Wedding Photos

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Feb 5, 2010
Alright ladies and gentlemen, it's time to show us your wedding photos. We want to see how you celebrated your special day! Whether they are new or old, feel free to post! And...go!






Awesome!!! I have nothing to add, I was a at mine.
Your pictures are beautiful Dream....I'll have to scan some of mine....pre-digital era..LOL! Our 15th anniversary is next week.
I'm not sure how shutterfly works, but I use photobucket. On the picture I want to post it has an image link down near the bottom and I just copy and paste that directly into the thread on here and it shows up as an image. You can then press the preview button before you post to see if it will show up :)
Thanks. :) I tried, still not working......odd i tell you! It has a link to post to facebook and such, so i don't know why it's not working here
Hmm...yeah...well, I also have a Flickr account that I thought would work on here and it doesn't. I remember I had a Ohotobucket account and that one seems to work. Who knows. Maybe the forum is only set up to enable photobucket? Ok, off to look at your photos :)
Beautiful pics! Your photographer is _amazing_.

dreamintwilight said:
Hmm...yeah...well, I also have a Flickr account that I thought would work on here and it doesn't.
I use flickr. What you need to do is click on the photo, then above it click 'all sizes', change to the next size smaller - medium, then copy the URL, and paste it on here by clicking 'insert image' (the mountain icon above).
Will post mine in October after we get married 3rd week of September! Honest!

Dream I love the way you had your hair - am still looking for ideas for mine. Go to the hairdresser this monday for a colour and trim. Its very fine and just blows away with the slightest breeze.

Pam your photos are beautiful. Think we are similar sizes.. I have gone for a 2 tone 2 piece "dress". Am going to check it over the weekend and make sure all is ok and also have a little dreaming time - soppy aint I!

Have a tiara but not sure yet if I will use it - and a veil trimmed with the colour I have chosen and crystals over it...

We will see eh? Any ideas welcome!
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Yay! I look forward to seeing your pictures then :) Are you getting married the 18th of September? That's my friend's birthday.

I loved the way my hair turned out too! I knew I wanted an up-do. I looked at pictures online a lot and saw something I liked and took it to my hairdresser (luckily she is AMAZING at up-do's!). It's just like a regular under tuck of hair except she curled individual portions of my hair. I have really fine and thin hair and it made me look like a had really full and thick hair :) And a lot of hairspray managed to keep it looking good for most of the night, haha. ;)

Here's a full view of the back
We are planning the 23rd or 24th at the mo. It was to be more of a winter wedding but I have a cousin in Canada who I havent seen since I was a kid who has decided he wants to come as we have been in touch more since his dad died a couple of years ago.

He also happens to be the son of my dads favourite sister LOL He works more from October onwards so we are trying to pull things forward in an effort to ensure he can come!!

Your hair is really beautiful. You have given me some ideas definately for Monday to kick round with the hairdresser.

Will keep you posted!
That's nice :) We also planned our wedding around when my husband's extended family would be able to come. They left the day after we got married to go on a cruise! Haha.

If you haven't already checked it out go to There's a lot of pictures and things to give you ideas from hair, to wedding favors, etc. :)
You all look so beautiful! I've never been married, so have no pics to share :(
Here are my pictures 3/4/95....Almost 15 years ago. My husband had longish hair, an earring, and a mustache. Wow this is a trip down memeory lane.



Here we are today...minus the mullet and other decorations he used to catch me.;)
OMG Dream you wedding photos are beautiful.

IMP as always you look beautiful in you wedding photos and current ones. Congrats on 15 years of marriage... looking forward to celebrating my first in a couple of months!!

Pam have seen you photos before but love checking them out again. Looks like a lovely day. Will post some of mine soon.
wedding photos

Ok here are some of my wedding photos tried not to put too many up.. I love love love seeing wedding photos.









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See now you are all giving me goosebumps!

Am starting to get quite excited about ours now!

Keep them coming. They are all fantastic. Its lovely to see the variations too.
Yes its a very exciting time planning a wedding.. wait till the day Jan I nearly passed out with excitement. Was the best day of my life couldn't have wiped the smile off my face and I had struggled all day being sick then magically when it came to ceremony time and photos felt great!

Can't wait too see yours towards end of the year.. love weddings, am helping a friend at the moment plan hers and also helping another friend tomorrow with her invites!

Have fun hun, hope everything goes well for you :)
You ladies are so lucky to have pictures done during the digital age...They are just stunning!
Thanks Tanya!!

I love your pictures! So cute. Your bouquet was beautiful and I love the umbrella picture. Cute :)

Carrie - my friend got dressed up in her wedding gown again and got pictures taken for her anniversary as a surprise to her husband. Maybe you could do something like that. Then you'd have your digital photos and a really special gift! ;)
imisspopcorn said:
You ladies are so lucky to have pictures done during the digital age...They are just stunning!
my picture wasnt done in the digital age. i just took a picture of the picture. you understand? then i put it on here
Those are all such terrific photos! I'll need to look for mine to post. :)
Well...I have a wedding photo but it was with a person whom is no longer in my life. I'm planning a wedding with y soul mate sometime in the next 3 years lol

You look gorgeous Jill! Your hubby is one very lucky man! :soledance:

Thanks for posting hun, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Ok I was married in 1999 so these are pics of pics

Me dh and our best man, made of honor and flower girl


The cake


My family


Dhs family (needed two pics)



The kiss


Greeks know their kissing dont ya think?
^^^^ :lol: ya sure do, what a pash!!!

Great pics hun! You look fab! :thumleft::thumleft::thumleft::thumleft::thumleft::thumleft:

Thanks for posting, :)
Dusty. xxx
Oh wow! They are gorgeous! Just like you! :):):)

Thanks so much for posting hun. :mademyday:

And a Happy and Healthy 2012 to you both! :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx