation form but all that does is move your grade up if your on the border and think health worries caused the grade to be lower.
When I was at uni the disability centre dealt with all my health issues and they kept the details confidential from my lecturers. I didn't need extensions, but I did get en-suite accomodation and permission to leave to use the bathrooms during exams and lectures. My lecturers were sent an e-mails at the start of each year explaining I had to leave sometimes for medical reasons - none of the embarrassing details.

I would go to your uni's disability centre. Or perhaps your student union has a representative for students with disabilities who could advocate for you? My uni had that too. You shouldn't need to deal with your lecturers directly, and you have enough reason to justify an extension.
Honestly I would tell them. Every professor I've ever had to talk to I've just told them or said something along the lines of having an autoimmune disease. They've always been very helpful - if they are not I would also suggest going to the disability centre!
the problem is i haven't got a diagnosis so its hard to explain. i will go and see the disability center tomorrow as i know they have a drop in center, thanks guys
My university have been very supportive of me and I've managed to get loads of extensions this year which I really needed and I'm allowed to have more extensions if I feel necessary. I can understand why it might be harder without a diagnosis though. I would request an extension formally and include medical evidence of your appointments if I was you.
I had no diagnosis when I was at uni. I had a letter from my doctor saying that I had medical problems without specifying what they were. Can you get copies of the letters confirming the appointments for your tests? And a letter from your GP confirming that you are currently having medical problems that interfere with your ability to work? That should be enough - that's all I ever used.
i will go to the disability support people tomorrow with my hospital letters and explain and see what they say,
thanks for all the advice
Good luck! I agree with unxmas, GPs are usually very supportive with things like this, especially once you say its making it hard for you to get on as normal.
Let us know how it goes.
That is unreasonable. I agree with everyone else. I am currently doing post-grad by distance, so I've never met my professors face to face, but they have been great about giving extensions when required and I haven't even told them I have Crohn's, I just tell them health issues.
just an update, went to see the health and wellbeing people and they said the only thing i can do is hand in an extenuating circumstances form in if i don't get my work done in time! but I have managed to get on top of it thank god so it should be fine. thanks for all the advice :)
my tests are this week! wish me luck
Good for you, working so hard that you amy not even need them. Bet you feel really good about yourself. Keep up the great work and God bless you !!!;)
I went through 5 years of uni in the UK and the odd time I needed more time for work or was absent from uni I explained to the lecturers / head of course that I had crohns and they were very understanding. I would suggest the more info you are willing to give them the better.

I know it's crap having to explain it to people when it may feel uncomfortable and awkward but do your best and you will probably feel more relieved and less stressed afterwards
There are open universities that let you do the exam whenever you want here, the course is just the same but the difference is that no one cares when you actually do the exam as long as you do it. They offer bachelor and master here, I don't know how they do this in the US or UK but this type of schooling has been a lifesaver for me.

This was in response to people who are in a stressful job and have no time to do exams sometimes, but are still required to get an extra degree from their company. But people with disabilities or people with crohn's disease have taken full advantage of this too since it allows incredibly flexibility.

You can also hop from a regular uni to an open uni, say you did your first year in a regular uni, you can then hop onto the second year with open uni, often in the exact same university following the same classes, but with different rules and more flexibility.

(germany btw, but I know many schools in the EU offer open university classes)