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Jul 15, 2013
Seems like mostly everything associated with chrone is bad (rightfully so i mean what's not bad about pain?) But atleast we have a good attitude about. Anyways, after all of the bad things what do you guys like about having Crohn's? I know it sounds like a crazy question but there has to be something. Like for me I love not having to worry about my weight (I weighed over 200 lbs in the 7th grade) so this is like a dream for me from always wondering what being skinny would be like to not being able to get fat. And also I like being different, not the kind of different where you get attention but I just like knowing that theres not alot of people with my experiences. Anyways let me know if any good things have came for you guys or am I just weird lol.
For me it has made me even stronger,ready to take anything on that is thrown our way.
makes you realize that life is to short so make the most of it.And to look after freinds and family in every way you can and be happy.
At work I've always taken on jobs that weren't my own and stressed myself over it (even when I was in a 2 year long flare). If it helps understanding, I work in retail mainly at a cash register and basically did the head cashier's job even though I wasn't being paid for it cause the head cashier wasn't doing her job.

Now, I'm letting the responsibility go and letting her do her job on her own. Less stress on me and now I'm finding out that she was taking all the credit anyway. I guess, IBD for me is important for me to take things a little easier...
I think that having crohns has made me stronger, it has made me fight for what I really want in life, it has shown me who my true friends are and it has brought me closer to my boyfriend and my parents.

Crohns has shown me not to take anything for granted, to enjoy every good day and to fight through the bad, it has shown me that I can do anything I want as long as I keep fighting.
Couple things that I like - I am not as much of a procrastinator as I used to be, I can eat fairly high levels of "snack" foods to keep my calorie counts up, I now have a medical reason not to eat all of those veggies that I couldn't stand as a kid because of what they do to my bowels.
I agree with a lot of the people above that it makes you mentally stronger! I enjoy rock climbing and gaining my lost weight back at the gym! It lets you vent, and makes you feel great! It's also quite good for boosting your appetite.
I'm with Zilla7777 - before I got sick, I used to hate working out. I thought it was so boring and too hard and just not fun. Now, I appreciate very much that I'm able to go to the gym and do something proactive to fight for my health, and I love working out! In the gym, I can pretend for a little bit that I'm normal and healthy, and I feel great during and after my workouts. It's helped my stress levels and my depression, I think it's helped keep my current flare be mild, it's just great. I never would have been so gung-ho for fitness if I hadn't gotten sick and learned how important my health is and also learned to appreciate having the ability to exercise!
It taught me the importance of taking care of myself....diet, exercise and mental health.

It has shown me that I am strong and very much capable of handling certain difficult situations on my own that may arise. It has taught me to not sweat the small, irrelevant stuff in life....things could always be a lot worse. I take advantage of my good days and do my best to appreciate the little things in life, because you never know if those really bad crohn's days will show again.
I love this thread!!! And I'm with u guys it makes u stronger mentally and if u let it phyiscally as well. I'm closer with my family and friends cause in have to depend on them a lot and makes me appreciate them so much more and the most important thing is it draws me so much closer to GOD and makes me depend on HIM for everything in my life and that's just so awesome it's a peace that few get to have while there here!!! So in a weird way it's a hidden blessing!!
I don't see that it has done anything positive for my son, the one who is actually suffering with the disease, as he was already a very compassionate person, but seeing what he has to go through on a daily basis, at such a young age, has shrunk all of my stupid problems and made me much better at life. Nothing bothers me now, except Crohn's.

I wonder, if they found a cure, would I become weak again?
I dont think so... I mean, maybe just a little bit, but you'd still have the proportions ofmyour view on life. Your experiences will still be a part of you; you will not get "less smart" if they found a cure.
Having a chronic illness does make us stronger. I've found that in myself as well.
I'd say for me, one positive of having a GI illness is the awareness of my own body it's given me. We live in a society where the norm is to eat frequently, whether hungry or not, just because things taste good. Having IBS or IBD makes us aware of how the food we take in affects us every time we eat, and how much better we will feel if we are conscientious about the food we eat. It also teaches us, as Cat said, to be proactive about our own health and realize that doing things like exercising regularly puts the control back into our own hands to some extent.
One other thing - when you have to careful what you eat, and only eat some things, and eating is not a huge anticipation anymore, you become much more aware of the rest of your daily life. How of "life" do people miss out on because they are focused on food anticipation and eating?