I've lurked on this forum for awhile. I know you guys have alot of experience with all of this. Long story, short. 53 female, not diagnosed with CD. Had colonscopy
in 2004, because weight loss, diarrhea told IBS, eat lots of fiber. Still have diarrhea,couple years ago started having off and on abdominal pain. Always felt this was sibo, because if I can talk a doctor into giving me antibiotic rifaxamin, all symptons go but always return in 3 to 4 wks. Last fall had all signs of recto-vaginal fistula . Had blue dye test ,barium enama but no contrast was done, all showed nothing. Now I have this place in perianal area that looks like someone came along with pinchers and took a chunk out of me, weird. One doc says it's a fistula one says it's the floor of my colon. The recto-vaginal fistula I know I have, women know. The pain in abdomen and peri area is getting worse. Colonoscopy scheluded for July 20. Doctor says won't find vaginal fistula by colonoscopy. What is the best test to find a vaginal fistula?
I've lurked on this forum for awhile. I know you guys have alot of experience with all of this. Long story, short. 53 female, not diagnosed with CD. Had colonscopy
in 2004, because weight loss, diarrhea told IBS, eat lots of fiber. Still have diarrhea,couple years ago started having off and on abdominal pain. Always felt this was sibo, because if I can talk a doctor into giving me antibiotic rifaxamin, all symptons go but always return in 3 to 4 wks. Last fall had all signs of recto-vaginal fistula . Had blue dye test ,barium enama but no contrast was done, all showed nothing. Now I have this place in perianal area that looks like someone came along with pinchers and took a chunk out of me, weird. One doc says it's a fistula one says it's the floor of my colon. The recto-vaginal fistula I know I have, women know. The pain in abdomen and peri area is getting worse. Colonoscopy scheluded for July 20. Doctor says won't find vaginal fistula by colonoscopy. What is the best test to find a vaginal fistula?