Unrelenting nausea

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Sep 19, 2010
Hi All,
We just returned from Caitlyn's sweet sixteen trip to Disney world. It was really fun but exhausting. Caitlyn has not been feeling well since we came home Sunday night. She was complaining of nausea all week and constipation. She is almost never constipated. I figured the nausea end due to the constipation and gave her miralax once a day for the past three days. Today she finally went to the bathroom and she said it was all diarrhea and she is still very nauseas. I gave her antinaustn medicine but she said it really has not helped. Has anyone had this with any of your kids? Any recommendations? I called her GI and of course she is out of town at a conference. It is very hard when she goes away as she is a single practitioner. She does have a covering doctor for hospital emergencies but he doesn't really answer no emergency questions.
Every time we travel or leave our ordinary routine it seems like Cailtyn gets sick again. I worry how this will affect her as she gets older.
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C was nauseated a lot during his first flare but that was before dx. It didn't seem to correlate with food but it was so long ago I can't really remember. Is there a flu bug going around? I know one has went around here, a lot of the kids at the primary school passed it around.

I hope she gets to feeling better!
DS gets nauseous when he's constipated. When she went did it ALL come out? Or might there still be some in there continuing to make her nauseous?
It could be encopresis. The bulk of the stool is still in there and the diarrhea is squeezing around the constipated stool. This makes it look like she's not constipated but really she is FOS. This is the medical term we heard a lot in the months after Badger was diagnosed because of his constipation. It is highly technical and stands for ... Full Of Stool.

So I would consider, in the absence of the GI, continuing the miralax, perhaps even a larger dose. You could call the GI on call and ask for an xray (probably a KUB so called because it images the Kidneys, Ureter and Bladder) to check for constipation. If the KUB shows she's FOS you could know whether to continue the miralax.

Couldn't help the medicalese. Those memories are just so, vivid.
Thanks Patricia,
I actually was thinking exactly what you said. I font mind the medicalese. Fos always cracks me up. Anyway if she is not feeling better by tomorrow I am going to ask about an X-ray.
I'm so sorry to hear that Caitlyn is feeling unwell Kim. :(

I agree with getting an X-Ray to rule in or out ongoing constipation/impaction as a cause.

Nausea/Anorexia was a symptom for my two when flaring.

Dusty. :hug:
Sorry I did not have a chance to update Friday but we went to see Caitlyn's regular pediatrician on Friday afternoon. She ordered an X-ray a KUB and abdomenal and she ordered blood work. The only issue was it was 4:40 on a Friday and both the xRy and lab closed at 5:00 and were about ten minutes away from one another. I decided to do the blood work for. Ow and if necessary do the X-ray on Monday. We also continued with the miralax. She finally went today. Yay! It was very soft but I am hoping things will now get moving.
Good luck with the tests Kim. So good to hear that she has had her bowels open and I so hope she is soon feeling on top of things again, bless her. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Urgh! Still having nausea every time she eats. I was hoping once the constipation was better that would be better as well. I think she is really having a little flare. :( her GI comes back tomorrow so at least we will be able to speak with her.
Hope you get answers from GI tomorrow and figure out what is going on so she can start feeling better ((Hugs))
Has her labs all been normal up to now? Hope her nausea isn't a flare! Maybe just getting back to normal after being away. I think that happens to a lot of people who don't have crohns also. (Not having your normal toilet) Keep us posted
Brian's mom,
Yes all her labs and everything have been normal. She is supposedly in remission. But every time she goes away anywhere it seems like things act up. :( she is just so delicate.
Carlyn is still not feeling well.she didn't even want to go shopping with her grandmother today! unbelievable she must really not be feeling well! anyway have an appt with the gi tomorrow morning at her office that is even further away :( but what can you do?
Sorry to hear she's not feeling well. :( Hopefully, you'll begin to see some improvement by tomorrow... and get some guidance at your apptmt. :ghug:
Saw the doctor today. We waited over two hours to see her. She changed Caitlyn to Prilosec from Zantac. She ordered her a fecal calprotectin. And she also wants her to have an ultrasound just to make sure she does not have anything else going on, like an ovarian cyst or something. One thing she did not address was Caitlyn keeps complaining of shortness of breathe. We mentioned it to her but she did not really address it.
Finally got the CRP results they were normal. Caitlyn is still not feeling well. She had the ultrasound today. We are awaiting her results and to see what to do next.
I hope you hear back from the doctor soon. Wish she was feeling better! :ghug:
Wanted to comment on the shortness of breath (SOB in medical-ese! Thought you might like another amusing acronym): one of my kids has a type of nodules in her lungs that are an EIM of her Crohn's. The kind she has is very rare (she is the youngest child in medical literature to have this.....).

