During that time, I have had 3 small bowel resections, 2 c-sections, and various other surgeries symptomatically related to my disease. It has been a rough road, but there were some smooth patches along the way. I was on Remicade for about 5 yrs. It was my miracle drug. Although it is no longer effective for me, Remicade gave me 4 years of QUALITY living with my family! Unfortunately, that was back in 2005 and I have not yet found anything to help me maintain any steady remission since then. I have BAD flare-ups at least 3 out of 4 weeks EVERY MONTH for the past 5 years. Nothing is helping. I have even tried alternative therapies with no luck. I have also tried Humira and Cimzia. The Cimzia gave me a horrible scare last spring when I was hospitalized and the CT found a huge mass of enlarged lymphnodes in my abdomen. I ended up having 2 separate biopsies (the 1st abnormal and the 2nd benign). I am now afraid of all this "poison" I am putting in my body, but what are the alternatives, right?
I am back in the hospital again right now. This is the latest kicker...who knew that lacking in protein can just shut down your body? I am in here for being malnourished. For one, my protein count is less than 1. This has caused my legs to swell UNBELIEVABLY, I can barely walk with zero energy level and my doctors are physically showing their fear, which is something I never see. FREAKY stuff. I do not have much bowel left, so absorbtion is limited and it doesn't help that I have been going to the bathroom 30+ times a day. It has been 1 week now in the hospital and nothing has really changed other than reducing my inflammation with steroids and calming my belly with pain meds (which I loathe)! Contemplating a visit to Cleveland Clinic to see if they have any thoughts. There is another med that is out called Tysabri that I may consider. But, I am really afraid of this one. The "rare" side effect is untreatable brain damage that ultimately results in death. Sounds lovely, right? Ugh.
I miss my life, my kids, my husband, my work, and especially my body. I am not this person that physically has become of me. Trying to remain hopeful and optimistic! That is my story.