Hello, I'm new to the forum and sort of new to Crohn's. Short history...had my first ileitis 5 years ago and was told 'maybe Crohn's'. Had a colonoscopy and upper GI which were both inconclusive. Had ileitis again about 6 months after that and told 'probably Crohn's but we'll see if it comes back'. Five years later here I am. About a month ago I was back at the ER with the standard Crohn's symptoms and a CAT scan showed inflammation throughout but most pronounced at the ileum. I'm on Entocort. I started seeing a new GI doc who told me I 'obviously' have Crohn's. He didn't want to do a colonoscopy right away, which suprised me...but did want to do an upper GI with small bowel follow through. Had that done this week and the radiologist said she 'didn't see much'. I haven't heard anything from my doctor yet but am curious.....would there be minimal narrowing if the disease is somewhat new or is it possible that I don't actually have Crohn's? Just curious what other people's experience with this type of test is.