Well bugger me!

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Feb 9, 2009
Been to see the stoma nurse today and my stoma apart from a 3/4 cm hole has sunk and covered over, the 36 mm red lumpy bit of bowel I've been putting the bag over isn't actually bowel at all but red bumpy skin! Even she admitted it looked
like bowel! So my bags are now cut to the size Of 8mm to try and heal the skin, no bloody wonder it's not been working so well, have to wait and see what the surgeon suggests oh how I love this disease.
The irony of it all....your stoma healed itself!!! Maybe your rump end did too!!!I would never have imagined such a thing. Definitely a WTF moment. I hope that whatever needs to happen from this point works out for you in the end (ha ha, punch intended). Seriously though I hope this doesn't cause a lot of extra complications, as if you haven't enough. Please keep us updated.

All the best,

OMG! I guess they will have to do some 'work' on you again?? This is very worrying. The output had to go somewhere. What are they going to do besides what the stoma nurse has done?
Don't know what they'll do, stoma nurse said she would speak to surgeon but as I wasn't getting sick they probably wouldn't rush to do anything, great as if one poo hole functioning isn't enough trouble never mind two!
I know samboi it's a joke get about 300-400mls out of it these days mostly very watery the thicker stuff goes to the tail end and is usually formed. Am sick of the whole bloody thing.

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