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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 6, 2015
Hello! I posted my story on the main forum but didn't get the reaction I expected- just wanted to hear people my age get in touch. Just a short intro: I'm 15 years old but was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when I was 14. In September I had a bowel resection and an illiostemy taken out- so know I have to live with a stoma . I'm from the UK so the health care is great here! Also in 2013 I had a perianal abscess which was operated on however it was later diagnosed as a fistula due to CD. I'm on azathioprine and inflixamab. Anyone got similar symptoms or a story to share? Thanks!
Hiya Sumayya! Sorry you have to be here, but welcome! It's really supportive here, I've found myself checking it as much as I do Facebook :)

I can't speak much about experience with abscesses/fistulas or stomas since I've had neither. It sounds like so much to go through in one year though! Is your Crohn's under control at the moment?

I was diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 9 and had a resection when I was 11. I'm 17 now and applying to university so I guess all I can tell you is that it gets easier to live with as time goes by! If you have any questions or just want to talk please feel free to let me know.

Hope you're doing well!
Hello emmaaaargh! Thanks for the support!my Crohn's is under control at the moment however I'm on parenteral nutrition which is feeds into q central vein this means I cannot eat anything, only water. I have an appointment in to weeks and we are going to discuss some feeds. But not eating has kept my symptoms under control. I've missed a whole term of year 11 and I've got GCSEs coming up. What medications have helped you most? I know everyone is different but I'm just curious.

Good luck in uni ! xxx