What, if any, symptoms are considered acceptable?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 22, 2012
I was diagnosed in 2008 and recently underwent a flare up. Now everything is ALMOST "normal." Poops are hard. Regularity is very predictable (once a day, always in the morning). But the blood is still there.

I keep wanting to see complete normality, but do I just have to accept that I'm not going to achieve complete normality? What type of poops should I realistically expect, and what's considered good enough?
I have had Crohn's for almost 13 years and I've always had some type of stomach issue. I've not been in remission ever, so that might be why, but I do have times where I only go to the bathroom a couple of times a day or only have one stomach ache a day or what not. That is what I have excepted to be normal.
If the blood is still there, can you say what colour, because that can tell us alot. Bloods being normal isnt always a clue. But the fact that you are having 'normal' bowel movements is fab!

But I'm not sure what you mean by the 'considered acceptable?' You mean, in remission?
For me, having diarrhea is acceptable. I've been in remission for awhile now, but have had diarrhea my whole life and knowing my situation, I'm more than happy having runny poops when I go to the bathroom if that's the only problem I have.

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