Virus, Strep on Remicade.

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Apr 28, 2012
Tomorrow will tell but Grace seems to be getting sick.
It's hard to tell but her throat might have white patches.
Tonight she's miserable but no fever....... yet
She will be going to the doc tomorrow.

Just want to know if your kids are able to get over bigger viruses without a hospital visit?
Just a wee bit nervous.:ack:
DS had strep tons of times on remicade
Just made sure of no fever during infusion and more than 24 hours on abx
S also had strep... was treated normally (ie antibiotics) and it had no impact. It was mid-way through his remicade infusions so didn't have to adjust his schedule. (But, S is much older... might have been able to fight it off a bit easier??)
Thanks everyone.:rosette2:
Happily she is holding her own. No spots that I could see but it's a virus for sure.
Talked to the rheumatologist nurse and she agreed as long as theirs no fever and she getting her liquids she'll be fine. Thankfully even her asthma is behaving.

:thumleft:Overall she's been super healthy since starting biologics,
:shifty-t:so she must have missed the memo stating she should be sicker.
She did get the memo
Biologics do NOT make you anymore likely to get sick with common kid things .
Ear infections , strep etc...
They only make it harder for the body to fight oportunistic bacterial infections .
Example you get the flu - complication of the flu can be bacterial pneumonia.
The biologics would make it hard to get over the pneumonia from the flu but would not make you anymore likely to get the flu or the complications from the flu .
^ Yup both my daughters have been quite healthy (thankfully) in all the years on biologics. They each get maybe a cold a year and that's typically it. Their friends in school/college seem to get sick more often - it may just be because they are careful about washing their hands.

Neither of my girls has had strep but they have had sinus infections. If Grace does have to go on antibiotics, I would make sure to watch for CDiff - that is the only issue my daughter has had.
My daughter had strep throat but no fever, It was very painful for her. It resolved quickly with antibiotics.
Yep! O is healthy as a horse. Not one infection or virus since starting Remicade. Healthiest one in the house! Even survived an outbreak of mono in her youth group after they shared close quarters and vans etc on a mission trip. 20 kids left healthy and 12 came back with mono! 8th grade trip to D.C. had a sick bus on the return home because there were so many kids who got so ill...O was on the healthy bus!

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