I took her for a second opinion and the pulmonolgist said something that I found very interesting: "We don't find more lung issues in kids with Crohn's b/c, at this point, we don't look for them". She said she felt that the standard of care would change during the next decade so that kids with Crohn's always got a pulm referral during their treatment (then again, she is a pulm doctor so she would probably love that!).

She said that b/c kids with Crohn's oftentimes feels lousy and have low energy, they're not necessarily doing the kinds of activities that would make them notice their lung function is decreased. And, b/c they are "used to pain", they may oftentimes just deal with something that would make a child w/o chronic illness sit up and notice.

I hope your daughter feels better soon, and that she made it through the Disney trip well. We are planning to go next year and I am already getting excited :)
Wow, thank you for the information on the lung issues. I am awaiting a call back from her doctor right now as she is still not feeling well and I will ask her immediately about this. DId they find the nodules with an X-ray or an MRI ?
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Do you need a referral -
if not I would call a pulmo
Ds has regular lung function tests( every 6 months)
but SOB should be taken seriously regardless of whether or not a child has crohn's

Good luck
Both my son and I have CD and we both have lung issues. I have COPD with chronic bronchitis and we are thinking that Clark 4 yrs old may have asthma. I believe they are linked, inflammation in the intestines, inflammation in the airways too. We also both have inflammation in our joints too. I would see a pulmonologist. Good Luck :ghug:
We do need referrals. I am going to call her regular ped tomorrow to discuss it. I also did start looking into an adult GI and spoke with the office of one who is about fifteen minutes away and sees patients sixteen and over. She got seems to have gotten good reviews online. I am torn what to do. But am unhappy with how hard it has been to reach Caitlyn's doctor and how far she is from us.
That's great that you have the option of an adult GI. My dd just turned 16 and she is seeing the head of a major hospital Crohn's dept on Monday, but it is just for a one-time consult, as he says his dept really discourages him from seeing anyone under 18. So it looks like my dd has another two years with her ped GI. I'm hoping she will really hit it off with the adult GI and it will give her some hope for the medical future.

Can you repost the Wiley link? I'd love to take a look at it, and it's coming up as restricted access.

MLP: that is so great that your son gets lung function tests twice a year. Did he have troubles that led to the referral or do you just have a very forward-thinking GI doc?!

I hope you get some answers and your dd feels SO much better soon.
A used to have regular PFTs, every 3-6 months. She was diagnosed with asthma, but personally I think it is related to her CD. We also have a peak flow meter at home but haven't used it in ages. You can get them relatively cheap and monitor your daughter at home. You need to get a baseline when she is feeling healthy though. Not discouraging you from seeing a Pulmo, just letting you know that those are available and useful.
That is weird the link is not working for me either. Just google lung issues and Crohn's disease and hopefully it will come up.
Sorry I did not update Friday. Never heard from Caitlyn's GI. We waited all day for her to call and she never did. We decided to make an appt with the adult GI who is on our insurance and fifteen minutes from our house. We found someone else who is using her and really likes her. We figured lets give her a try and Caitlyn's pediatrician agreed.
Poor Caitlyn. It is so hard when you just don't get answers. Really hope the adult GI works out what is going on. xxx :ghug:

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