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Dec 17, 2011
People keep acting like this is a cold and I can just get better! I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's in December! Been sick for 9 months though....going on 10 even though I'm being treated with Lialda ONLY!

People keep saying "Hope you get better soon!" they've been saying it for almost a year though :(

Or they say "Stay positive and you'll get better"

Or they say "I know people with crohns and they can work and go anywhere they want...WHY CAN'T YOU?"

"You can heal yourself just by thinking" My thoughts>>>>>....uh yeah I pray to God not myself!

"Get on a diet and you'll do fine" My thoughts>>>>those diets didn't work for 50% of the people who tried!

"Why can't you come to the party?" My thoughts>>>DUH do you want me to **** everywhere and gas up the room? Do you want to hear my stomach gurgle and hear me say I feel sick?

Unfortunately I think it's a case of grinning and bearing it, I have people say the same to me all the time and although it can be really REALLY frustrating It's only because people mean well x
I feel your fustration recently diagnosed myself people look at us like we are faking it but no one knows our body and whats going on with it ive noticed lots of little things with mine theres no way to deal with other people and there disbeliefs ive done alot of reserch on crohns and im lucky enough to have a very supportive girlfriend she also posts on here as penny lou. But ive found that its not worth getting worked up over it just makes the pain worse if they dont belive you thats there problem cause you know the truth about your body
When my boss fired me he said,"I just don't understand why you can't sit at your desk and do your work!!!" and I said,"I have a lifelong disease! I have diarrhea all the time along with nausea and everything else." and he said,"Well I can't have you working here anymore your costing the company money!!!!" This even though I was not getting any paid leave from the job or anything else AT ALL! :(
I know the feeling I was a fast food manager and had to step away I havent made any money in almost a year I filed for soical securty disabilty but havent heard from them eaither it is very fustrating
People are a sad lot... Because you do not have open wounds or we do not bleed we are not sick., INstead of Crohn's they should of called it Cancer. Then maybe we would get some sympathy

Up their ass... that's what I think. Let them get a coloscopy once a year and **** in their pants every other day.

I better calm down before I really get upset....

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