Weight gain because of Crohn's?

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May 20, 2014
Ever since my Crohn's symptoms started getting really bad-almost 2 years ago, instead of the normal losing weight that most people get, I gained 35 pounds. I am 5'2" and used to weigh 115 pounds. I am now around 150 pounds, and I havent started any of my medication yet. The only thing I have started, about 3 weeks ago, was prednisone, and my weight has gone up even more to about 156. I know most people lose weight with crohn's, but it seems to have gone in the opposite direction with me. Has this happened to anyone else? Once I (hopefully) go into remission, does it seem likely that I will be able to lose the weight again? Right now my doctor won't let me work out until my symptoms improve, and he put me on a low residue diet which is hard to lose weight on.
Any advice?
Hi. Weight gain is very common with prednisone. A lot of it is water retention.

Things will reverse when you come off prednisone.

Sending you my support and best wishes.
I know the prednisone will reverse, but I gained the 35 before I ever went on any meds...
I've never heard of weight gain in a flare before meds are given. Sorry I can't be any help n
So, when my symptoms first began to get really bad and painful I lost 80 pounds in 3 months! However, as soon as my doctor put me on prednisone I gained about 25 pounds in a month!! It's all the prednisone! It will make you gain a ton of weight, but as soon as you get off of it, you will lose the weight again!!
Hope I helped! if you have any other questions I'm here to help :)
Its just odd that I find that I gain weight when my symptoms get bad, not lose it. I just wondered if anyone else gains weight when they flare up, or before they got treatment. I know this is very rare, as most people lose weight
I try to lose weight but once i stop exercising I gain my weight back even before I was diagnosed. I cant keep it off. I find it odd that they say you lose weight but i never have.
Another one here in the "battle of the bulge" despite a definite (colonic) Crohns diagnosis.
Certainly a few months on prednisone undid most of my weight loss hard work..
Only other personal observation I have is that raw leafy greens and I are not a good combination - so my previous usual weight management stalwarts of a big bowl of salad with some lean protein are gone. I have some success with lightly steamed greens in lieu of lettuce

I never gained weight (until I was put on pred) but then I have never lost any weight unintentionally either. My weight has always remained the same whether flaring or not!
Ellie, I agree with you. I have found a lot of greens really hurt my stomach, so I am on the low residue diet even though it doesnt help me lose weight. I am looking forward to figuring out which foods work for me and dont make me super bloated. Only 3 more days of Prednisone, Im looking forward to that!!!!!!
I was diagnosed with Crohn's 28 yrs ago at 18. I've always gained weight during flares and doctors always say I don't look as bad as I feel. I did lose finally about 20 pounds my last surgery right before and after was when weight came off. My surgery was for a total blockage I couldn't keep anything down and the only way I lose weight unless I massively exercise and don't eat. Of course I am now 46 and have had two surgeries for Crohn's. metabolisms are all different and I think sometimes it depends on the area of disease. I try to worry first about getting better than losing weight. Always ask your doctor though if something feels wrong which is a very valuable lesson I've learned over time.
I have gained a ton of weight since being on pred! And have developed Cushing's which has made me gain weight even more! Cannot wait to get the energy back so i can maybe think about loosing it all once off the pred! Xxx

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