thanks dusty and tots! (she lost the thread and messaged me :-D)
makes sense.. that's where they see inflammation in me. from what I have read though the food doesn't even leave the stomach in that amount of time let alone reach the ileum.. is it the peristalsis that is the cause of the pain?
I get that quite often and can depend on what I've eaten usually worse with steak. It's like spasms and can get very sharp momentarily wit lots of gurgling and relieved by going to the loo. I thought it might be due to a slight stricture causing a difference in pressure but not sure. Recently I've had a more constant ache in RLQ but I do have a few ulcers at surgery site so it could be that. Has your pain just started or have you had it a while? Have u had any scopes done? Tbh I think I've just got used to tummy pain and think it's normal.
have had the pain on and off for about 20 years.. was quite mild for a lonnngggg time. . the times it hurt always resolved after a few to 6 months and was only about once every few years.. it started getting worse around 2006 so they did a colonoscopy which was a definite for IBS (significant pain despite maximum sedation upon insufflation of bowel) predominantly constipation but has become it's very worst lately with changes including D and blood and much worse pain and the frequency od episodes of pain are closer.. am booked for an urgent colonoscopy this week as CTE showed inflammation in the bowel in the pelvis area previous to and including the TI with no wall thickening but prominent enhancement and reactive enlarged lymph nodes. Are there other causes of inflammation of the bowel?
I'm sure there are as a bug can cause inflammation etc but the fact you've had symptoms for so long would maybe suggest something more chronic in nature like IBD. Have you got a diagnosis? I'm glad your having a colonoscopy so soon as blood and mucus always need further investigation neither of which I have but I do have constipation regularly with occasional urgency ( oh the joys) sometimes it's even normal lol. I hope you get the results soon and some form of treatment. Do you feel well?
Have u had your b12 checked and iron levels? Especially if your passing blood you shouldn't feel that bad but I know where your coming from when I had a severe flare 2 yrs ago I felt like crap but not warmed up though lol I was freezing all the time. Yes c diff or I'm sure there are lots more I'm not overly sure about infectious diseases though but I imagine you would maybe be sick with a temp also if that were the case.
That would examine the fatigue ru on any meds for the inflammation? My first CT showed inflammation at TI and duodenum with enlarged lymph but both had bowel wall thickening the TI was positive for crohns but the duodenum wasn't I was put on pentasa and Nexium. The duodenitis cleared up the TI didn't they tried steroids but I eventually had to get it removed due to abscess. I now have the duodenitis back with avengence followed by RLQ pain but still feel well. I'll go in the next couple of weeks and get it checked though as I don't want it to escalate like last time. It's tender to touch I can feel a deep pain what about you?