Vaginal Burning

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
I've been dealing with vaginal burning for some time. Originally, my OB/GYN wasn't able to figure out what created it. Husband and I decided to try treating it like a UTI to see if that might cure it. However, the burning and frequent urination never went away. :cry:

Today, I did a urine sample for the doctor to see if they can find out if it is a UTI and see if I need antibiotics. Haven't heard back from the doctor yet. But, my results are in and they're showing blood cells in my urine. A little concerned. But, am hoping to have more info in the morning...
Sorry you're having this problem. :hug:

Are you certain whether the problem is in your vagina or bladder? I wasn't quite sure from your post which you meant, or whether the whole area is burning?

A UTI would usually cause burning when you pee, and can cause blood in the urine. These symptoms would be more likely to be due to a bladder problem than a vaginal one. Another possibility might be that Crohn's is causing the problem, e.g. recto-vaginal fistula.

I hope you get some answers soon, I know how painful problems in this area can be!
I get vaginal burning, doesn't matter if it's with urine or not. But, with the burning is the urge to go. Sounds like my sample was contaminated. So, no actual results other than they say it shows no infection. Supposedly, if the symptoms continue I'm to make an appt to get evaluated.

I've taken estrogen cream vaginally for a few years because I've burned before (although the urge to go didn't come with it). In the past the estrogen has helped. Husband and I decided to use the stuff every night instead of 2 times a week to see if it would help me. It did a little, but then I started my period and had to stop. So, I don't know...