Update after new GP appointment

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Jul 28, 2011
Well the appointment certainly went different than I expected. I did not get to address all my symptoms or all the things I wanted to talk about, but that was not because of the new doc. By the way he seems fantastic.
Well I told him some of my problems, told him my past doctors and past tests, and all that good stuff. Well once he had me sit on the table, he listened to my heart right away. Pretty routine right, well he said it was fast. Really fast.

Normally my heart rate is lower. During a workout I struggle to keep my heart rate at 130 or higher. So my dr. ordered a an EKG, the amazing thing, he had a machine right in the office! So I got an EKG minutes later. Results showed my heart rate at 130 bpm. He called it sinus tachycardia, which I'm unfamiliar with what that means.

So he prescribed a beta blocker called Atenolol at 25mg twice a day to slow my heart. He thinks I have hyperthyroidism. I'm skeptical of that, but hey, I'll take anything. And then... they took my blood right in the office! I didn't have to go to a lab or anything. And results will be in tomorrow! Loving this office.

So extreme mixed feeling here. Who wants to hear that something's wrong with the heart? But at the same time, I'm so happy they found something wrong with me! Over a year and all I've had are negative tests or inconclusive scopes... nothing to show for all my misery. But all this time and no one has listened to my heart. That's a problem it seems. I'm so freaking out about my heart and what this could be. What am I dealing with? The high HR makes a lot of sense for the symptoms I've been having. I almost faint every day. Which is now scarier to me. I had no idea my heart was working so hard. I did get chest pains but I just attributed it to heart burn or reflux.

But now I have a med to help me and he prescribed me the Tramadol I need! 90 pills for a whole month and 2 refills! I'm so happy for that! Especially because I took my last one last night.

So yeah, afraid, happy, nervous, and at a complete loss!
Sinus tachycardia means your heart is beating too fast but using the normal electric pathways. It's the cardiac rhythm people have when they do aerobic exercise. Sinus tach can be seen in a variety of conditions including anemia, dehydration, fever, certain drugs, anxiety and hyperthyroidism. It doesn't mean you have a heart problem
:) .

Hyperthyroidism makes people lose weight and have a big appetite, diarrhea or increased number of BMs, feel hot, increased sweating, tremors, and difficulty sleeping. Do any of these sound right to you? Sometimes people only have a few of the symptoms or on rare occasions, no symptoms. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001396/

Glad you have a doctor who's listening to you.
I've lost weight, but have zero appetite, I have diarrhea on and off, but I have few amount of BM's a week and have a hard time removing any stool, I never remove all of it, I have a heat intolerance and tremors and I've had trouble sleeping since I was little. I checked the medication list that causes sinus tachy and if it was accurate, I'm not on any of them.

Those are among a whole bunch of other symptoms, like daily migraines, joint pain, nausea, and LRQ pain, constant since this all began over a year ago and others.

I'm so glad I got a doctor who is listening! I had felt so abandoned by my GI, who just dropped all treatment without warning last month. I was furious and so afraid of being without treatment. I got taken off my Endocort without tapering from 9mg and have been worse ever since.

My weight loss has been dramatic, before this began I had been gaining weight since high school, I'm 23 now, and weighed near to 200lbs, now I'm 134lbs, which is 3lbs down from 2 weeks ago.

Whatever the results say, I have someone paying attention, at last.
Please let us know when you get the results. I was hyperthyroid last year- also had 130 heart rate and sinus tach in the office when first diagnosed. I lost weight then - but had a huge appetite. Good luck!
My 130 heart rate was due to pain. I have hypothyroidism.

I do believe your blood sugar level can also cause a rise in your heart rate.

Looking forward to hearing about the test result. Sorry you have been going through so much. Hope you feel better soon.


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