Matt is on week four of azathioprine. He is on week six of modulen diet. This morning he took his modulen and within minutes had severeain in the centre of his abdomen and I mean severe, then green diarrhoea. The pain came on suddenly, and is a constant severe pain, worse if he moves about, abdomen too sore to touch and the spikes of really really severe pain every few minutes. After an hour of this I panicked and rang the GI nurse. Couldn't get her so rang the hospital ward and eventually got a call back. Was told it might be a tummy bug, or could be his crohn's or maybe appendicitis! But
Probably just a tummy bug. He was due to have his weekly bloods done this afternoon anyway so have been told to bring him up at lunch time so GI can see him before clinic. Was told his blood have been fine but am still panicking about pancreatitis from the azathioprine. I know that may seem a huge leap but I have never really seen him in so much pain.
It is now two hours since it started, the pain is still there constantly but the spiking to a higher level seems to have eased. As a mother I know this is no tummy bug, he has no temperature and only one bout of diarrhoea.
Oh how I hate this disease.
Probably just a tummy bug. He was due to have his weekly bloods done this afternoon anyway so have been told to bring him up at lunch time so GI can see him before clinic. Was told his blood have been fine but am still panicking about pancreatitis from the azathioprine. I know that may seem a huge leap but I have never really seen him in so much pain.
It is now two hours since it started, the pain is still there constantly but the spiking to a higher level seems to have eased. As a mother I know this is no tummy bug, he has no temperature and only one bout of diarrhoea.
Oh how I hate this disease.