What foods really bother you?

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Aug 17, 2009
Just wondering what foods really gives you tons of pain. My big one is beef. I'll hurt for days after I eat anything with hamburger meat in it. Along with lettuce, I cant eat salads anymore :( What bothers you the most?
sweetcorn, bread seems to make me bloat as well but not too much of a problem.

Biggest worry is beer, drank lager last week (no bitter where i went) and gave me stomach pains, bitter seems to make me pretty bloated tho ... definately not good as I love bitter / ale :(
Lettuce corn red meat brocolli
tomato nuts alcohol bread crumbs

jus too name a few
Hamburger is killing me for sure but even moreso is steak or roast beef. It feels like a softball trying to squeeze through the resection site and makes me bleed a bit every time for a couple of days afterward.

havent tried lettuce or hole nuts or anything like that since my diagnosis.
Havnt had Chinese food for ages - too many vegis not good for me ATM
i miss my vegis :(
I make my own Chinkys, much cheaper and tastier. Have got recipe book with egg fried rice (very easy to make), beef chow mein (basically sugar and soy sauce), sweet and sour pork (absolutely amazing and again very simple to make)

That way I feel like ive acomplished something, know whats in it and can keep out anything that will make me ill.
i get alot of pain with milk and cheese. im slowly adding new foods. havent had resturtant food since coming out of hospital (end of jan. 2010) scared of pain from grease food.
RogerDoger said:
You have to look carefully. Usually on a moist morning near the cow dung.
Little stringy things with small caps.

I was just looking for an excuse to go early morning cow dung hunting too! Thanks!

It is easier to turn the question around and ask what foods can be tolerated... with me I exist on eggs, coffee, eggs, clear chicken soup, eggs, vanilla cookies, eggs, apple juice.... some boiled chicken is allowed...thank god for chickens!!!!!

What is prohibited? everything green, nothing that grew on trees or on the ground, no red meat, no pink meat, no dairy, only minimal white bread, no rice, NO FIBER, no liquor, no soda, no acidic juice, no spices, no Chinese, no Italian, no Indian, no any restaurant food, what's left?

Still trying to figure out what bothers me and what doesn't. I think raw veggies are a big culprit though... weak moment a couple weeks ago and I downed about 25 sugar snaps. Could barely move for hours!!!
... they sure were tasty though ;)
I am still able to eat everything even though my bowel is currently a mess, very inflamed and constricted in places. Just started Imuran 2 weeks ago so hoping that will help. Dont really have any symptoms of crohn's since the initial stomach pain and emergency surgery. Specialist said there was no need to stick to a restrictive diet and that I would know myself if there was anything I couldnt tolorate. Hoping it stays that way as I dont want to give up anything yummy!
I can eat almost anything when I am not flaring, but I try to stay as low residue as I can for most meals.
I still stay away from raw onions, apples, pears, beans, garlic, and apple cider.
I'm still learning a lot about my body and what upsets it, so its hard for me to say everything that bothers me because I haven't quite fiured it out yet, but I do know that frito's absolutely KILL my stomach! And I do love frito's :( Its quite sad...
I can have pop in very small quantities i may have one every other week or so, I can't eat any hamburger, Alfredo sauce makes me hurt so bad, no more corn, nor more popcorn, no more seeds, or nuts, bread to a minimum no more cereal, I pretty much live on coffee, and red bull just so I can make it through the day without sleeping. And food lets just say I eat a ton of bland chicken and noodles, and that still hurts
Salad.. hit or miss, so I miss it cause I never know when the pain is gonna strike. I miss having Caesar salads! :(
Onions and Malt will swell my guts shut. Hopefully they will open up again before I puke. I knew about the Onions, a while ago. I found out about Malt later. Guess what I used to order at a restaurant, that would make me ill? A Cheeseburger with Onions and a Malt. I felt like a moron when I finally put it all together.

There is also something on certain fish breading that gives me a similar reaction. Not sure what that is.

Milk products do not digest well, lactose intolerance, and I would avoid them anyway. For some reason Cheese does not bother me. I don't really understand that either.

Other than those items, I can eat anything without repercussions. I think they are more food allergies, than directly related to Crohn's. But on the other hand, I think allergies in general are part of a dysfunctional immune system.
