What do YOU do in there?

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May 24, 2011
Nobody spends more time in the bathroom than someone with Crohn's! So what do you do in there with all of your "free time"?

When I was still in school, I balanced my laptop on my lab and wrote a paper while prepping for a colonoscopy.

I've cleaned out my purse.

Read the back of every shampoo/conditioner/deodorant,etc. bottle. I try to pronounce the words with more than 10 letters.

I've named some of the patterns my bathroom linoleum makes. There's a scottish terrier, Santa Claus, and a witch with a wart on her nose, to name a few.

I took my laptop with me and planned my family's entire Disney vacation in there.
I've also read every shampoo bottle, deodorant label, you name it! That's usually only a last resort though, when I've forgotten to bring a book with me in the bathroom. Sometimes I play my nintendo DS too (that "Brain Age" game has Sudoku puzzles which is a bathroom favorite of mine). If I have enough time and don't have to urgently run to the can, but I can tell that I might be in there awhile, sometimes I've even brought my little portable DVD player into the bathroom with me. Oh, and sometimes my cat follows me into the bathroom so I amuse the both of us by throwing around bits of TP for her to play with. Ha ha :)
I try to find the girl in the door. I find that in every bathroom door there is a knot pattern that looks like a girl with her arms raised hair flowing in the wind and nude lol. Other than that I clean up my soiled undies or breath through the pain lol
lol, I also read every shampoo conditioner etc. bottles and I do the linoleum thing :)
I've cleaned out my purse.

Read the back of every shampoo/conditioner/deodorant,etc. bottle. I try to pronounce the words with more than 10 letters.

****I have definitely done both of these. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Shannon
I bring my ipod in and talk to you guys! Failing that, I'm still trying to find where the pattern repeats on my floor (vinyl, tiny mosaic pattern in different shades of blue, each square is about 1/4" big!)
I have lately been playing Angry Birds. :) And I've read all the bottle labels in the bathroom, too. I'm gonna have to look for the girl in the door, though - I have never heard of that.
I've read the bottle labels, and also have about 20 books over the back fo the toilet 'just in case'...although I probably should rotate some out and put new titles in there!
Ditto on reading labels, patterns in the tiles, reading, plotted revenge, and cleaning/organizing the purse.

I have written out grocery lists and made out bills.

Haha, loved the plotting revenge one!
Play games on my phone, text people, call people :p , used my lap top a few times, did school reading when I was in school, read every container in there be it lotion, shampoo etc., read magazines or whatever reading material other houses offer, make paper cranes out of toilet paper and at home I usually read books that are in a series.
Yup...read the entire Harry Potter series.....(the trouble is remembering 1000's of pages when you are in and out 25 times a day!) after that I plotted revenge. Still plotting. Me arse is only getting a holiday at this point.

My revenge will be getting it working again. If it acts up after that it will be mexican armageddon :ywow: I luckily have a high pain tolerance. We will see who will win in the end. If he acts up I'll put him in a bloody jar!!

ha ha what a funny thread, my house is totally chaotic with dogs kids etc so sometimes the loo is the only place I can get a bit of peace and tranquillity so I don't mind spending a bit of time in there... reading is def a fave though anything and everything!!!
Lol i also have read the shampoo bottle's, I have now started to leave books and magazines in there , also had a crossword book and pen in there , that was until my boyfriends dad started doing my crosswords whilst in there too lol :)
I put my head down and have a little snooze!
Sometimes I read The Sun!
Very apt, that's full of **** too!
:rof: Joan!

I read mostly, sometimes play poker on my phone. I have read every label in the restroom as well. That's very funny. But, mostly, it's a great chance to think a bit and be quiet with myself. Most of the time, it's probably the quietest and unstressed place I go regularly.

I have a seton in atm, so it does cut down on the amount of time I want to (a-hem!) sit there. For colonoscopy prep, and really good books for that matter, the seat has made my legs go numb and walk like I was hitting the bottle in there. That always makes me wonder why, with all the advancements in everything, why do we still have uncomfortable toilets that work just the way that Thomas Crapper's worked 100 years ago?
Did the back of the bottle thing, books, magazines, schoolwork as a teenager, counted tiles and now as a mum of two I do hide in there somedays hehehe but my new house has extractor fan that gives a great echo so I sing as loud as I can.
love it joan ! . . . haha

i delete all my messages in my inbox on my phone !

it has been said joan that if you wipe your arse with the sun, more **** would come off the paper
I have lately been playing Angry Birds. :) And I've read all the bottle labels in the bathroom, too. I'm gonna have to look for the girl in the door, though - I have never heard of that.

LOL! That is my hubby's new fave game, maybe I should put it on my phone too!

I go to the library every three weeks with my kids. I check out books (usually a series) just to put on the back of the toilet. I also have a Sudoku book and pencil.

We bought our house with horrible 70's wallpaper in the bathrooms and kitchen. I have already peeled away everything I can reach from the toilet seat!

I also do a lot of thinking. Sitting for such long periods at a time has made me a really deep thinker. :ysmile:
When I was in high school, I use to live in the bathroom 24/7. I did my homework in there and even slept on the porcelain throne. Yep...I remember those days. Now that I am buttless w/just my ileostomy, I just empty and whooooooooosh I am out the door!!

No stopping this gal! hee hee hee It's summer and I don't revolve my life around the bag. It revolves around ME. Life's too short to be taken seriously.

