What kind of treatment would you reccomend my fiance?

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Aug 5, 2013
He just had a small bowel resection in june and is still in much more pain than he should be at this point. We're looking at mostly Humira or remacade to treat his crohns aggressively ASAP. We're concerned about the risk of each.
We also don't know what he should do about the pain. For break through pain Dialaudid works best for him, oxycodone aswell (the tylenol in other pain meds makes him sicky). He can't take NSAID's because it causes flares. We appreciate any and all advice at this point. :)
Hi Kittenz
I'm sorry to hear that your fiancée is still having pain post op. Has he had a follow up appointment since the surgery? I think it would be best to consult his GI to determine why he's still and pain and request tests to see if his Crohn's is still active.
He has been going to follow ups every week since his sirgery. They keep telling him give it more time and they have no idea why he's hurting so much this long after surgery and his surgeon just blames dependency on the pain meds and stopped giving them to him after last week. He had a small bowel follow through to see if there are any other issues. We're worried he may have went through the surgery for nothing.
Have you had any results from the SBFT? I'm not sure what you can do about the pain. Perhaps talk to his GI rather than the surgeon?
Sounds like the Crohn's is still active. Surgery probably removed a problem area, but if the disease is active, surgery won't stop it. Hopefully the Remicade or Humira will helpful to get it under control. He should talk to his GI about the pain. Maybe he needs to be on a pain med until things settle down. Communication with the doctors is key.

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