Vein question

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Jul 28, 2014
I just started. Ive had 2 infusions. Have my 3rd 17 August then go to the 8 week maintenance schedule.
Here is my question- So far we have hit my one decent vein in my left elbow both times, given that its the only really good one i have (my right arm sucks and left hand is a maybe) and we are hitting it repeatedly... Has anyone had issues with the vein from the IVs going in the same spot repeatedly?

Bruised up a bit this recent one, though I think that may be from me moving and jostling it when I dozed off from the benadryl
Mine usually goes in the same vein every 8 weeks because mine are so bad. I need to drink lots prior to my infusion to make them nice and plump. Otherwise it's 2-3 sticks go get the IV in place.

I get brusing in the areas they missed up.
I have one good one. Right arm the veins are small and roll. Left arm has one really nice one in the elbow, its large and cooperative lol. Problem is ... just the one
Well its good to know Im not the only one and that others have managed to keep having their infusions with only the one good one lol. I was afraid it might mess up the one good vein somehow and mean id have to use the crap ones or get a port or something