What can I eat?

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Feb 26, 2010
I just noticed that the foods I used to tolerate, I no longer tolerate. Does anybody else have this problem?

Basically, its been a battle to gain weight. I've tried just about everything and now it seems I'm getting sick eating the foods that I used to be able to eat a month ago. Now I get nauseated eating almond butter! All I'm eating is lean meat and veggies. Those are the only two things that don't seem to bother me. Well, the only other option I can figure, would be to try a different medication. My doctor told me if the nausea doesn't go away he would put me on a different medication. I have noticed that my symptoms have greatly improved on the stronger dose of pentasa and probiotics but I still wake up with mild nausea every other day depending on what I add to my diet.

I don't think I can gain weight on meat and veggies alone. :sign0085:

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Gastritis August ’09, TMJD 1992
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- pred. :thumbdown:aciphex, ranitidine
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, probiotics,
and fish oil
Check out the low residue diet, and like most crohnies, we dont tolerate dairy or wheat very well and hard veggies, dont digest and corn based anything is just asking for trouble. Some people can eat anything but a healthy or bland diet should help. Rice and lean meats, chewed well, and use some digestive enzymes to help break down some proteins and fats. Avoid fried foods and fats. I cant eat eggs they cause gas for me but some tolerate it well and it helps put some weight on.

Try adding Ensures with your diet, there are some with more calories and it is pretty safe for most Crohnies. I am trying to lose weight, not gain lol. Lots of others well help you!
I guess I'm a bit of an oddball, that or my other side problem is affecting the reactions from what I eat. I've always been able to eat eggs, organic corn chips, and fried foods. But as of late I can't eat cauliflower anymore. I've been able to drink regular sodas in small amounts. Still not sure if I can eat beef, but every other meat is usually good. Crohn's is really a trial and error disease. What I eat you might not be able to and vice versa. I reccomend that you keep a food journal when you experiment. I would also experiment with small amounts of foods and write down not only what you ate, but how you felt after so you know without a doubt what it was.
I've been writing down what foods I react to, etc. Unfortunately, I don't always react to foods right away so it can be hard to determine what exactly is causing my nausea and abnormal stool. I always did fine when I ate almond butter but now if I add it, I become nauseous. Stinks. I know I'm allergic to eggs, milk, and gluten. I have to eat lean meat or else I start to vomit:eek:. I know that cooked veggies especially spinach, actually help with my nausea. So, for the most part my symptoms greatly reduce when I only eat meat and veggies but this diet doesn't make me full whatsoever.

I was thinking about trying rice again. Just a little bit and see what it does.

Anyhow, thanks for the advice!

One more question. Has anybody had any luck with soy beans?

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Gastritis August ’09, TMJD 1992
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- pred. aciphex, ranitidine
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, probiotics,
and fish oil
I cannot eat dairy products, I quit eating corn, red meat...I`m doing whatever I can and it doesn`t bother me anymore, I get use to new diets very quickly...

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