What are the best treatments out there right now? Im lost.....

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 13, 2012
Hi all. Well I don't have Crohns but a very good friend of mine does. He is 32. He has had stomach problems since he was very young but the Crohn's was triggered by food poisoning in 2008. He ended up having surgery to remove some of his intestine which did help some. But at this point, he is just having alot of problems. He is just sick all of the time pretty much. He is always having stomach pains and never feels good. Hes constantly getting sick with colds and the flu because of his autoimmune drugs. Hes severely depressed. He says his doctor just tells him to tough it out and theres nothing he can do for him. He says this is what most doctors hes been to have told him. I just dont understand it because I know there is treatment for Crohn's disease. He has been on Remicade and apparently this was not that helpful to him. I mentioned Humira to him but he thinks it will be too expensive and also hes scared to take it because he says that once hes on it that if he happened to go off of it for some reason that he could never go on it again and hes worried that if he gets really sick in the future he may need the Humira. So I really dont know how to help him. I am still learning about Crohn's. Can anyone give me any suggestions on what can help him? I would truly appreciate it. Thanks everyone

Hi Jennifer :)
A very big warm welcome to the forum. I'm very glad you've found us here. I think your friend is very lucky that you are around for him. I bet your support means an awful lot to him. I know family and friends can feel pretty lost and frustrated not knowing what to do to help someone with IBD, but honestly being there and listening are probably the best things you can do for him. And also, sometimes, understanding that sometimes he might seem like he's pushing you away because he needs some head space, and not getting hurt about it.
This is a link to the CCFA - we have a sister group the NACC in the UK - and their sites are invaluable for information about IBD, treatments, support groups etc.
Maybe, when you think he's ready, you can talk to him about this forum too and see if it's something he might like to join for support. We're not a bad lot, really :)
Thanks grumble. I do try to listen and be there for him but also give him some space. Just wish there was more I could do to help him. Honestly we've been dating for awhile but it's been really hard with him being sick. He has been pushing me away at times but is just recently startting to open up a little more. We have known each other 6 months now so it has been a very slow process to even get him to talk to me about things....