What do you miss

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Jun 20, 2012
Well its one of those days again sitting here in bed feeling ordinary yet again. So i was just thinking how much i miss the basics of life going out to the park fishing eating what i want. So what do you miss the most
Honestly I miss not talking about my health problems or not having any for that matter. :p

"What's this?" or "What was that?" I miss being able to shrug off any random symptom rather than wondering if I'm getting worse or have another health problem.
going to the bathroom with no worries

I hear ya there woke up this morning feeling fine thinking yeah going to be a good day and wham I was pucking and pooping then dead to the world and now feel like ****
I miss many things, but last night my sis in law had a salad. It looked sooo good, all those veg, I can almost taste it!
I miss chocolate milk shakes
I miss just going and doing what I want and not having to map out all the bathrooms along the way.
I miss the money that would be in my wallet if I didn't have to pay for a lot of meds.
I miss a lot!
I totally agree with Jen's statement.

I also miss the freedom of going about my day as I please. Not having to secretly worry in the back of my mind if what I am doing or would like to do has the potential make me sick again.

And I DEFINITELY miss all of the money I used to have in my pocket. I had some major life changes a little over two years ago and was trying to get back on my feet and start a fresh life on my own. Of course I come down with crohn's during all of this and my bank accounts take a beating and getting by on my own has become a bit of a struggle that keeps me feeling stuck right now.

Honestly I miss not talking about my health problems or not having any for that matter. :p

"What's this?" or "What was that?" I miss being able to shrug off any random symptom rather than wondering if I'm getting worse or have another health problem.
Spontaneity.....Oh those were the days. I have diabetes too and was chatting with my sis just today about how we can't just go for a walk without taking `stuff` with us. Life was simple then :(.
I miss not belching or breaking wind whenever I eat. (Even though, sometimes it can be fun to clear out aisles or parts of a store.)

There are a lot of other things that I miss too though...
I miss being able to eat what ever I want with no worries.

I miss being able to never worry about sudden BM's


Most importantly,

I miss my old self.
I miss everything the way it was before my CD life started...this disease takes everything away from us...even the littlest and simplest things, very depressing how it pretty much dictates every aspect of our lives....from the way we dress (I miss wearing high heels but running in public to the toilet just doesn't go over very well) to what we can or can't eat/drink to how it makes us feel about ourselves (lack of confidence, anxiety and depression issues, low self-esteem and so on).
Everything just living life!!!!!! I also have a gluten allegic too so all pastas and breads also popcorn just enjoying time out with friends wondering how many times I will have to use the bathroom!!!This weekend we were out of town and all day Sunday I was stuck in the hotel room by myself because I was having a flare up it started sat night and finally end Sunday night but it was a bummer!!!!!!!! This is really a life change!!!!!
I miss just being calm and relaxed. Even though I'm reasonably well at the moment, I miss just going out and not worrying! It's the worry that gets me the most.
Pooping once a day, not having insane gas 24/7, being able to eat a meal without it triggering a BM...

Just the usual stuff :)
I miss
* my confidence
* drinking a glass of milk everyday
* being able to travel longer than two weeks (Humira limits how far and long I can go away)
* adventure travel
I miss being athletic as hell. If I work out too hard I'm exhausted for days. I'm the 35 year old at work that tells the college kids how badass I used to be lol.
I have an ileostomy and I actually miss breaking wind and going to the toilet like a usual person.
I miss NOT thinking about the disease in relationship to every decision and everything I do.

Want to go on a trip, go. Want some popcorn, have it. Want to go on a boat fishing for the day, no problem. Want to eat at a potluck, go ahead. That's what I miss!
Wow, I was just thinking about this the other day. Went away for a few days to Blackpool (seaside town) and was thinking about the last time I went. I saw a girl eating a hot dog and I actually wanted to freak out at her about how lucky she was, as pathetic as that sounds. I was standing outside every ride at the theme park waiting on my other half as I couldnt go on any because I was scared I'd hurt my tummy.

In general, I miss:

Sleeping a full night
Running early in the mornings
Going out without bags of medication
Staying out overnight
Nights out! Drinking, dancing, high heels, getting dressed up :(
Life the way it used to be
I miss going out with friends and enjoy the outdoors, walking, wandering around and exploring places without worrying about my health.
I miss salads,raw veggies,cold beer and the security that meant I could out and not stress about being near a toilet
I miss chili cheese fries
my energy
going out on a moments notice with my friends~
I miss the innocence I had before I was diagnosed~ but....mostly the fries:-(
I miss not being bloated
I miss being able to be intimate (my stomach hurts so bad most of the time i can't enjoy it)
I miss eating with my family. My husband is an excellent chef and makes breakfast on the weekends that I can't eat. He also makes dinner most nights and I can't eat that either. I watch my children and husband enjoy all the delicious food on the table and wish my bland food was better. I can't eat dairy, grains, nor citrus so I tend to eat boring food. I have the constipation side of Crohn's so I get a lot of abdominal pain and bloating. I have to take a stool softener every day or I don't go for several. I just want to be normal. I miss being problem free.
I miss being active and busy all the time. I miss volunteering, hiking and backpacking, and going somewhere without worrying about where the bathroom is located. I miss feeling good.
I miss not having to worry about where a bathroom is all the time.
I miss working out and feeling fit.
I miss having energy left after 3pm.
I miss being able to run around all day with my DH, even if it was just running errands or whatever.
I miss being able to eat out or even eat decent meals at home.
I miss my sex life (so much less frequent when you feel horrid all the time).