I am new to Crohn's and had my first major flare up this week and am searching for answers to my questions and to just know I am on a "correct" track for living with it, based on a holistic approach. I don't have a lot of faith in my GI Doc, he told me about the Crohn's by leaving me a message "you have Crohn's, I called in your Rx, see you in a month and call office if you have any questions." My Naturopath is awesome, but I am fearful, because when it comes to specific issues I feel like I should be talking to a Medical Doctor; such as, when I am having a flare up why does my hip hurt so much??? There seems to be a gap in my medical team, and I am fearful of getting a new GI Doc in case that's the way they all are, maybe I am just a skeptic and need to stay put. Any suggestions? And if you live in Des Moines, any recommendations for GI Docs???