What is constipation?

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Jul 11, 2015
I've had water movements since my dx. I was on 40mg preds for majority of a year but left them and went on remicade. That's failed now and I'm going back on Stelera but my gi put me back in preds in the interim.

It's been a week and since I'm still peeing blood out my butt, she suggested I go up to 60mg. I've never been there and am wondering what would happen if this made me constipated?

Part of my wants to be constipated mainly for something different. That being said, I wouldn't want it to be a case of "be careful what you wish for cause you may just get it".

How painful is constipation?

Do you ever have to go to the er cause of it?

How do you deal with it?

Do you just take laxatives? Use a coat hanger? Vacuum?

Is there a sense of urgency? Does it disrupt your work day?

How long are you in the toilet for?

Etc etc?
When im constipated i either dont go at all and by the end of the first day i end up really bloated, uncomfortable and pain starts. Then normally the second day and beyond i either sit there on/off straining for about 45mins with little to nothing to show for it. That leaves a really strained ache in my stomach for the day. And if i do have something, it normally is a rabbit dropping with a decent amount of syruppy mucus (i have mucus most days anyway). Honestly i had constipation for a year on cocodamol which showed up on xray. I was going, but it wasnt solid often. And after going to tramadol i found my stomach felt alot clearer. I wouldnt wish it.. id rather poop allday than be constipated. I do worry when i dont go and normally get some hot wings to get it moving!
Me too.I hate constipation and after a really bad day a few months ago,I never let it go into the next day.I take laxatives,stool softeners ,drink lots of water and eat 4 or 5 prunes.It does the job of clearing me out, but makes me ill the next day.But I'm always glad it's over.
During my two hospitalizations for flares, I was started on 60mg Solumedrol (IV steroids) which I was given for the 5-6 days I was in the hospital. On discharge I took 50mg, and tapered slowly off. I suffer from chronic constipation (crohn's is in my small bowel) but prednisone has never affected me in that way.
I start freaking out if I can't go at least once every 2 days but my gastro deals with people who go once a month.seriously
That's true.Apparently it's normal for some to go just once a week.I have a fear of a blockage and I'd much rather "go" half a dozen times a day.I also get worried if I miss a day.

I used to be one of those "once or twice a weekers" but after my first hospitalization for a partial obstruction I get really apprehensive if I skip a day. I know it's foolish but I just can't help it.
Then we're both foolish. hahaha. but it's better than being constipated.I think most people would agree,but I can see their reasoning for having a rest from perpetual bathroom trips.Especially when doing the weekly shop.

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