Hi all I am new to this sight and only recently diagnosed with crohns disease.
I have just started a Wheat and dairy free diet as I have allergys to both.
Has anyone been through simmilar situation and lost weight this way. I have already lost weight with crohns, 20Ib in 5 weeks. I am over weight so I am pleased with the weight loss but not what I have been through recently to lose it, Been ill for weeks just starting to feel a bit better, doctor said it was a bad flare up. Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks
I have just started a Wheat and dairy free diet as I have allergys to both.
Has anyone been through simmilar situation and lost weight this way. I have already lost weight with crohns, 20Ib in 5 weeks. I am over weight so I am pleased with the weight loss but not what I have been through recently to lose it, Been ill for weeks just starting to feel a bit better, doctor said it was a bad flare up. Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks