When your child is not feeling well, what is their favorite comfort food? DS tends to request (gluten free) white pastas and scrambled eggs. Just curious what other kids ask for to see if DS has any interest.
Peanut butter sandwich, bagels with cream cheese and strawberry yogurt. My favorite easy on the gut dinner for him is grilled salmon with rice and well steamed carrots.
Grace use to love her Dad's corn chip. Even when sick she would eat the bag if she could. Of course at the time we never dreamed she would be allergic to corn.:yfaint:
When Liam's really miserable and stomach hurts too much to eat. My oldest will always approach me and tell me it's time for a trip to their favorite Japanese restaurant. Liam also has a good friend at school who is Japanese, and his mum is also a regular gyoza supplier.
I don't know if it's the best idea but EJ loves a particular sushi roll at one of our local Japanese restaurants. He also loves scrambled eggs and PBandJ's on his gluten free bread.
Mashed potatoes with brown gravy and corn bread - he lived on it for what seemed like forever when first diagnosed and is his go to food when he doesn't feel well...