Have a pain free week everyone. Gutless Wonder woman
When Im not vomiting and crying with the pain, I like to make anagrams from the shampoo bottle writing. I play brick breaker on my phone. I sometimes take my laptop and go on facebook chat (i obv dont tell the person im chatting to where I am lol)

Hope everyone is well today!
wow its amazing how we are so alike lol:) done the shampoo thing, the linoleum i have done too:) i bring my books in, and my laptop for schoolwork, the rest of my family thinks i am nuts lol;) And yes no matter how painful things are the bathroom is always a nice break from everything going on out there;) never tried the lady on the door thing but will be looking for it next time
This thread is hilarious!!!! :poo:

I try to take something to read, a magazine, a book, anything.
The thing is when nature "calls" I do not have much time frame to select something worth reading, so I end up reading a supermarket's brochure or anything silly.

I sometimes just take the netbook computer to browse the Net, and my family.. they say anything but they look at me like I was crazy :ybatty:
I must say that I also take my DS in and play Brain Age. I love sudoku and that's so convenient. I also just got Scribblenauts for my 7 year old - yeah, riiiiight!

Of course the reading of anything and everything, especially bottles and containers. Trying to find patters in everything and peeling the wallpaper within reach - I have two bathrooms that need makeovers, so lots of paper to rip!

My service dog won't let me go in alone. He's always there to make sure I'm okay. Heck, sometimes he drags me in before I need to go! Depending on which potty I use, I could have just the dog, or him, three cats and the hubby and sometimes the youngest kid! Not much relaxing there!

When my parents were building a house when I was young, I was allowed to tweak the bathroom. I extended the mirror the length of the counter. Having it there I spent most mornings before school sitting there eating breakfast, fixing my hair and makeup as well as finishing homework. I ever get the chance, I will rebuild my bathroom that way. That bathroom also had a laundry chute. The master bath also had one and they were back to back. I'd open mine, then reach in and open the other and my mom and I would hang out talking as she also has Crohn's. It was a sweet setup!

I have always kept a magazine rack in my bathrooms. There's always magazines in there of many different varieties. I also have a double stack of books on the toilet tank, just in case and for anyone who wants to read in there.

I will say my hubby spends some serious time in there twice a day and doesn't have any real digestive issues. In the morning he has a book in there, in the evening he brings his laptop in.

For many years a good friend of mine has called it my 'favorite room in the house' even though she knows it really isn't.
Great thread! Besides shampoo bottles, I go through a lot of fashion magazines!

One funny thing about when I had an ostomy: it was great that I didn't need to spend a ton of time in the bathroom any more, but I missed reading on the toilet! Haha! The things that become normal for us...
I read, A lot I always have a couple of read or new books in my bathroom, in every bathroom of the house actually. When I first came home from the hospital, a friend gave me about 40 old issues of Australian Womens Weekly. Finally my husband was fed up with finding them in every corner of the house (including bathrooms) and said that if I dont pick them up he will send them for recycling. So I made piles of magazines in every bathroom and when I was in I grabbed a random issue to read, I used the rest of the stack to put the toilet paper roll on :ylol:
I sing...I talk to myself (repeat tasks or things that need to get done)....I will look through my phone...I will bring my chatty cathy neice in the bathroom with me and have wonderful conversations with her lol
Text people/

OR read the Flavor Bible... It's a book someone bought for me detailing the compatibility millions of flavors, and spurting anti-recipe propoganda out every second sentence. I figured reading about food was appropriate when I was pooping it out.
Junior Fritz Jacquet makes these sculptures from toilet paper rolls. Seems Crohn's appropriate given all the paper we go through.
I read a lot (believe it or not I actually use a sheet of toilet paper as a bookmark) , currently working through Richard Dawkins works (apologies to all religion lovers). Also, post messages on this forum as I am doing now.
Spend a lot of time trawling Internet for bargains too. U.C. has actually saved me a small fortune.
I read all the shampoo bottles etc and figure out the pattern on the tiles. FYI don't install tiles without underfloor heating - they get really cold! If we do up the bathroom we plan to change to lino.

I also trim my finger and toe nails as I always forget when i am rushing about. Sometimes I buff my fingernails if I am there for a while.

I usually plan the rest of the day, what to have for dinner etc.

I also clean out/tidy/organise the parts of the bathroom cupboard that I can reach.

I usually get annoyed about that bathroom needing cleaning again!

Sometimes I make origami frogs out of toilet paper, but it does not work very well:(
My daughter writes poetry on toilet paper. I found this pile of squares of toilet paper under her bed that were blue and wondered what the heck it could be. I pulled it out & found some poetry. Some dark and angry, some sweet and pretty, some romantic. She says she writes what her bowels make her feel. She used to draw too.
I love this post!!! Most of the time I am either on my phone as it is the easiest and with smartphones you can do anything so I can read magazines at work on it or see what everyone else is doing with their lives on Facebook. Or at home I always have something to read in both bathrooms usually hunting or dog related magazines as I train hunting dogs on the side of my full time job.
I so thought I was the only one! Glad I'm not totally abnormal. I usually bring my phone with me and go on here, FB, etc. listen to music. Sometime I will leave a book in there too.
Word find have become my new favorite thing... bought a bunch and let then with a pen in each bathroom in a drawer I can reach.

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