Weight loss for some, not others

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 7, 2010
Some people seem to lose a lot of weight due to Crohn's and others do not. What makes the difference?

I lost some but have tried to maintain my weight following doctors recommendations. Also, I take a high dose of Tylenol daily which masks the pain somewhat from Crohn's so I can eat okay if I am careful on my choices and chewing.

Recently I had someone say to me..."I thought all Crohn's patients were really thin?????"

Any comments on this???
I only ever lost weight when I was flaring, but that was from a lack of wanting to eat. Otherwise, I'm at a good weight.
Yeah me too!
I'm Pred fat at the mo, but lost a lot during this flare up in January
it's a fallacy that Crohnies are thin, and ignorance
I only lose weight when I am in so much pain I dont eat. I think it also depends where the crohns is. A lot of nutrients get absorbed in the small intestine, so if your cronhs is bad there, then you may lose weight a lot faster than if it was in your large intestine or rectum.
I agree with Lydia. My Crohn's is in my colon and rectum and, aside from a small amount of weight loss due to decreased appetite while flaring, I have never dropped mega amounts of weight. My guess was always that the nutrients were absorbed by the time things got to my affected area.
Agree with Lydia. My Crohn's is in the small intestine and, before I got diagnosed, I'd lost two stone and was forcing food down me to try to get my weight back to normal....eating chocolate, ice cream, pizza etc but I still kept losing it. Now I realise my small intestine wasn't absorbing any of it and I was proabbly making my flare much worse!!!
Weight loss is one of my biggest effects from a flare. I dropped over 20 pounds in a short time last year. Then went on Steroids and put 20 pounds on in two months!

Since I have had Crohn's I am used to my body weight fluctuating wildly.
I can fluctuate ten pounds in the span of a week! It's crazy. I have no colon at all but have never had problems keeping weight on. I lost a lot when I first started this flare, but I also changed my diet drastically at the same time. I'm still too new to Crohn's to know how it will turn out if/when I can get into remssion.

Until then - lots of dresses and leggings - which work great whether I'm 135 or 118 lbs.....
Imagine you can have pain, nausea, vomits.
It depends on how well do you eat considering these symptoms.
Bad absorption also plays a role.

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