Hi, everyone. I found this forum while googling questions regarding my 12 yr old's urinary issues. He was just diagnosed in June and has had 3 Remicade treatments so far. He went from occasionally describing symptoms that sounded like a UTI to now having problems daily. He tested negative for a UTI, but he continues to have pain, feels like he really needs to pee but then only pees a very small amount, and is now wetting the bed almost nightly. He is about to have an MRI to see about inflammation around his bladder.
Has anyone else's child experienced this? Were you able to find out what was wrong and help?? Obviously this is deeply embarrassing for a 12 yr old boy. He's already been through so much with his bowel; it is so unfair that he's having to deal with his bladder now too.
Has anyone else's child experienced this? Were you able to find out what was wrong and help?? Obviously this is deeply embarrassing for a 12 yr old boy. He's already been through so much with his bowel; it is so unfair that he's having to deal with his bladder now too.