Weekly Humira

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Jul 30, 2010
Larnaca, Cyprus
Saw my GI this evening after work as the abcess on my ass is back plus I have lost 3 kg (6 pounds/half a stone - I think) due to diarhoea caused by Flagyl & Ciprofloxacin which were initially prescribed for the abcess. He prescribed another course of Cipro plus pro-biotcs and Forceval to help me put the wight back on. He also checked my fissure and said it appeared to be healing.

He told me that in theory I should not be losing weight since I am taking Humira. He was not overly concerned but since blood work indicated slight inflammation (probably at the resection point) he wants to increase my Humira jabs to a weekly dose in order to halt any further development into a possible flare.

It's been just over a year since my surgery so I'm feeling a bit pissed off that the symptoms are coming back so soon.
Humira is great for some but peter'd out on me after 6 months and even weekly shots. Hopefully that should work for ya. However if you have scar tissue, nothing will help that. See what happens after weekly shots, fingers crossed for ya!
Weekly Humira is good. Each injection played it's part: I was getting better and better with each one. Before, on fortnightly I was going rapidly downhill after the loading doses wore off.

It will help a huge amount, hope it's enough for you.
I have been on weekly humira for over a year. It has helped lower the amount of flares I have. The only problem for me is that I get sick all the time. If someone has a cold it is almost as bad as getting the flu for me. I just got over a cdiff infection which was hard to get rid of due to the lower immune response. But for me it is worht the trade off. My flares were pretty bad. Before humira I was constantly going to the hospital for pain and inflamtion. I would get so inflamed I would become blocked. Humroa has helped make that better.
Thanks guys for your replies. The good news is that the abcess has disappeared and the fissure seems to be healing nicely. The diarhoea has decreased as well.

I haven't been "approved" yet for the weekly doses by the Ministry of Health but I have 4 Humira injections in my refrigerator. The hospital prescribes them to me 4 at a time. My question is this: should I go ahead and start the weekly doses or should I wait to be approved by the MOH? If I do start the weekly dose and I am not approved could there be a contra-indication?

You should wait for your approval process, better not to jump the gun and run out later!
hi been 18mnth since my resection an they say mri shows return crohns round the resection site .i started my humira friday feel a bit rough today to be honest just hope in time it will work and not having reaction to humiria as i did with inflilxab all the best to you and hope you get sorted real soon
It sucks that you have to wait CyCrohn'sGuy, but it's definitely the best thing to do. I was told to go up to weekly so went through the stock in my fridge but the prescription change took longer to be processed than my doctor expected and I ended up using it all up before the next delivery... luckily I was only late for my next shot by a few days so I avoided any real trouble but the stress and worry of what might happen was bad enough! Hopefully you'll get approval very soon. Fingers crossed weekly does the trick for you! :)