Ureteric Stent - advice please!

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Nov 19, 2016

Quick background. Recently been diagnosed with Crohns. Currently taking prednisone, Pentax's, metronidazole, ciprofloxin. Hoping to move onto azathioprine in about 6 weeks.

I've had a ureteric stent in for approx 4 weeks. It is running from my kidney to bladder as inflammation in my ileum is causing the urethra to be narrowed. This caused Hydronephrosis, basically my kidney became stretched with being full of urine. It was uncomfortable to start with but I think I got used to it. Every now and again it was painful or need to go frequently became annoying.

Until 2 days ago!! I am in constant pain, tramadol is not touching it. I also feel like I need to go constantly. Several times an hour, all day! Not just need to go, that I am about to burst. I tried getting a GP appointment but can't til Thursday. I am meant to have it in until after a colonoscopy appointment on the 7th but honestly don't think I can last that long.

My questions: if I call the urology dept at hospital can they help? Will they take it out if it is causing problems?

Does anyone have any advise to make this more bareable??

I am in the U.K., so getting through to doctors at hospitals is not easy. I don't want to go to A and E but if the pain gets any worse I think I will have to. The urge to go constantly is starting to drive me mad too.

Please any advice.....
I'm sorry you are dealing with this and wish you had easier access to a doctor. Is there no way for you to call the urology group that put the stent in to ask about your symptom?

Where is the pain and what kind of pain is it? Any fever or other symptoms? Has your need to urinate or the volume of urine changed coincidental with the increase in pain?
I'm sorry you are dealing with this and wish you had easier access to a doctor. Is there no way for you to call the urology group that put the stent in to ask about your symptom?

Where is the pain and what kind of pain is it? Any fever or other symptoms? Has your need to urinate or the volume of urine changed coincidental with the increase in pain?

I am going to try for an emergency appointment with GP tomorrow. I got hold of the receptionist at the urology dept who promised a call back but no joy yet.

It is a strange pain, a very achy pressure around my back with stabbing pains that come and go across the right side of my abdomen. It is not like my Crohn's pain at all. It worries me that the stent might have shifted but there is no sign of blood. I don't have a fever and the volume hasn't changed. I just feel the need to go all the time even though I don't.
Hope your GP can help. I would call the urology dept again if you don't hear back soon.
Will be thinking of you.
Hope you can get in - with your history and current symptoms it sounds like you have either a blockage or an infection. Something that needs to be taken care of! My Mom had a blockage that was misdiagnosed a couple of years ago that ended up in her kidney actually bursting from the pressure. Thankfully, no surgical intervention was needed as the kidney apparently can heal itself pretty well. Once her blockage was taken care of her intense (as in ambulance ride to hospital!) pain was taken care of also.

If you can't get in to see the GP, you should go to A&E to be seen - make sure you tell them about the stent etc and they should have a urologist/specialist look at you.
Thanks for the replies, the pain seems better today though I still feel the need to go almost constantly. I have managed to get an appointment at the urology clinic first thing Thursday so that's the plan unless it gets really bad in between in which case I will go to A and E. thanks again
Just a quick update:

GP has prescribed be tolterodine which stops the urgency. I think I was taking this in hospital with something else for the irritation but honestly can't remember. Can see a small difference at the moment but will persevere til Monday.